playingalong 8 days ago

The readme hardly explains what it does.

Is it a keyboard macro service? E.g. for a given keyboard shortcut I get a predefined sequence of keys pressed?

  • diggan 8 days ago

    I think the GIF is supposed to give the breakdown. As I understand, type "@mymacro" and it can expand it to whatever you define.

    Wouldn't hurt to have a description in text though...

    • jarusll 8 days ago

      I do realise it now that it's missing it's usage. It's a simple keyboard macro which supports all printable characters for triggers and everything for expansions. It sends native key presses if all the expansion are printable characters. If not, it uses clipboard and sends `Ctrl+V`

      • lukasb 8 days ago

        I'm used to user-facing macros (as opposed to say a Lisp macro) being scripts triggered by a keyboard shortcut, so the terminology was confusing to me. Calling this "text expansion" or "text substitution" would have made immediate sense.

      • diggan 8 days ago

        Thanks! I think maybe not everyone understands exactly what a "keyboard macro" is, that you type something and it fills out predefined text. At least judging by some comments here :)

        • weinzierl 8 days ago

          I think more people know what a keylogger is and are confused by that.

    • freedomben 8 days ago

      It's mysterious to me as well, but yeah after looking through the code briefly I think you define macros in the keydoggerrc file, and then keydogger watches the clipboard for triggers and responds accordingly. I love the idea, still a bit too much in the dark on the implementation to have an opinion though. Given the highly sensitive nature of the clipboard, I appreciate how small the app is because it's auditable.

      OP: Cool project, thanks for sharing!

      • jarusll 8 days ago

        You get it perfectly. Being auditable was one of the priority which is exactly why it's small.

        Regarding the clipboard, it's a third party dependency. I looked into implementing Wayland clipboard myself but it is too deep Wayland. The only reason clipboard exists is because I cannot send non-printable characters using uinput.

  • jarusll 7 days ago

    I do agree the README was terrible. I've fixed it.

  • weinzierl 8 days ago

    I hate to be that guy, but the name is neither helpful to explain what it does nor will it facilitate adoption. Show me the IT department that won't freak out when it sees a process called "keylogger".

    Apart from that I will certainly try it because I have a use for a lightweight one job - one tool kind of typing helper. I guess others will too.

    • zamadatix 8 days ago

      I have a feeling any IT place that's fuzzy matching process names to raise alarms on "keydogger" is not the kind of place that's going to let users install 3rd party programs with access to /dev/uinput to customize their Wayland on Linux install in the first place. Nor should every open source app be worried about businesses or user growth rate.

      I'm not sure what the origin of "keydogger" is but at least there aren't 10 apps with the name and it's pronounceable.

    • guilhas 8 days ago

      My workstation was lockdown for downloading ProcessHacker

  • kleiba 8 days ago

    It looks like dabbrev in Emacs maybe?!

    • jarusll 8 days ago

      Looked up `abbrev-mode` and that is a correct analogy. Abbrev mode also handles emojis, pretty cool. But then it's Emacs so I shouldn't be surprised.

      Offtopic, I wish my younger self followed RTFM when I used to use Emacs.

RadiozRadioz 8 days ago

The name is teetering on the edge of hilarity for British users.

  • abraae 8 days ago

    Triggering at both a security and a sexual deviancy level.

bananamerica 8 days ago

So it's text expansion. Maybe you should just call it that? Also I 100% thought it was a keylogger with some relation to a sex act in the UK, which is why I clicked in the first place. Maybe not a great name for something as innocuous and not entirely erotic like text expansion.

guilhas 8 days ago

There is Expanso for xorg

  • jarusll 8 days ago

    It works on Wayland as well AFAIK. I looked up espanso for expanding emojis and it seems they too use `wl-clipboard`

    • guilhas 8 days ago

      It does, but it has some annoying issues open, depending on environment, as Wayland support was added later

      But someone using Wayland and Expanso can probably comment their experience

      I would use them conditionally

  • rabbitofdeath 8 days ago

    This is one of the first things I install on new linux machines - such a great tool.

  • n8henrie 8 days ago

    And for Wayland, and macOS, and windows!

    Edit: also, "Espanso"

knighthack 8 days ago

Look into Espanso as well. Works great, and is cross-platform.

lompad 8 days ago

How does it compare to kanata and kmonad?

Found especially kanata a delight to use, while being both minimal, if needed, and maximally feature-filled if desired.

  • jarusll 8 days ago

    It is not meant to compete with feature rich programs.

    Keydogger does one thing and it does it well. If you think it's misbehaving in any way, it's so small you can read and confirm that behaviour.

    • lompad 8 days ago

      I see. Thanks for the clear explanation, it looks quite interesting for super quick setups.


mmphosis 8 days ago

There is AutoKey for Linux and X11.

  • BiteCode_dev 8 days ago

    And it can wonderfully be programmed in Python. I miss it in wayland. It works sometimes, and sometimes not, which kinda defeat the purpose.

  • tmtvl 7 days ago

    That's one tradeoff in Wayland versus the X Windowing System: if you want a process with the ability to send keystrokes X supports it while under Wayland you'll have to use compositor-specific facilities for every compositor you're willing to support (GNOME, KDE, wlroots, Weston,...).

  • bottom999mottob 8 days ago

    AutoKey definitely has more features than this, but I think this looks easier to automate with pipes after a cursory look at the repo.

  • blahgeek 7 days ago

    Yeah. Although X11 is stable and mature and already have every tools we need, apparently Wayland is the new cool thing and we now need to reinvent every wheels (and sometimes for each WMs separately).

gradientsrneat 8 days ago

Looks like a cross between an IME and autocomplete. Although in my case, I think I would prefer a proper IME, or maybe something like dmenu with fuzzy search, to invoke on an "as needed" basis.

  • jarusll 8 days ago

    Dmenu like fuzzy search does make sense when you have alot of expansions. I'll add it as I find the need for it myself.

atsaloli 8 days ago

This is exactly what I wanted (a macro for my email address). Thanks!

jmole 7 days ago

you know what I really want?

A macro for copy and paste, so I can re-map it to whatever key combination I want across all apps in linux.

k33st 8 days ago


  • tapoxi 8 days ago

    Not only off topic, but some things are completely wrong. "Wayland breaks games" being a prime example despite the most popular Linux gaming platform, Steam Deck, being Wayland based (gamescope)

    • Zambyte 8 days ago

      Most of the things that aren't wrong boil down to "X program thing doesn't work on Wayland, is there a Wayland equivalent?" to which the answer is "yes".

  • lompad 8 days ago

    That ship has already sailed I'm afraid.

    Instead of running against windmills, try submitting patches and constructively improving the thing - it isn't going to go away, that much is safe to say. Every day yet another distro adopts it, at a steadily increasing pace.

    Build extension packs, workarounds, etc. - similar to all the tools unfucking gnome 3 did, instead of fighting a hopeless battle.

    • nsajko 8 days ago

      Please don't FUD.

      • lompad 7 days ago

        I don't see FUD anywhere in my post. Did you accidentally reply to the wrong person?

        My point was essentially, that if he thinks wayland is this bad, the poster should help improve it to their liking, instead of ranting - it's pretty widely adopted now, and just like systemd, little more than a few minor holdouts are going to be left a few years down the line.

        Now, keep in mind, I'm not claiming that wayland is good or bad - just, that complaining is unproductive and improving helps much more.

  • cl3misch 8 days ago

    You are free to stay on X11?

  • guilhas 8 days ago

    Not abandon, but think carefully before changing. Wayland will probably give more headachs than Xorg