cj 7 days ago

Small secret:

The best tech stack when starting a startup is one you don't have to learn.

There's a million things you learn when starting a company. Don't make yourself learn an entirely new tech stack on top of everything else. This advice means you'll be using whatever you've used in the past which might not be the sexiest or newest technology, but your users won't care. Your users want a working product. Choose the stack that will result in a working product the quickest.

Refactor and migrate to a better stack later, if necessary. (It rarely is)

For me, that meant deploying to Elastic Beanstalk (I know, boring, no one talks about it, but it works!) and using Mongo because I was already comfortable with it. It also meant not using React, at first. This was the right answer for me, but might be the wrong answer for you! Build your app on the technology you know.

  • CuriouslyC 7 days ago

    That's true if you're optimizing for start-up success. The odds of a startup succeeding are pretty low and mostly tech is not the cause of failures though. When people learn a new stack for a startup they're optimizing for the startup failing, so they can still derive some value out of the failure.

    This just comes down to a napkin calculation of expected value of building a startup given P(success). If your startup is looking like a real business out of the gate, using the simple stack you know is the way to go, and if it's more of a hobby project that you'd like to monetize eventually, learn something new.

    • NameError 7 days ago

      This lines up with how I make tech stack decisions for my own projects. But I think it's not always obvious going into something if it's going to end up being a money-making endeavor or just an educational project in the end, so I'll fall somewhere in between.

      What makes the most sense to be is to be really selective about what new technologies to use, and try to really learn ~one thing per project. E.g. my current project is a small search engine, and I've spent a lot of time exploring / figuring out how to use LLM Embedding models and vector indices for search relevance (vs. falling back on using ElasticSearch the same way we use it at work), but I'm using tools that are familiar to me for the UI/db/infrastructure.

  • grogenaut 7 days ago

    If anyone tells you different you can take stacks like Beanstalk VERY FAR. Probbably way further than you want to. We just moved our highest TPS (Transactions per second) and OPS (Objects Per Second) service off of beanstalk after 7 years. At peak this service was serving around 1.1M TPS and around 8M OPS with peaks up to 3M TPS and 14M OPS. It was horizontally scaled and run by about .25 engineers. That was actually the main problem. That and the company got real good at running ECS. Our services are all golang so beanstalk eventually was getting in the way, and one of our last major issues had to do with nginx proxy on bean stalk not keeping up with our go service. There's several other edge cases with Beanstalk like how to do health checks right, and speed of deploys esp when they get wedged. But if you know it you can, as we found, go very far with it, powering a core feature of a very large web property (check my bio).

    Am I happy we moved off, yes. Was I impressed how big we took a very simple "starter" setup, also yes. Again one of the biggest reasons was that all of our competence in the company was no longer on beanstalk but on ECS where we had solved the issues we had with it with more complex setups more in our control. If I were starting again would I use Beanstalk? no not me personally but when we started ecs didn't exist and beanstalk was better than bare EC2. now I know and am comfortable with ECS. Did it help the company? very much so, we leveraged the heck out of Beanstalk to scale the company horizontally and vertically.

  • kugelblitz 7 days ago

    For my 12 year side project, I recently moved from Elastic Beanstalk after 6-7 years to Platform.sh, because "it just works" even more so and it was way easier to debug (EB just says "error in step 18_install_yarn" or something).

    I use Symfony (Php) and have not used a full SPA after I retired AngularJS (v1) like 10 years ago. What people now call server side rendering (SSR) is just how Symfony works with its regular Twig templating language (heavily inspired by Django's templating language).

    As I gained more experience, I rewrote it. Once from vanilla PHP to Laravel, then later to Symfony.

    • Bilal_io 7 days ago

      Hey, I'd be curious to know what made you move from Laravel to Symphony.

      I've not been exposed to any of the two and only dealt with PHP as part of messing with WordPress in the past.

      • kugelblitz 3 days ago

        It's a different ecosystem than Wordpress.

        I'm having some trouble finding analogies.

        But maybe Symfony would be something like Linux Debian, has all the building blocks, it's modern but stable and well documented. Laravel is like Linux Ubuntu, it bases many things on Debian, but adds many things to make stuff a bit easier for the user. It's "shinier" and it has better marketing. You can add Debian stuff to Ubuntu, but you can't necessarily add Ubuntu stuff to Debian.

        Symfony is more modular, you can add the components to any PHP project. Whereas Laravel uses many Symfony components and adds some syntactic sugar, but once you go into Laravel, it's difficult to stray away too far from the "Laravel way". Laravel uses many Symfony components, but Symfony can't easily use Laravel components.

        Self-hosted Wordpress would maybe be comparable to a rooted Android phone. It has a very specific use case (for Wordpress it's fundamentally a Content Management System). You can add all sorts of plugins and additions. But it's also easy to accidentally break something. And once you added too many things, it might be difficult to update without breaking many things.

        In the end, they're all Linux based, but living in very different ecosystems (just as Symfony, Laravel and Wordpress are PHP-based).

        In programming terms, Symfony might be similar to Django (Python) or Spring Boot (Java), whereas Laravel is "cousins" with Ruby on Rails.

    • throwAGIway 7 days ago

      Server side rendering of React applications doesn't just refer to the fact that it's generated on the server like you do with PHP.

      The main difference is that there are IDs that allow the client side code to seamlessly attach event handlers (this is called hydration) to the DOM - and that there is no difference between server and client side code.

      In your case, you'd have to do that manually - a huge difference (speaking as someone who used to do that with jQuery).

  • lopatin 7 days ago

    ElasticBeanstalk is wonderful. Each to his own but for me it was the answer to the question "I agree Kubernetes is overkill for me .. but then what should I use?".

    I certainly didn't want to be manually creating instances, installing Java / Node / Docker, starting / stopping services and doing deploys manually because that's also annoying work :) Elastic Beanstalk + the Github actions deploy plugin is dead simple and just works.

  • eyphka 7 days ago

    Seconded, (and also started on elastic beanstalk!)

    Has kept surprisingly well over time, with some hiccups around platforn version changes.

  • dkekenflxlf 6 days ago


    cant remember the chapter in "Getting Real" - but this was one explicitly mentioned in their famous book!!

dmwilcox 7 days ago

Context: I write mostly write Python for a living and run a Django app as a major responsibility

I always wonder if python, auto scaling, and cloud change the kinds of businesses (and margins) required. Running 60+ pods of gunicorn for an app incurs lots of overhead, especially if one is using small VMs.

I can't count the number of war stories I've heard from SRE friends who joined some company and realized they were taking over a Django stack for the core of a business that was blowing gaskets left and right.

This sort of thing just leaves me wondering if margins have to be high to support a slower language, slower framework, and complicated deployment model to work around the Python GIL.

Call me jaded but I just wonder if it's worth the time to market to do Python these days versus say Go and be able to deploy a static binary and use all your CPU cores simply. K8s is way less tempting for a "one-process-architecture " (minus database and maybe nginx) until the system is much larger (instead a couple of systemd units would sort you)

  • nostrademons 7 days ago

    This is sort of like why plumbers hate chemical drain cleaners: you call the plumber only on the times that it doesn't work, and then pay them handsomely to clean up your mess. For all the times that Drano works, you never call the plumber in the first place, and so they never see it.

    Likewise, you only hire a SRE if a.) you have the budget to hire at all, which the vast majority of startups do not and b.) reliability is shitty enough that you need to hire someone to fix it. All the Django setups that hum along fine do not need SREs; the founders continue to rake in the money and don't need to hire anyone.

  • redman25 7 days ago

    Web apps are generally IO bound by the database. Hardly any time gets spent in cpu even in python. There could be a number of things contributing to having to horizontally scale python more than compiled frameworks. Many apps are still stuck on non-async frameworks. Many devs are also bad at knowing how not to block server processes.

  • p_l 7 days ago

    Stack Overflow used to claim that the money they spent on licensing etc. to run their stack on .NET was well recouped in reduced hardware and energy spend, because .NET AOT compilation meant they got way more performance per buck.

  • schrodinger 7 days ago

    Totally agreed. Such a fan of Go for this. It obviates just about any reason to use docker. You compile a single binary, for any platform from any platform, and just… copy it onto a server.

    Hell there’s even first class support to compile assets into it if you wanna throw your whole site into the binary, or many other use cases that would otherwise make docker nice.

    Damn I miss the startup that was a Go build and deploy to 3 static VMs over my current company’s dozens of microservices + ecs + kafka + aurora postgres.

    Startup A had the servers all sitting around at 2% cpu all day, trivially scalable by adding more vms. No downtime over 3 years.

    Startup B had 10x the users, but an elaborate docker + ecs + dozens of microservices (that could have just been libraries, avoiding all that complexity) + aurora postgres. Downtime all the time. Most recent was so hard to detect: a db server running fine at 40% load and our application around the same, yet db timeouts left and right so considered an official outage. Aws had throttled the network throughout between the DB and App with no warning! We even had an AWS support person on the call and took them 2 hours to figure it out.

    • williamdclt 7 days ago

      I don’t see how using a go binary vs dockerized microservices is related to database concerns? You need a database either way, and this problem you describe doesn’t seem related to the application level

  • lifeisstillgood 7 days ago

    I’m not sure I understand - pythonnis “just” a process once you kick it off, want to run 8 processes on 8 CPUs, kick off 8 processes.

    Are you saying that to run this 8 processes you suddenly need 8 VMs running in the cloud - yeah. That does seem expensive. It’s very tempting to say one should not start in the cloud but host locally, but that seems an unpopular view.

    But maybe as we start to see more and more local workspaces catering to people working from home, we will see more and more “mini data centres” - it might even by Oxides sweet spot.

    Edit: “””

    because it actually winds up being less DevOps work, on average, to support open-source systems running on bare VMs, than to try to keep up with Google’s deprecation treadmill

    “”” https://steve-yegge.medium.com/dear-google-cloud-your-deprec...

    Mr Yegge makes my point much better ofc

    • schrodinger 7 days ago

      We went through a migration from Ruby on Rails (as a json api) to Go and it just really does make a difference when you need 1/50th the servers to run (don’t remember exact multiple, but it really was that dramatic—the concurrency model enabled so many parallel requests per instance compared to Ruby).

      It’s kinda like using a map reduce cluster when a beefy server with a few Linus commands piped could have handled the “big data” needs. Both have their time and place, but it’s amazing how far a simple setup can go, so don’t overengineer prematurely.

  • marcosdumay 7 days ago

    Python can waste 90% or 99% of your ops budget. But auto-scaling starts from 99%, and can go all the way to 4 or 5 9s of wastage. Of course, if you combine them, you add up the 9s.

    Anyway, it's patently obvious that increasing your unit costs by 7 orders of magnitude will constrain the kinds of business you can run. A few people will deny that, but the cloud is so impactful that those are very few nowadays.

    What a lot of people will deny is the relative importance of those two. If you take your C code from an auto-scaling environment and replace it with bare metal Python, you often get a few orders of magnitude gain.

  • CuriouslyC 7 days ago

    Pro tip, the strangler fig pattern is great for taming those oversized Django monoliths. FastAPI is a good replacement if you want to stay python, it's much faster.

    • knowsuchagency 6 days ago

      Django can be run on ASGI. It works especially well with Granian. Django-Ninja if you want REST API's. I like it better than FastAPI, personally, and I think it's more appropriate if you're already on Django

qeternity 7 days ago

I see a lot of comments to the effect that this is a complicated setup, especially for one person. I really think most people need to re-evaluate their stacks without all of the marketing of cloud providers and gigascalers.

This setup is very similar to the startup that I run. We have used k8s from day one, despite plenty of warnings when we did, but it has been rock solid for 3 years. We also decided to run Postgres and Redis on k8s using Patroni + Sentinel and the LVM storage class. This means we get highly performant local storage on each node and we push HA down to the application.

Was there a learning curve? Yes, it took a solid week to figure out what we were doing. And we've had the odd issue here and there, but our uptime has exceeded what we would have had with a cookie cutter AWS setup, and our costs have been a fraction (including human capital costs).

  • malux85 7 days ago

    I am solo builder and runner of https://atomictesselator.com and I have used k8s from day one. I also agree with you, it's been rock solid, and the ability to horizontally scale so easily is great. I dont even know which physical machines in my rack the jobs/pods are running on, I just have a high level dashboard (lens) and I can see the CPU+GPU utilization hit 100% as everything self balances, it's great, this has been very helpful scaling my GPU workload which has increased a lot recently

  • marcinzm 7 days ago

    Same. The simple fact that every PR can deploy a full stack, including RDS and managed Redis if desired, automatically in it's own namespace with proper DNS pointing to services is a massive win for us. As in, if you label the PR then it all happens automatically and then it all shuts down automatically when the PR is closed.

    • williamdclt 7 days ago

      Do you have any resource to how to set that up? I’m interested!

      • marcinzm 7 days ago

        Should make a blog post but in short:

        - Every service is deployed via a Helm chart and using containers

        - GitHub actions build the container and deploy the helm chart

        Some of the details that matter:

        - ACK is used to create AWS services (RDS, Redis, etc.) via Helm charts (we also have a container option for helm charts as it's faster and less expensive)

        - External Secrets is used to create secrets in the new namespace and also do things like generate RDS passwords

        - ExternalDNS creates DNS entries in Route53 from the Ingress objects

        - Namespace name is generated automatically from the branch name

        - Docker images use the git hash for the tag

        Some things that are choices:

        - Monorepo although each service aims to be as self-contained as possible.

        - Docker context is the git root as this allows for a service to include shared libraries from the repo when creating a container. This is for case where we break the previous rule.

  • CuriouslyC 7 days ago

    K8s is overkill though. Google cloud run gives you the good bits with less work and it's still reasonably priced. Azure container apps in theory should be similarly good, but it's kind of buggy and poorly engineered.

    • mitjam 7 days ago

      CloudRun with Django works well, but for a complete setup, you need to configure, manage and pay other services, too, like Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, Memorystore for Redis, API Gateway, Observability, Cloud Build, Artefact Registry, Cloud Key Management, IAM, Pub/Sub, CDN, and Cloud Storage. When you have a live service, you probably also want to pay for Google Cloud Customer Care. The same is true for AWS and Azure.

      Depending on training and experience, it may be easier to setup a GCP than a Kubernetes based solution, but it's still not exactly trivial. And, once a fitting Kubernetes platform is up and running, it's almost trivial to add new services, as the article describes.

      I think, even in 2024, and even for a one-person business like the authors', starting with Kubernetes is not a bad decision. I'm currently building my own Kubernetes based platform, but on a less expensive service (Hetzner Cloud). I use a separate single-node Kubernetes "cluster" with Rancher for management, and ArgoCD for continuous deployment from git. Currently I only have a single-node "playground" cluster up and running for my "playground" workloads, to save costs, but I will upgrade this to a proper HA cluster before a service goes live.

      Later, I can still upgrade to GCP, or in my case probably Azure. Until then, I don't need to worry about large cloud bills, which is also a good thing.

    • victor106 7 days ago

      > Azure container apps in theory should be similarly good, but it's kind of buggy and poorly engineered.

      100% agree.

      At a mega corp they were mandated to use Azure(worst decision) and we choose Azure container apps.

      Nothing worked: from the deployment ARM templates to scalability.

      It was a disaster.

      This was after we had the highest level of support from Azure.

      The engineer working with us in this almost admitted this shouldn’t have been released in it’s current form.

      I can’t for the life of me understand how Microsoft releases such products!!!

    • qeternity 7 days ago

      Why do you say it's overkill? Why do people think k8s (or k3s) is some impossible monster?

      Have you deployed and managed k8s before? What did you find more complicated than learning the ins and outs of the cloud variants?

      • dinkleberg 7 days ago

        In my experience, people who think k8s is really hard to user are either: a) someone who had k8s forced on them without getting a chance to learn it (or had no interest in the first place) and was stuck with its complexity, or b) has never actually used k8s and is just parroting what they've heard.

        The former situation does suck. K8s is amazing and once you understand it, it is easy to work with. But if you haven't learned the concepts and core resources, it will definitely appear as a black box with a ton of complexity.

        But I think for many of us who have used Kubernetes a lot, it is a no-brainer in a lot of situations as it doesn't matter which cloud provider you're using (for the most part), you get a common and familiar interface.

        • qeternity 7 days ago

          I usually find that it's B. The number of professional programmers who don't have the slightest clue how a database actually works, much less the ability to just spin up a container containing one, is shocking.

          • dinkleberg 7 days ago

            Sadly I think that extends to most people about most things. I’m certainly guilty of stating something I’ve heard but don’t actually know from time to time (though I do make a conscious effort not to).

            It is funny (or depressing, depending on your point of view) to catch people doing this by asking them when was the last time they did X or how they know whatever they’ve stated and then seeing the gears turn.

      • CuriouslyC 7 days ago

        I'm not saying it's an impossible monster but I can setup and deploy a project from scratch with cloud run in ~5 gcloud cli commands while being somewhat protected from my own ignorance.

      • EuAndreh 7 days ago

        From the fact that the LoC count of the implementation is beyond "millions".

        How about this equivalence: I appreciate how extremely sophisticated GCC is, and the very well optimized output it generates. It is still is 100x more complex internally (and thus, error prone, buggy, more complex to modify when needed) than TinyCC, for instance.

        • qeternity 7 days ago

          Um, ok. I think you're massively underestimating the LoC of the services mentioned (I would bet significant sums that cumulatively it would exceed a basic k8s deploy).

          I'm also not really sure what the relevance of LoC here is though? The Linux Kernel is a large codebase...but surely you don't object to using that?

  • FlyingSnake 7 days ago

    For a startup that was generating revenue and got acquired, this is par for the course. What are people expecting instead?

welanes 8 days ago

Things are much easier for one-person startups these days—it's a gift.

I remember building a todo app as my first SaaS project, and choosing something called Stormpath for authentication. It subsequently shut down, forcing me to do a last-minute migration from a hostel in Japan using Nitrous Cloud IDE (which also shut down). Just pain upon pain.[1]

Now, you can just pick a full-stack cloud service and run with it. My latest SaaS[2] is built on Google Cloud, so Authentication, Cloud Functions, Docker containers, logging, etc straight out of the box.

Not to mention, modern JavaScript and CSS are finally good. With so many fewer headaches, it’s a great time to build.

[1] Admittedly, I was new to software dev and made some rather poor tech choices

[2] https://simplescraper.io

  • robertlagrant 7 days ago

    How do you find the costs involved with a cloud service like that? I remember getting bitten once with a bill from Azure because a service went wild with logging once.

    • joshstrange 7 days ago

      Also solo founder here, for myself you just have to watch costs like a hawk when you make any big changes. AWS and friends have calculators but there is only so much you can estimate and it’s hard to know the usage patterns till something is live.

      I’m lucky that my work is event-based, as is it used by in-person live events so my usage comes in waves (pre-sales a month or two out, steady traffic the week leading up to the event, and high traffic the day before or week/day of the event). This means that at worst I only have to ride out the current “wave” and then I have some amount of time before the next event (gives me an opportunity to fix run-away costs.

      One of my big runaway costs was when I tried to use something like Datadog/NewRelic/Baseline. You work yourself up to the cost of the service, make your peace with it (the best you can, since it’s also hard to estimate), then get hit with AWS fees (that none of the providers call out) for things like CloudWatch when they are pulling logs/metrics out. I’ve had the CloudWatch bills be 4-6x as expensive as the service itself and it’s a complete surprise (or was the first time). Thankfully AWS refunded it when it happened. I caught it after 2 days and had run up a few hundred dollars in that time, I could have handled it but thankfully they refunded it for me.

      The second runaway cost was Google Maps, once you fall off that free tier the costs accumulate quickly. In just a few days I had a couple hundred in fees from that. I scrambled a switch to ProtonMaps and took my costs down to a couple dollars a month.

      • robertlagrant 6 days ago

        Hah - yes DataDog is what we moved to after the grand Azure fail. That was better, in that costs were more controllable, but you have to learn their billing world, which is in itself very painful.

        All these services are predicated on the idea that you never want your site to go down, and will pay anything to keep it running. So if you start logging gigabytes a second, in the old world your VPS would've started failing and your website's buttons would start showing errors to the user. Now, the user doesn't see an error, but you get charged hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to keep it up, even if your website generates you $50/mo.

mattbillenstein 7 days ago

Guy lost me at k8s and terraform - just put your thing on a single VM and yolo.

  • oooyay 7 days ago

    I can understand why you'd say that, but I don't think the world's that black and white.

    Many people would say a detached, Typescript frontend is less simple than SSR. At this point in my career writing a bunch of ad-hoc, per-page Javascript would be more toilsome than writing components. Thus, the prevailing idea of "simple" would be less simple for me.

    In that same way, if you've spent a large chunk of your career in Kubernetes then managed Kubernetes is probably a lot more simple than maintaining an image production pipeline and a disjointed Terraform deploy. You'd have to make a choice between immutability and non-immutability with VMs as well, and design lifecycles for them if you choose immutability. That choice is made for you with Kubernetes and has well-established patterns.

    That's to say, simple is highly subjective. Like another comment said, simple is the technology you know best today (and that you can easily hire for).

    • marcosdumay 7 days ago

      > You'd have to make a choice between immutability and non-immutability with VMs as well

      I'd like to emphasize the yolo from the GP. I does really not imply image maintenance and immutability. (By the way, "non-immutability" is called "mutability".)

      And no, if you know kubernetes to your heart, it's still very often easier to start the grug way and build OPS up only after you have something to run on it. (But, of course, there are exceptions. There are always exceptions.)

  • tracerbulletx 7 days ago

    k8s is easy once you know it imo. My recent project I made a Digital ocean cluster and some Github actions to deploy to it in like half an hour, and it would be easy to port to another cloud, or self hosted k8s cluster. It can auto scale nodes, do 0 downtime deployments, bg deployments, has automated certificate provisioning, it does everything I need.

    • mrj 7 days ago

      I don't know why this is being downvoted, this is my experience too. I don't mess with networking or volumes in k8s but it gives me a lot of stuff out of the box for when I need it later. It takes a couple of minutes to copy and paste the Deployment definition and change a few things.

      The trouble with "single vm and yolo" it is tech debt of the worst kind. It's not a shortcut you might have to expand on someday, it's the kind where whole platform changes are necessary. Someday that vm process won't be enough and that'll require changing everything about the deploy, potentially at a time when big changes aren't desirable. If the business is starting to pick up so that we need something more reliable, that's the wrong time to want to replatform. I'd rather but in a small amount of upfront knowing that I won't have a big tech debt to pay back later.

      So I keep it real simple, and keep away from parts that I know will give me a headache. I use a managed service and plan to give it to somebody else when we're big enough to have that somebody else. Then they can worry about the parts I didn't.

      It's wise not to do too much upfront, for sure. But it's wise not to back into corners that are hard to undo later, too.

      • jonas21 7 days ago

        > Someday that vm process won't be enough

        For a surprisingly large set of cases, that day will never come. I've scaled services to millions of users on a single VM. The best debt is the kind you never have to pay off.

        • mrj 6 days ago

          I don't doubt it but you can do that on one computer with k8s too, these are not at odds.

esafak 8 days ago

This is pretty sophisticated for one person.

  • swagasaurus-rex 7 days ago

    Fairly simple and explainable for an organization

  • EuAndreh 7 days ago



FlyingSnake 7 days ago

Came here expecting a tangled mess of disparate frameworks but was pleasantly surprised to see sane choices in using Django as a base. Sane choices and it shows why the product got acquired.

wiradikusuma 7 days ago

My backend setup for my one-person startup ("case study" for my book, https://opinionatedlaunch.com) is GitHub (for code repo and CI/CD), Firebase (auth, analytics, push notif) and CloudFlare (static pages, DNS stuff) and Fly.io. Less work but more done.

My only complaint Fly.io doesn't have managed DB (https://fly.io/docs/postgres/getting-started/what-you-should...) and task queue.

At work we use GCP, but try to be as high as possible in the abstraction layer (e.g. use Cloud Run and Cloud SQL).

  • vindex10 7 days ago

    I was able to use managed Postgres ~a year ago on Fly.io. They seem to have offloaded its maintenance to Supabase, but it is still seamlessly interfaced with Fly.io.

    Moreover, they still allow 1 free db per account:

    > Supabase offers one free, resource-limited database per Fly.io user

    Are you concerned that it is not directly managed by Fly.io?

    * also Kafka: https://fly.io/docs/reference/kafka/

enahs-sf 7 days ago

I think the nice benefit here is because of OPs infrastructure experience and process, he can now quickly run and test new ideas and projects for a reasonable marginal cost. Seems legit. Very clean setup.

andrewstuart 7 days ago

I closed the page at "Kubernetes", despite the "you may not need this", because that was all I needed to hear to know this setup has little to do with the ordinary one person tech startup.

  • KronisLV 7 days ago

    I guess some people are just very used to it nowadays, hence it will work pretty well to them - same as how someone might have 10+ years of experience in Java and pick it for a project and use it successfully, whereas someone else could find the pace of development in it to be slower than the alternatives (despite how decent it is nowadays).

    Personally, I think that containers are a good choice for most webdev projects.

    If you are just starting out, then Docker Compose is probably very much sufficient for anything that touches upon a single node.

    Realistically, once you need to most past that, I feel like most folks would be served just fine by something like Docker Swarm + Portainer, you'd still need to run your own web server in front of your containers if you want something similar to an ingress, but in my eyes that's a plus, given how simple the config is (if you've ever installed Apache/Nginx/Caddy it's very much like that), or maybe go with Traefik if you must. There's scaling, resource reservations and limits, overlay networking between nodes, port mapping, storage, restart policies, configuration and pretty much most of the things you might reasonably need. Something like Hashicorp Nomad could also be mentioned here, but Docker Swarm seems like the simpler option to me.

    Past that, it's not like you can't run a bit cut down versions of Kubernetes, that will decrease its surface area somewhat - K0s, K3s and others all try to do this. I personally rather like K3s, it also integrates with Portainer/Rancher nicely if you need a dashboard, you can take advantage of Helm charts and all that other good stuff. I found the choice of K3s using Traefik by default (when I last used it) a bit suspect (configuring a custom non-ACME wildcard cert as the default for the ingress wasn't exactly well documented), but overall it was an okay experience and the resource usage wasn't anything crazy either.

    For my personal stuff nowadays, I still run a Docker Swarm cluster and I've no complaints there. It doesn't have autoscaling out of the box, but then again, my workloads are too boring to need that and I enjoy the predictability in billing I get.

  • dimitar 7 days ago

    I would normally avoid recommending k8s, but perhaps the founder already was pretty comfortable with k8s from a previous job and knows what to avoid.

    There are no production dbs in k8s, no service meshes, monitoring is only side-cars that send data to an off-cluster backend,

    The automatic deployment with flux seems pretty nice!

    • p_l 7 days ago

      Having learnt k8s once, I found out it greatly simplifies things for me when I want to run new projects, even if it's single server only (there I use k3s).

      Especially if there's a chance I need to run more than one client, or environment, on a given server, which is more important for "solo" enterprise than for a bigger company because I do not have money or time to care of multiple servers.

  • danjl 7 days ago

    Assuming that "ordinary" means the same thing to everyone is a bit of a generalization.

  • udev4096 7 days ago

    Well, let's hear it. Is it because you heard somewhere that "k8s is overwhelming and unnecessary for everyone" or do you actually have some constructive argument for not using k8s?

    • EuAndreh 7 days ago

      Not GP, but nothing wrong with kubernetes per se. It is simply unnecessary.

      You can get to gigantic success and extraordinary scale by growing vertically, without needing to add a very complex layer that kubernetes is.

      Think of the many literal millions of lines of code, and thus, potential bugs and liabilities one inherits by "just using kubernetes".

      It's not a requirement, neither problematic. Its simply unnecessary for anything remotely resembling a "one-person tech startup".

      Besides unnecessary features like horizontal scaling, necessary features like restarting a service already exist, and most likely are already installed in the base distro and being used by the rest of the system. Its not like this couldn't be done before, all kubernetes provides is a conveniet and streamlined package for all that, at the cost of black-hole levels of extra complexity via several added indirections.

    • andrewstuart 7 days ago

      >> do you actually have some constructive argument for not using k8s

      It adds vast complexity and is not needed.

extr 8 days ago

Would be interested to know which parts have better solutions as of 2024. But still feels pretty relevant.

  • _puk 8 days ago

    If you click the link the original SAAS (Panel Bear) is now "a part of" cronitor.io.

    Wonder if they kept it as is, and how many people manage it nowadays.

    • amzans 7 days ago

      Hey I'm the author of the post.

      We ran Panelbear for about a year before merging it into Cronitor's codebase.

      Cronitor is also a Django monolith but on EC2 and was already humming along nicely for several years through frequent traffic spikes.

      We had no reliability issues with K8s, but came down to: as a small team we decided to have less moving parts.

      The new setup is not too different from what I describe here: https://anthonynsimon.com/blog/kamal-deploy/

codeisawesome 7 days ago

I’d love to read a blog post from successful one person startups that are in the highly competitive spaces like DevOps tooling (uptime, analytics…) on how they go-to-market and differentiate.

grandimam 6 days ago

Interesting! I was wondering why the author choose Python + Django on the server-side when they could have just used TS + React + NextJS across the stack? On reason is that the author is relying on Celery for background jobs, but is there any performance reasoning for having a completely different backend stack.

nunez 7 days ago

Honestly, this is a pretty solid stack.

I wonder how they make time to manage it all _and_ iterate on projects _and_ have a life outside of that.

This is the biggest problem I've long struggled with. I don't know of a good solution.

  • danesparza 7 days ago

    A solid Kubernetes stack kind of manages itself. This will help you have a life. Boundaries will also help (you need to time box certain activities it sounds like). You can do this. Just keep trying.

dakiol 7 days ago

I wish they could have explained the deployment/release part via ci/cd more in depth.

ACV001 7 days ago

Stack and the technical part is rarely the important factor in success. The idea and marketing seem to be the important bit. The stack can be the cause of failure, but it can never be the reason for the success of a startup.

  • danesparza 7 days ago

    Because you'll be fighting a lot of forces that don't care if you fail (as a startup entrepreneur) confidence in your stack will help you sleep at night. And this is a good thing.