BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

I self-host a (non-critical) mail server and a few other things and occasionally look at live firewall logs, seeing the constant flow of illegitimate traffic hitting random ports all over the place, some hitting legitimate service ports but others just probing basically anything and everything. I decided to setup a series of scripts that detect activity on ports that aren't open (and therefore there's no legitimate reason for the traffic to exist) and block those IP addresses from the service ports since the traffic source isn't to be trusted.

Something that came out of analysis of the blocked IP addresses was that I discovered a few untrustworthy /24 networks belonging to a bunch of "internet security companies" whose core business seems to depend on flooding the entire IPv4 space with daily scans. Blocking these Internet scanner networks significantly reduced the uninvited activity on my open service ports. And by significantly I mean easily over 50% of unwanted traffic is blocked.

Network lists and various scripts to achieve my setup can be found here:

Internet Scanner lists are here:

Large networks that seem responsible for more than their fair share of uninvited activity are listed here:

I'm semi-aware of the futility of blocking IP addresses and networks. I do believe, however, that it can significantly reduce the load on the next layers of security that require computation for pattern matching etc.

Be aware: there are footguns to be found here.

  • TacticalCoder 3 months ago

    One thing I do is I blocklist entire countries' and regional ISP' CIDR blocks. Believe it or not: straight to firewall DROP.

    China, North Korea, so many african countries who's only traffic is from scammers, tiny islands in the pacific that are used for nothing but scamming...

    Straight to DROP.

    And I do not care about the whining.

    • mmsc 3 months ago

      Had a travel insurance do this and when I was in hospital in Asia I couldn't start a claim and the hospital nearly kicked me out. I'm sure the sysadmins thought it was a great way to reduce hacking attempts by blocking Asia.

      • O5vYtytb 3 months ago

        That's so remarkably stupid for travel insurance, it's unbelievable.

        • mmsc 3 months ago

          I wrote a cynical take on "how it happened" at the time:

          I think it comes from the divorce of what people are hired to do versus what their work actually contributes to. I also remember the countless cloudflare turnstiles that I've had to get through one way or another on airlines' websites which reset every minute (looking at you, airserbia, for being the worst).

      • dahart 3 months ago

        If there’s one single business that I might expect to honor traffic from foreign countries, it would be the travel industry. I can suddenly envision using a VPN to route through Asia and check a travel agent’s site access before purchasing.

      • steelframe 3 months ago

        Why couldn't they fix this with a phone call? So much suckage.

        Mental note 1: Verify whether I can file a claim over the phone before I give a travel insurance company my money.

        Mental note 2: Don't travel without being able to VPN through a U.S. endpoint. Preferably something sitting in my house.

        • mmsc 3 months ago

          Mental note 3: Verify you can call international numbers?

      • egorfine 3 months ago

        GP said he does "not care about the whining".

      • lopkeny12ko 3 months ago

        Ironic that GP commenter said "I do not care about the whining" about regional IP blocks and the first reply is just someone whining about it.

      • boredtofears 3 months ago

        That’s awful but why is the onus on random sys admins around the world to deal with this correctly and not the government hosting the problem entities?

        • AJayWalker 3 months ago

          I would say because it’s their job to serve their customers, even if they’re abroad? Especially for a travel insurance company.

        • account42 3 months ago

          You don't think a travel agency selling policies covering china should have their sysadmins ensure that their customers can actually make use of those policies? They can always explicitly exclude china if they don't want to deal with this but then they wouldn't have gotten GP's money.

        • Thorrez 3 months ago

          It's not a random sysadmin. It's a sysadmin of a travel insurance company.

        • krsdcbl 3 months ago

          if the government in question is supportive of said problem entities, they won't "deal" with it

          If the government in question has free reign on regulating said traffic, it's an avenue for repressions and censorship

          Otherwise it's a legal matter to seek action against such entities, which is already how it works

          (... but I'm afraid we're actually mostly talking about "scenario 1 entities" here, which makes it futile to seek action from the very offices that already play a role in making it harder to use existing legal means)

        • kjkjadksj 3 months ago

          Government needs lobbying to act

        • belk 3 months ago

          That's like asking why don't we expect burglars to not burgle, they won't, but that doesn't mean walling off a whole neighborhood is the solution either.

          • tracker1 3 months ago

            You haven't seen new construction in many upper end places then... High exterior walls and gated entry. Not that it adds much practically.

    • grishka 3 months ago

      As a Russian, I hate it when people do this. It's extremely annoying when you just click some random interesting-looking link from HN or Reddit or Twitter only to be greeted by a 403 or a connection timeout. Then you turn your VPN on, and magically, it loads just fine.

      • __turbobrew__ 3 months ago

        For many services, the expected value of letting people from Russia access their service is negative. The reality is that Russia contributes a large portion of hacking attempts while providing very little to no revenue for the service. At the end of the day it is just business, and sometimes letting countries access your service is bad for the bottom line.

        • pcthrowaway 3 months ago

          I think you and the person above you can both have valid concerns at the same time. If someone said "~50% of theft is from <insert minority group> while they only account for 5% of my business, so I'm not going to let them in the door", assuming the absence of social and legal consequences which would realistically occur, it could be argued that it's the right move for their "bottom line" or whatever. Does that mean it's right, or good, or equitable?

          Of course at the same time, if you hold yourself to a much higher standard than what's socially or legally acceptable, there's the inevitable fact that your competitors aren't. So it's a fine balance.

          • tracker1 3 months ago

            If <minority group> is covered by the same jurisdiction as <business>, then it's not close to a 1:1 comparison.

            It's perfectly reasonable to not do business with people in countries that support piracy. And I'm referring to the Arrg/EyePatch type and the Buh/KeyboardWarrior type. In the end, it's a choice. If you don't have a legal means to deal with illicit activity, and blocking mostly works, there you go.

      • tiberious726 3 months ago

        Your country is a bad global citizen. If they started taking action against the groups trying to break into my systems every minute of every day then I wouldn't need to block the entire jurisdiction.

        Geoblocking all sanctioned countries was the best thing I ever did

      • snapplebobapple 3 months ago

        Your annoyance is a feature, not a bug. You are supposed to get annoyed enough as a group to lobby your government to fight the internal problem

        • grishka 3 months ago

          You're very naive to assume that this government takes any feedback.

          I'll just leave this thread here:

          • hellojesus 3 months ago

            I am powerless to prevent even my local county from voting to steal my income to fund nonsense welfare, so I can only imagine how much less hope you have for political change and in your ability to meaningfully enact any.

            Good luck, and I hope you stay out of harm's way.

            • account42 3 months ago

              How do you think any political change was ever achieved then?

              • hellojesus 3 months ago

                Anyone can attempt political change, but it all comes down to EV.

                I live in the US. I can openly speak my mind with relative safety. And I mean relative. My physical safety will likely not be risked, nor the physical safety of my family. But we are very much at a stage where any dissent is accompanied by internet mobs and unemployment.

                Do I think that I can convince > 50% of voters in my county to rescind a 1% tax on my household income over $200k? Unlikely. Near zero probability. And my guess is that that probability is certainly less than the probability I am called a racist, transphobe, white supremacist. And that may reduce my income to $0. The EV play doesn't make sense when I have children to raise.

                I imagine the above weighted by an openly corrupt gov willing to imprision and kill further diminishes the EV for an individual.

                • fragmede 3 months ago

                  But the voters in the US aren't voting for or against a 1% tax on household income over $200k, or anything complicated like that. They've voting for team vs the other. So even if you could convince people about this tax or whatever, you really still are just hoping that the tax aligns with one team or another. Just hope you don't have any other issues you care about.

                  • hellojesus 3 months ago

                    At the federal level, yes.

                    But voting exists at all levels, and I've found that the more local, the more you're exposed to the tyranny of the majority.

                    My example is based off the very real Portland Metro Supportive Housing Tax. The process was: get measure on ballot => get > 50% of votes. There were no "better men" involved to declare gov welfare as beyond the scope of government. All it took were a bunch of people that wanted an outcome voting for a process to achieve that outcome without having to pay for it.

                    My point was that I'm effectively powerless to prevent that issue or to reverse it, yet it's likely much easier to change relative to Russian, state-level policies, and I'm not dealing with physical dangers. Hence my condolences to the Russian.

          • alandarev 3 months ago

            Sorry, can't access, I'm from sanctioned country

          • account42 3 months ago

            They would take feedback the same way Napoleon did.

          • snapplebobapple 3 months ago

            you are naive to think whether your government takes feedback is relevant or not (or that I was specifically talking about Russia, That is just one of many countries with shitty internet crime prevention that are routinely blocked and each of those shite countries have varying levels of shite leadership with varying levels of responsiveness).

          • type0 3 months ago

            oh but it does, you can submit it directly to Roskomnadzor so it can cooperate with said hackers and then GRU might even hire them directly /s

        • nullifidian 3 months ago

          Ah, yes, the remaining English speakers in Russia will overthrow the literal millions of the silovik class whose entire job is to repress (with violence) any independent political activity. There is no "lobbying" in Russia, if you didn't know.

          If you hate all Russians just say you hate all Russians. No need for this "lobby your government" euphemistic BS.

          • sqeaky 3 months ago

            We in the west can't change your government to ban hacking requests.

            We can block whole countries and make a practical reduction in hacks. Sorry that you got caught in the middle and feel you have no options.

            Maybe someone who does have options and makes their money from non-hacking will be inconvenienced and ask for change instead.

          • wredcoll 3 months ago

            So political change in russia is literally impossible and everything will be exactly the same 50 years from now?

            Obviously not. Is such change easy? Again, obviously not, but the only way countries change is their own citizens wanting to make the change.

            • nullifidian 3 months ago

              >So political change in russia is literally impossible

              Precisely. It's basically impossible. There has to be at least be a generational change, or a severe economic / military loss if we are talking about this decade, but even that isn't a guarantee since the system is perpetuating itself with force, with economic self-interest to continue doing so. Isolating Russian citizens from western sources of information (in addition to what the Russian government is already doing by itself) is not only not helping, it's counterproductive, since rejection engenders a rejection in return, lowering the probability that an inflection point in the Russian history would result in anything western.

              >countries change

              Authoritarian countries change when their enforcement class relaxes and loses control. It takes decades for it to occur. If there is no relaxation, then no change occurs, as demonstrated by numerous countries, not only Russia. Right now the control and propaganda are very tight. "Wanting to make change" publicly is literally a life-threatening activity.

            • grishka 3 months ago

              Oh we do want to make this change. Desperately. The only minor issue with that is that we lack any means to do so. I'll be sure to do my part as soon as the window of opportunity opens.

              • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                It's probably risky, but absolutely there's a means to do so.

                Be the change you want to see in the world. Change happens slowly at first, and then all at once.

                • grishka 3 months ago

                  No, there really isn't any means right now. Even peacefully protesting gets one arrested in minutes. It's not probably risky, it's risky with absolute certainty.

                  I did participate in opposition activities that were 100% safe. I signed for Nadezhdin and voted for Davankov for example.

                  • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                    What you're saying is there's no 100% safe way, not that there is no way.

                    Apparently desperately wanting change in Russia means desperately wanting someone else to change it for you, which perfectly aligns with the apathy the Russian population is infamous for.

                    If Putin somehow became unable to provide the population with food for three days, or pay his security team, you'd all quickly discover what desperately means, and I'm confident the problem would resolve itself quickly.

                    Your population's apathy has become the whole world's problem. pls fix.

                    • grishka 3 months ago

                      So what, exactly, is your suggestion? "Do something"?

                      • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                        Yes, precisely that.

                        • grishka 3 months ago

                          And nothing more concrete?

                          • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                            Not sure what concrete advice you expect me to write here in a public comment. I'm not in Russia, only started learning about Russia 3 years ago, and know nothing about you.

                            I presume you're good with computers so have the ability to access (and distribute) information that others may not. There's historical precedent, research how people have fought oppression in the past. Many books and manuals have been written about how this is done.

                            You may be able to access forums where like minded people can discuss and possibly work together. Obviously stay as safe as you can.

                            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history."

                            You're the best one to know what you can achieve - but I can tell you this, it's not nothing.

                            Anything that makes the mechanisms of oppression less efficient is a step in the right direction.

                            Every mechanism has weak points, leaky abstractions and incomplete assumptions. Find them.

                            • grishka 3 months ago

                              There is no problem with access to information. Everyone who wants to access government-blocked resources knows how to do so.

                              The problem is that political change can't happen on the internet. And as soon as anyone tries to do something — anything — to that end in the real world, they face very real and fierce repression.

                              The consensus among most of the opposition-minded people at this point it that it's just better to wait it out because there's currently no opportunity for change.

                              • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                                They've won then. Nobody can do anything and Russia is lost and has become North Korea. I don't believe that.

                                How do you think change happens? Someone does something, while you continue to "wait it out".

                                Look into the Arab spring and many other examples of people changing things in ways that probably seemed impossible just the week before. Nothing was 100% safe, and yet it happened.

                                I hope that somewhere out there is a Russian that doesn't think it's "just better to wait it out", and isn't just impotently waiting for a fantasy 100% safe solution to be provided without any sacrifice.

                                I do understand that it's scary, but from the perspective of an interested outsider looking in...

                                Just like the Russian military, Russian society seems like a disorganized drunken shitshow, not well-organized nor impossible to overcome with concerted effort. It's all lies, bullying, bluster, imaginary facades, short-sighted and selfish corruption. Vranyo.


                                In comparison, I'm sure you'd agree that North Korea is much more of a brutal, almost impossible to overcome dictatorship. People starving and with no electricity.

                                What do you think would happen at a North Korean rally if the people threw the flags in the trash immediately after, with open disdain for the authorities, as they do after Russian ones?

                                That's the society to which you're headed.

                                Don't kid yourself, you are not headed in the direction of a society where 100% safe solutions will present themselves out of thin air. Russians need to do something to change that direction before it becomes increasingly difficult.

                                You have been lucky so far that you have been comfortable enough to have the luxury of not understanding what desperate means. Your stomach is full and you and probably nobody from your family has been mobilized yet. You can pretend the war won't affect you.

                                But it will eventually. As sanctions continue to take effect and resources are squeezed, times will become even tougher and the Russian people will lose more and more of their ability to create change.

                                They're already sending meat waves on motorbikes and golf carts against entrenched positions. Almost 500,000 Russians dead or wounded, for what? Defending the motherland from NATO, a defensive alliance? Nobody was attacking Russia.

                                This is all nothing but a manufactured distraction from the authorities' own financial corruption and mismanagement.

                                Soon enough will come Totaler Krieg and the paper-thin mask will come off.

                                Relatively free access to information will be restricted further, to strengthen the propaganda which will trend more and more towards alternate reality propaganda.

                                Russia's greatest success has been their post-truth propaganda that made their people, especially the ones without access to the government-blocked resources, apathetic and unable to determine truth for themselves despite relatively straightforward (for you) access to information.


                                The whole world is now having to deal with the consequences of your apathy.

                                Why do you think they made laws against disrespecting the military? Because the truth, if it was distributed to the ones who don't have access to it, is a weapon that will work against them. Bullies are weak and they know it. Also, their resources are getting more and more stretched the more they waste in Ukraine.

                                I'm sure with a bit of imagination and introspection you can think of other weapons that might work as well.

                                Or, hopefully someone else will, because you seem to have given up.

                                • nullifidian 3 months ago

                                  >Nobody can do anything and Russia is lost and has become North Korea. I don't believe that. >seems

                                  Can you not sanctimoniously and arrogantly teach people, who actually live in it, what to do, from the comfort of your western home, while knowing almost nothing, as evident from this write up?

                                  The first youtuber you linked is systematically misinformed blabbing head, the other one is an immigrant turned neocon. If these are your sources of information, and you don't know Russian, good luck understanding anything at all.

                                  • brokenmachine 3 months ago

                                    Whatever nonsense I may spout, it's still up to the Russians to fix it. The country is a terrorist state and cancer on the world.

                                    You've addressed nothing in my post, given no information, and provided no counter to anything I wrote.

                                    The poster sounds like Putin's perfect Russian citizen. "Desperate for change", but does nothing because they must be "100% safe" at all times. Can't even consider doing anything.

                                    They'll be a perfect mobik next year. Better order some more golf carts, or maybe by then they'll be down to stolen bicycles.

              • firesteelrain 3 months ago

                Sure hope your govt is not monitoring your posts

          • dead5ea 3 months ago

            The idea that Westerners might "hate" Russians (the people -- not the dictators and their regimes' activities) always seemed so silly to me that I assumed the majority of the related propaganda would be laughed off.

            In my experience, the worst general case you have from Americans is absolute "other side of the planet" indifference. Hence the apathetic practice of blocking Russian-originating IP traffic... This may be arguably worse than hate.

            A slightly better case, I think, is a healthy segment of the American populace thinks Russians are like the FPSRussia YouTube channel from a few years ago. (Disclaimer: Not sure what the status of that channel is now. Plus, I always figured he was geographically in the southern USA.)

      • mistrial9 3 months ago

        people here are not thinking in whole systems-- roads have dual purpose.. there is security AND there is trade .. a world without trade is a poor world.. that includes the intellectual arts, civilian institutions cooperating, common issues like Climate.

        The voices here that say "I block everyone, don't bother me with your whining" .. it is a security practice.. OK. security is not the whole story of civilizations; obstinate thinking leads to ignorance, not evolution.

        The topic is SSH, an administrative and secured access. Yes security applies. to be on-topic

        • grishka 3 months ago

          Of course one can obfuscate and secure their own SSH access as much or as little as they want. Run sshd on a different port, require port knocking, ban IPs after failed login attempts, all that kind of stuff.

          I'm, however, specifically talking about public-facing services like HTTP(S), which also get blocked with this "I'll just indiscriminately blacklist IPs belonging to countries I don't like" approach.

          • phsau 3 months ago

            Malicious traffic is not limited to ssh and comes from the same usual suspects. Automated attacks against web applications is constant. I wouldn't say it's indiscriminate, it's practical.

          • tiberious726 3 months ago

            Yeah exactly, try running an esp VPN on a different port and see how well that works.

      • NicoJuicy 3 months ago

        Had a reddit clone. The amount of Russian spam coming in was nuts.

        Blocking the ru language blocked all spam. And since it didn't have Russian users, it was an easy choice to make.

      • EasyMark 3 months ago

        I think it’s harmless though if say it’s a business site or mail site that is only meant to do business with a subset of people, like a country or region. That said, I think it’s of highly limited value though because any hacker above Lvl 1 will know how to use a bot, remote box, or VPN from a more local IP.

      • egorfine 3 months ago

        > It's extremely annoying

        Now imagine how annoying is russian traffic to world's sysadmins. Then could you please point your finger to who's more wrong here: your government or sysadmins of the world?

    • nequo 3 months ago

      I assume you don’t host anything that could be useful to the 1.5 to 2 billion people that you’re blocking.

      • luma 3 months ago

        Or they host a business site that doesn't do business in those countries and so nothing of value is lost to them. For example, it's literally illegal for me to accept payments from .ru, so why bother wasting their time and my bandwidth?

        • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

          I live in EU,and a bunch of american sites just block the whole EU due to GDPR laws.

          Then someone in US uses my email by accident to subscribe to some newsletter (not the first time, I also get personal emails for that person, since it's just one letter difference, and i'm guessing it's someone old, considering the emails I get), i try to click "unsubscribe", and it just redirects me to "<site> is unavailable in EU, blah blah" page, without unsubscribing.

          I make sure to report that site to every goddamn spam list possible.

          • rapind 3 months ago

            IMO replying unsubscribe should always work for marketing emails and if it doesn’t then I flag the email as spam. Nope, I’m not going to visit that tracked / info gathering unsubscribe link.

            • dheera 3 months ago

              I only use unsubscribe links from things I voluntarily and willingly subscribed to.

              If I was involuntarily subscribed to something, or subscribed because of an inconspicuous "subscribe me" checkbox that I probably didn't notice, including from a legit business that I purchased an item, it's getting reported as spam in Gmail.

              • account42 3 months ago

                This is the right approach. Usually I also avoid any future business with a company that starts spamming me.

          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

            > a bunch of american sites just block the whole EU due to GDPR laws.

            Which is incredibly reasonable. If the EU didn't try to claim EU law applies globally, those sites might still be up.

            • robin_reala 3 months ago

              The US is just as bad at extraterritorial law, see FATCA for just one example.


              • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                That situation is quite different. The US is using its significant power and weight to coerce those non-US banks into compliance with FACTA. Those banks don't have to comply, but they want to do business with the US and US companies, then they don't have much of a choice.

                It's not like they just made a law and now insisted it applies globally, which is what the EU did.

                • echoangle 3 months ago

                  Isn’t it actually exactly the same? The website doesn’t have to comply (and many don’t), but if they want to do business in the EU, they have to. How is that different?

                  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                    No, it's not remotely the same.

                    The US is using the fact that people want to do business with them to coerce compliance, and as written the law only applies to US persons.

                    The EU claims the GDPR applies globally, regardless of if people want to do business with the EU, or even if people ever set foot in the EU. It's amusing nonsense.

                • belk 3 months ago

                  it's effectively the same, small banks just shove you out of the building and refuse to open a bank account for you if FATCA applies to you, their compliance is through just not accepting US tax payers.

                  This is a real issue that leaves US citizens only able to open accounts at bigger banks (with shittier services but enough budget to hire a FATCA compliance department)

                  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                    > it's effectively the same

                    Nope. Not even close.

                    Practically the GDPR law has no teeth at all because its claim of extraterritorial jurisdiction is nothing but nonsense.

                    FATCA applies because the US has a carrot or stick to enforce it.

                    Also, the US law as written is entirely reasonable and doesn't try to claim the law applies to US citizens anywhere in the world.

                    • shkkmo 3 months ago

                      > US law as written is entirely reasonable and doesn't try to claim the law applies to US citizens anywhere in the world.

                      It absolutely does.

                      The USA has laws that govern what it's own citizens do abroad like. You aren't allowed to have sex with minors or pay bribes when abroad.

                      The USA also recently passed a law that allows it to prosecute foreign officials who solicit bribes from USA entities.

                      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                        > It absolutely does.

                        Absolutely, absolutely, it does not.

                        The USA law is saying US law applies to US persons wherever they may be in the world.

                        The EU law is saying EU laws applies to ANYONE in the world if an EU person interacts with them via the internet.

                        You realize those two things are not the same, right?

                        • bmicraft 3 months ago

                          > The USA law is saying US law applies to US persons wherever they may be in the world.

                          "The USA law is saying US law applies to ANYONE (bank in this case) in the world if a US person interacts with them."

                          See how you can put the exact other way without changing the meaning at all?

                          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                            I haven't changed the meaning, I simply stated things accurately.

                            Here, though, you've misstated things inaccurately. You seem to think the points are interchangeable, and the only issue here is semantics. You couldn't be more wrong.

                            • bmicraft 3 months ago

                              If you think I changed the meaning, please tell me what the difference is.

                        • shkkmo 3 months ago

                          Perhaps you should re-read what you wrote. You specifically stated that US law does not apply to US citizens abroad.

                          In addition, one of my examples specifically allows the prosecution of non-us citizens for their actions abroad toward US citizens. This directly contradicts the point you claim you were making but didn't accurately state.

                          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                            You're right, I noticed the inconsistency due to my error, but I had no way to edit and refine it.

                            I didn't know that it is illegal to pay bribes overseas, and as someone who has traveled extensively and knows it is necessary sometimes, I'm curious how enforced that law actually is. Either way though, that example and the illegal sex one are both US law applying to US persons, not US law applying to non-US persons.

                            > In addition, one of my examples specifically allows the prosecution of non-us citizens for their actions abroad toward US citizens.

                            I apologize for not giving this specific point more attention. That law is interesting, and to quote the wiki page, "The law is quite specific in that it is intended to be extraterritorial in nature".

                            This seems to be the first law of its kind, as unlike the other examples you gave, it explicitly applies worldwide o any foreign officials.

                            In response to this law I would make two points. One, it hasn't been signed into law yet, and two, this is significantly more narrow in scope than the EU law which applies to anyone running a site that an EU citizen visits.

                            • shkkmo 3 months ago

                              > I'm curious how enforced that law actually is.

                              Enforcement of the anti-bribery laws isn't really targeted at individuals traveling for fun. It is more meant to stop businesses from bribing officials.

                              > this is significantly more narrow in scope than the EU law which applies to anyone running a site that an EU citizen visits.

                              If you are looking for broad scopes, copyright and espionage are both areas where the US asserts it's right to prosecute non-citizens for acts committed outside the country. For specific high-profile examples, look at Kim DotCom and Julian Assange.

                              In the age of the internet, pretty much every country would like to be able to prosecute non-citizens for acts they commit while outside the country. Hackers, scammers and fraudsters frequently commit crimes against citizens of other countries and the countries where the victims reside have a clear interest in prosecuting those criminals. The limitations of doing so depends on their ability to get that criminal expedited.

                              With this understanding, the EU laws aren't really any different.

                              • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                                > Enforcement of the anti-bribery laws isn't really targeted at individuals traveling for fun. It is more meant to stop businesses from bribing officials.

                                That's fair enough. But then it isn't really comparable, is it? If I host a site for fun in the US that targets as much data as I can about EU citizens and targets EU citizens but doesn't break any US laws, I would still be targeted, right?

                                Not to mention, bribery is likely illegal in all or at least most countries.

                                > If you are looking for broad scopes, copyright and espionage are both areas where the US asserts it's right to prosecute non-citizens for acts committed outside the country.

                                These still are not good examples. Every country has laws to prosecute spies, and copyright has numerous international treaties.

                                These areas still don't compare, at all, to the EU saying EU law applies to anyone in any country if a EU citizen visits it and the site collects their data and targets them in a way Europe doesn't like.

                                > With this understanding, the EU laws aren't really any different.

                                You say in the age of the internet a lot of countries would like to persecute people outside their borders for offenses that take place, to some extent, in their borders.

                                The thing is, the EU is the first to actually claim the power to do so. The other examples you or anyone else gives just don't map for one reason or another.

                                • shkkmo 3 months ago

                                  > These still are not good examples. Every country has laws to prosecute spies, and copyright has numerous international treaties.

                                  You are just moving the goal post yet again. I fail to see any difference between laws that govern forieng citizens movement of copyright data and laws that govern foriegn citizens movement of private data.

                                  If anything, I think privacy laws are MORE ethically defensible than copyright laws since they tend to protect the powerless against the powerful rather than vice versa

                                  > The thing is, the EU is the first to actually claim the power to do so

                                  Again you are saying things that have been already shown to not be true.

                                  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                                    > You are just moving the goal post yet again.

                                    No, I'm not. I've been consistent from the start. Seriously, go look at my earlier replies.

                                    All your examples are either laws that have treaties backing them, or don't apply to most people, or only apply in very specific circumstances.

                                    None of them, absolutely NONE, are as far-reaching as the EU law. The EU claims it applies to ANY entity in ANY country so long as ANY EU citizen visits, and that entity collected data and targeted EU citizens in a way the EU didn't like.

                                    That's what makes it different. That isn't moving the goal posts, that's pointing out very clearly that this apple very clearly isn't like your orange.

                                    > Again you are saying things that have been already shown to not be true.

                                    Only if you remove all relevant details that show everything I've said is absolutely correct.

                                    Enough with the tribalism. There is no shame in admitting the EU made a far-reaching law, a first of its kind, that it has no hope of enforcing.

                                    • shkkmo 3 months ago

                                      > Seriously, go look at my earlier replies.

                                      I did, you mentioned 'treaties' for the first time in your last comment.

                                      The ability of the USA to prosecute Kim DotCom didn't depend on any treaty. The extradition process did, but that is a question of custody.

                                      In addition, there ARE numerous trade treaties that cover privacy, the right of countries to implement privacy regulation on international trade and specific protections that allow data exportation from the EU.

                                      > The EU claims it applies to ANY entity in ANY country so long as ANY EU citizen visits, and that entity collected data and targeted EU citizens in a way the EU didn't like.

                                      This is false. The entity has to be based in the EU or be offering goods and services to people in the EU to have the GDPR apply.

                                      > There is no shame in admitting the EU made a far-reaching law, a first of its kind, that it has no hope of enforcing.

                                      While it is a far reaching law, it is not the first of it's kind and there are thousands of fines and penalties issued under it each year.

                                      > Only if you remove all relevant details that show everything I've said is absolutely correct.

                                      I've already provided several examples that disprove your statment. The "relevant details" are the qualifications that you keep making up but conviently still leave off when making your false claims.

                                      You've said so many false things throughout your comments, starting with the "US law as written is entirely reasonable and doesn't try to claim the law applies to US citizens anywhere in the world." which you even doubled down on with a double "absolutely" when I first called you on it.

                                      At this point, I suggest you put far more effort into verifying the accuracy of what you say or nobody will take anything you say seriously. I certainly don't anymore.

                                      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                                        I said "go look at my earlier replies" not specificly to say I had mentioned treaties earlier, but to say I hadn't been moving the goalposts. My point is the exact same.

                                        > The extradition process did, but that is a question of custody.

                                        This is the key point though. Plenty of western countries and especially AU/NZ are super buddy buddy with the US and happy to cooperate. Especially when they agree with the laws.

                                        Most countries won't extradite someone for a (from their point of view) silly GDPR violation.

                                        > In addition, there ARE numerous trade treaties that cover privacy, the right of countries to implement privacy regulation on international trade and specific protections that allow data exportation from the EU.

                                        There is not a single treaty that covers allowing the EU the extraterritorial jjurusdiction they claim for the GDPR.

                                        > This is false. The entity has to be based in the EU or be offering goods and services to people in the EU to have the GDPR apply.

                                        You're right, my apologies - I should have added "offering goods and services to people in the EU" to be more specific, I had thought you would infer that from our discussion as I'd made that point previously, multiple times.

                                        SO, here you go, a refined point: The EU claims it applies to ANY entity in ANY country offering goods and services to ANY EU citizen, and that entity collected data and targeted EU citizens in a way the EU didn't like.

                                        That's what is ridicukous, that is what is entirely unlike any US law you've tried to compare it to. They have no ability to prosecute foreign violations and that's why, since teh GDPR came into effect, they never have.

                                        > it is not the first of it's kind

                                        It is. Specifically for declaring it's extraterritorial jurusdiction in the legislation, and because that can be aimed at anyone operating the 'wrong' type of website, not just officials or people commiting a specific crime.

                                        > I've already provided several examples that disprove your statment.

                                        No. You provided examples of laws that are not analogous, and I explained why that is.

                                        > The "relevant details" are the qualifications that you keep making up but conviently still leave off when making your false claims.

                                        I have not made a single false claim. Not one. You either have a misunderstanding of the GDPR, or you are going out of your way to defend and downplay the issues.

                                        > you even doubled down on with a double "absolutely" when I first called you on it.

                                        Yeah. I really suspect you are deliberatlly taking thing literally instead of just inferring what is obvious from the context so you can make these kinds of points, but instead of assuming bad faith I'll assume it's a misunderstanding.

                                        > At this point, I suggest you put far more effort into verifying the accuracy of what you say or nobody will take anything you say seriously. I certainly don't anymore.

                                        At this point, I suggest you do a little more research before jumping into these kinds of discussions. Sure, you caught me out with lacking a few qualifier, but my overall claim is absolutely correct.

                                        No other western country has a law as far-reaching and widely applying as the GDPR, and no other western country has such a toothless law that has been so publicized that could never hope to be enforced.

                                        • shkkmo 3 months ago

                                          > You either have a misunderstanding of the GDPR, or you are going out of your way to defend and downplay the issues.

                                          I have a sufficient understanding to call you on your "non-literal" claims.

                                          Call it what you will, but if you knew better and still made these "non-literal" claims, I call that "lieing".

                                          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                                            I'm not lying and you know I wasn't. You can't support your point so you were looking to get points in any way you can. It's OK, I called out tribalism earlier on in the thread. I'm pretty used to it at this point. All good, no hard feelings.

                                            Take care.

                    • account42 3 months ago

                      If the GDPR has no teeth and the EU no stick to enforce it with then US commpanies following it would not be reasonable like you have claimed.

                      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                        The GDPR has no teeth to enforce fines outside of its jurisdiction. Which is why it never has despite finding violations.

                • mratsim 3 months ago

                  Why is it different?

                  People don't have to comply to GDPR but if they want to serve EU folks then they don't have a choice.

                  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                    The EU claims their law applies globally regardless of if people set foot in or do business in the EU. According to the EU, an EU citizen just needs to visit a site and the law applies, regardless of where the site is hosted.

                    According to the EU, the GDPR applies to some small shop owner in China with a website that harvests all data it can that isn't advertising in the EU, courting EU citizens in any way, has no business with the EU, etc.

                    • simonmysun 3 months ago

                      Once privacy is considered as a fundamental human right, everything makes sense. When an EU citizen visit a site and the site collects their data in an unbounded way, their privacy is violated and any goverment should be responsible of protecting its citizen.

                      In my point of view, this is a difference of how much we define privacy as human right and what data are considered private.

                      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                        > Once privacy is considered as a fundamental human right, everything makes sense.

                        Does it? I agree it should be, and I want to work towards a better world also, but pretending you have jurisdiction when you clearly do not, doesn't seem helpful in any way.

                        • simonmysun 3 months ago

                          I suppose it will be treated as other international jurisprudence. However it is indeed not practical for individuals.

                    • mratsim 3 months ago

                      According to the US, an US citizen just have to open a bank account anywhere in the world and the law applies, regardless of where the bank is hosted.

            • arp242 3 months ago

              > If the EU didn't try to claim EU law applies globally, those sites might still be up.

              It doesn't; it applies to EU residents. Your non-EU business is free to do whatever it wants, but as soon as you do business with EU residents EU law applies.

              This is more or less how it works everywhere (with some exceptions).

              And deciding not to do business with EU residents (i.e. block in EU) is of course perfectly valid and reasonable choice. But not because "EU laws apply globally".

              • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                > It doesn't; it applies to EU residents. Your non-EU business is free to do whatever it wants, but as soon as you do business with EU residents EU law applies.

                See, you say it only applies to EU residents, but that isn't the case.

                The real issue is where you say but as soon as you do business with EU residents EU law applies., and, well, that's just nonsense.

                I have a US site. I can operate my business any way I like as long as I don't break any Federal or State laws, and I can break every single EU law that doesn't have an equivalent US law.

                The EU can't touch me. EU law doesn't apply to me, even if I advertise the hell out of my site to try and attract as many EU citizens as possible.

                All the Eu can do is firewall me off, prosecute me if I come to the Eu and police or punish its citizens.

                > This is more or less how it works everywhere (with some exceptions).

                It's really not. The EUs claim of global jurisdiction is unique and a first. There may have been loosely similar things, but nothing quite like this.

                > But not because "EU laws apply globally".

                You should inform the EU they should correct their legislation then.

            • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

              Sure, but if some Little Whinging news from North Arizona (fictional newssite) starts spamming me, because some grandma there can't remember his email address, and won't let me unsubscribe, I'll do everything I can do within my five minutes of anger to make them rethink.

            • 3836293648 3 months ago

              What? No

              Claiming jurisdiction by server location is the stupidest thing ever if you trying to have any kind of customer protection laws. You have to go by customer location.

              However, the claim that they have jurisdiction over EU citizens abroad is very questionable.

              • talldatethrow 3 months ago

                If a European travels to grocery store in Nevada, assuming they'd be protected by EU laws is a bit goofy.

                If they travel to my US server digitally and want my data back, I shouldn't have to know EU laws. They came to me.

                I guess you could argue that if I'm then willing to send them data, then I need to play the game. Like a Nevada store that ships to France.

              • jkaplowitz 3 months ago

                > However, the claim that they have jurisdiction over EU citizens abroad is very questionable.

                The GDPR makes no jurisdictional claims at all based on citizenship, despite a lot of inaccurate summaries saying otherwise. For those cases where the GDPR cares about individuals being EU or non-EU, it only cares about their location, not about their citizenship / nationality or their residence.

              • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                > Claiming jurisdiction by server location is the stupidest thing ever if you trying to have any kind of customer protection laws. You have to go by customer location.

                I disagree, because that's impossible. That's why the EU's attempt is largely a joke. Literally - it seems to get mocked a lot when I tried reading up on the credibility and practicality of what they claim.

                > However, the claim that they have jurisdiction over EU citizens abroad is very questionable.

                It's the claim that they have jurisdiction over non-EU citizens and businesses in their own countries which is so laughable.

                • jkaplowitz 3 months ago

                  > Literally - it seems to get mocked a lot when I tried reading up on the credibility and practicality of what they claim. [...] > It's the claim that they have jurisdiction over non-EU citizens and businesses in their own countries which is so laughable.

                  Most of this mockery is based on misunderstandings that overgeneralize what the EU is asserting and overlook what most other countries assert.

                  Most countries have some laws that under some circumstances purport to apply to foreign non-citizens located outside the country, not just the EU.

                  A key example is defamation law. If you are a Brazilian citizen located in Brazil and you specifically target publications online to UK or Canadian or US audiences in ways that are viewed as defamatory in those jurisdictions, you could very well get sued in those countries' courts, and there are absolutely cases where those courts would uphold their jurisdiction based on the specifically targeted publication.

                  Similarly, when asked to decide if they have jurisdiction to enforce local consumer protection law against a foreign defendant, the courts in the Canadian province of Quebec will consider whether the foreign defendant has tried to target Quebec consumers, should know that it has ongoing substantial sales to Quebec consumers, et cetera - not only whether it has a business establishment in Quebec.

                  Conversely, if you are a hotel in New Hampshire, USA and someone located in an EU country visits your US-based English-language USD-only hotel website and books a room for their upcoming visit, the GDPR probably does not apply, since there is no attempt to target the EU. Among other exceptions, the conclusion could be different if the hotel website allows bookings in EU currencies or languages (not counting English and maybe not US/Latin American Spanish because of their use in the US), since that shows an intention to target EU visitors.

                  If merely being foreign allowed EU-focused businesses to avoid the GDPR, that would be an extremely huge loophole, and EU businesses would make deals with those foreign businesses to shift as much as possible of their data processing stream outside the scope of the GDPR. It would pretty much swallow the whole law. It's not a viable approach.

                  Similarly, monitoring the behavior of visitors in the EU can also lead to the GDPR applying, since otherwise EU businesses would pay foreign businesses to track their visitors on their behalf, doing whatever legal ownership transfer shenanigans they have to in order to make that work. ("Oh no, this is not a European-owned website, it's an American website to which we've licensed our brand content and which shares 99% of its subscription and ad revenue with us as their license fee... they are allowed to track you even if we can't...")

                  Of course, you're quite right if you view it as a mockable idea that the EU would be going into foreign countries to bust down doors and collect fines from foreign businesses. Just as clearly, they aren't pretending they can do that.

                  But if a foreign company does get assessed with a GDPR violation fine in the EU, it certainly gets harder for them to continue to engage in business dealings with anyone in the EU without that fine becoming more possible to collect - and in some cases there are established mutual legal assistance treaties through which EU countries can get foreign countries to help with collecting a judgment outside of the EU.

                  My guess as to why these non-EU companies prefer to block the EU instead of comply with the GDPR is simply that they don't view the risks of being found in violation as worth the benefits of the additional audience - not because they would necessarily be found in violation. Most of the local news channels would probably not be found in violation if they excluded visitors in the EU from behavior monitoring, but many of those sites don't consider it worthwhile even to take the risk.

                  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                    > Most of this mockery is based on misunderstandings that overgeneralize what the EU is asserting and overlook what most other countries assert.

                    I think that mostly assumption. Much of the mockery was in legal journals for example - an audience that would be more familiar with the ext of the legislation than most.

                    > Most countries have some laws that under some circumstances purport to apply to foreign non-citizens located outside the country, not just the EU.

                    Maybe a few other countries have something in the same general category, but none as far reaching as GDPR law tries to be. And certainly it's a minority of countries that have such laws, not most.

                    > A key example is defamation law. If you are a Brazilian citizen located in Brazil and you specifically target publications online to UK or Canadian or US audiences in ways that are viewed as defamatory in those jurisdictions, you could very well get sued in those countries' courts, and there are absolutely cases where those courts would uphold their jurisdiction based on the specifically targeted publication.

                    I'm not exactly clear what you are saying here, but in any event, at least in any interpretation I can think of, the analogy doesn't map. If a UK entity sues a Brazilian in a Brazilian court, that's all pretty normal. That's just the UK entity doing something they are able to do in compatible courts, that's not UK law applying to Brazilians.

                    > Similarly, when asked to decide if they have jurisdiction to enforce local consumer protection law against a foreign defendant, the courts in the Canadian province of Quebec will consider whether the foreign defendant has tried to target Quebec consumers, should know that it has ongoing substantial sales to Quebec consumers, et cetera - not only whether it has a business establishment in Quebec.

                    And how is this relevant? That foreign defendant would be present in Quebec to be tried, so it's quite a bit different from the EU claiming Joe Schmoe halfway around the world who has no interest in the EU or Europe and has never been there, is subject to EU law because an EU citizen visited their data collecting site.

                    > Conversely, if you are a hotel in New Hampshire, USA and someone located in an EU country visits your US-based English-language USD-only hotel website and books a room for their upcoming visit, the GDPR probably does not apply, since there is no attempt to target the EU.

                    The attempt to target the EU would be simply be having online advertising that would show up in the EU.

                    > Among other exceptions, the conclusion could be different if the hotel website allows bookings in EU currencies or languages (not counting English and maybe not US/Latin American Spanish because of their use in the US), since that shows an intention to target EU visitors.

                    I don't think this is the actual text of the law. The EU claims GDPR applies to a small data collecting site, say, in Vietnam, that wants to store and retain and sell all the data it can about anyone that visits its site. That's what is ridiculous, that's what is incomparable to anything else you have listed.

                    But in any event, let's say that is the law. Let's say this site in my Vietnamese example goes out of it's way to target the EU, having French and Spanish as default languages, having language flags for every EU country, and paying for advertisements (but only on US sites with US companies, lets say, just to reinforce the point that no business has been done in the EU) - well, in that case, it's still bonkers that the EU thinks they have any jurisdiction over the operator of that site.

                    The ONLY thing they can do is firewall it off, like China does. That's it. Claiming to have global jurisdiction as they do just makes them look foolish.

                    > If merely being foreign allowed EU-focused businesses to avoid the GDPR, that would be an extremely huge loophole,

                    This is already reality, though. Any business in the world can court EU consumers, and only the EU can prevent that by further policing its citizens. They are powerless to stop foreign businesses any other way since they only have jurisdiction in their own borders...yet they claim the opposite.

                    > Of course, you're quite right if you view it as a mockable idea that the EU would be going into foreign countries to bust down doors and collect fines from foreign businesses. Just as clearly, they aren't pretending they can do that.

                    It's mockable that they claim they have any jurisdiction outside their borders in the contexts they do, period.

                    > But if a foreign company does get assessed with a GDPR violation fine in the EU, it certainly gets harder for them to continue to engage in business dealings with anyone in the EU without that fine more becoming possible to collect - and in some cases there are established mutual legal assistance treaties through which EU countries can get foreign countries to help with collecting a judgment outside of the EU.

                    There is absolutely no instance of a foreign court upholding a GDPR fine and I don't expect there ever will be, nor is there any treaty that would allow for that as far as I know. If you know otherwise and could name such a treaty I would appreciate it.

                    The only thing the EU can do is get a judgement against that person or company and arrest people if they enter the EU, firewall off hosts, or police and punish its own citizens.

                    • jkaplowitz 3 months ago

                      > I think that mostly assumption. Much of the mockery was in legal journals for example - an audience that would be more familiar with the ext of the legislation than most.

                      There's lots of bullshit in legal journals too, partly due to how most of those journals are student-reviewed rather than peer-reviewed, and partly due to how politicized the legal academy is. Care to provide a cite?

                      > I'm not exactly clear what you are saying here, but in any event, at least in any interpretation I can think of, the analogy doesn't map. If a UK entity sues a Brazilian in a Brazilian court, that's all pretty normal. That's just the UK entity doing something they are able to do in compatible courts, that's not UK law applying to Brazilians.

                      No, I'm saying that a UK entity can sue a Brazilian for defamation in UK court, not Brazilian court, and win jurisdictional arguments in the UK court based on the Brazilian's publications being targeted to the UK - even if the Brazilian has never been to the UK. And all of this would be based on UK law, not Brazilian law.

                      > And how is this relevant? That foreign defendant would be present in Quebec to be tried,

                      I said nothing about the foreign defendant being present in Quebec, no. Everything I said applies even when that is not true.

                      > so it's quite a bit different from the EU claiming Joe Schmoe halfway around the world who has no interest in the EU or Europe and has never been there, is subject to EU law because an EU citizen visited their data collecting site. > [...] > The attempt to target the EU would be simply be having online advertising that would show up in the EU.

                      This is among the common global misinformation about the GDPR that does not reflect the EU's actual legislation or their actual guidance about the GDPR. Read Article 3 of the GDPR or Recitals 23 and 24 of the official guidance about it.




                      (Note, that website is not an official source, but it's a more convenient way for me to link to the relevant sections than the official sources.)

                      Merely not blocking online advertising from showing up in the EU does not cause GDPR to apply. Nor does merely receiving a visit from an EU citizen.

                      However, monitoring behavior by visitors where that behavior occurs in the EU does. So if a website's preferred online advertising model depends on monitoring the behavior of their visitors and they don't want to make an exception to that for visitors in the EU, that's the source of the GDPR applicability - not the online advertising itself.

                      And I already explained why this is necessary to avoid a huge truck-sized loophole.

                      > I don't think this is the actual text of the law. The EU claims GDPR applies to a small data collecting site, say, in Vietnam, that wants to store and retain and sell all the data it can about anyone that visits its site. That's what is ridiculous, that's what is incomparable to anything else you have listed.

                      Again, read Article 3 of the GDPR and Recitals 23 and 24 of the official guidance. The EU does not claim the GDPR applies there.

                      > But in any event, let's say that is the law. Let's say this site in my Vietnamese example goes out of it's way to target the EU, having French and Spanish as default languages, having language flags for every EU country, and paying for advertisements (but only on US sites with US companies, lets say, just to reinforce the point that no business has been done in the EU) - well, in that case, it's still bonkers that the EU thinks they have any jurisdiction over the operator of that site.

                      You would be amazed at how many countries would apply their jurisdiction to foreigners with respect to how many laws in this kind of scenario. People have been persuaded otherwise by anti-GDPR propaganda by the industries that depend on routinely violating the GDPR, but it's really true.

                      In particular, look at this summary on Wikipedia of personal jurisdiction in Internet cases in the United States:


                      Many, many, many of those scenarios can happen when the out-of-state website operator has never been to the US and is not a US citizen or company. The phrase "purposely availed itself" in that US jurisprudence is very similar to what I was calling targeting the EU in my previous comments.

                      More information on the underlying principles and laws, again from the US perspective:



                      > The ONLY thing they can do is firewall it off, like China does. That's it. Claiming to have global jurisdiction as they do just makes them look foolish.

                      They claim just as much jurisdiction as most countries do - but most countries don't have privacy laws like the GDPR, so the industries who are crying about the GDPR aren't crying about most other examples.

                      > There is absolutely no instance of a foreign court upholding a GDPR fine and I don't expect there ever will be, nor is there any treaty that would allow for that as far as I know. If you know otherwise and could name such a treaty I would appreciate it.

                      Small correction to my previous comment: while there are indeed some multilateral treaties about the recognition of foreign judgments such as can happen for unpaid GDPR fines, you're right that the US isn't part of those treaties.

                      However, US state laws do allow recognition of many foreign judgments, with the details varying widely. There is a federal law which prohibits US enforcement of foreign libel judgments that would violate the First Amendment if they had been from a US court, but there is no federal law restricting states from recognizing most other foreign judgments they might choose to recognize. And again, in many cases states do so choose.

                      I would be quite surprised if all US states would never enforce a court judgment from an EU country resulting from a GDPR violation. Said differently, I expect that at least some US states would enforce such a judgment under at least some facts and circumstances.

                      > The only thing the EU can do is get a judgement against that person or company and arrest people if they enter the EU, firewall off hosts, or police and punish its own citizens.

                      Even when the company has no assets in a jurisdiction that allows recognition of EU judgments resulting from GDPR violations, they can also seize movements of money or goods into or out of the EU which belong to the company that isn't paying the judgment.

                      Anyway, "police and punish its own citizens" isn't the scenario being discussed here - nobody violates the GDPR by accessing or using a website that violates the GDPR. The violation is the website's alone.

                      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                        > There's lots of bullshit in legal journals too, partly due to how most of those journals are student-reviewed rather than peer-reviewed, and partly due to how politicized the legal academy is. Care to provide a cite?

                        I do't care to provide a cite, but this seems rather dismissive. Plenty of peer reviewed legal journals also found the idea mockable.

                        > No, I'm saying that a UK entity can sue a Brazilian for defamation in UK court, not Brazilian court, and win jurisdictional arguments in the UK court based on the Brazilian's publications being targeted to the UK - even if the Brazilian has never been to the UK. And all of this would be based on UK law, not Brazilian law.

                        Oh, sure. There's nothing really special about that. I can sue anyone in the world if I want to, it won't matter much if they are not in the same country as me and never come. A best case scenario would be getting a default judgement that couldn't be enforced and if they ever did come would be overturned instantly, so basically worthless.

                        That doesn't mean US laws apply to everyone in the world though.

                        > I said nothing about the foreign defendant being present in Quebec, no. Everything I said applies even when that is not true.

                        OK. Then like your previous example it isn't relevant or analogous.

                        > This is among the common global misinformation about the GDPR that does not reflect the EU's actual legislation or their actual guidance about the GDPR

                        Except it does. They explicitly assert extra-territorial jurisdiction for cases like this. That's why there was so much written about it.

                        > However, monitoring behavior by visitors where that behavior occurs in the EU does. So if a website's preferred online advertising model depends on monitoring the behavior of their visitors and they don't want to make an exception to that for visitors in the EU, that's the source of the GDPR applicability - not the online advertising itself.

                        Right, and that's nonsense. It still all boils down to the basically zero possibility of practically enforcing any of their laws against, say, actors in developing countries with no relationship with the EU, or worse, hsotile to the EU.

                        > And I already explained why this is necessary to avoid a huge truck-sized loophole.

                        And I responded explaining why I think you're explanation is incorrect.

                        > Again, read Article 3 of the GDPR and Recitals 23 and 24 of the official guidance. The EU does not claim the GDPR applies there.

                        Instead of just quoting the GDPR, which we've both read, how about sharing the text you think applies and your interpretation? Something I can actually refute.

                        > You would be amazed at how many countries would apply their jurisdiction to foreigners with respect to how many laws in this kind of secnario. People have been persuaded otherwise by anti-GDPR propaganda by the industries that depend on routinely violating the GDPR, but it's really true.

                        I don't think it has anything to do with "anti-GDPR propaganda", more the GDPR being uniue. The examples you gave didn't map to the GDPR, can you give some that do?

                        > They claim just as much jurisdiction as most countries do

                        This is false. They claim more than any other western country does.

                        > Everything and everyone is mockable, even me, even you, even everyone we know. That doesn't mean what you think it does.

                        It means exactly what I think it does. To try and dismiss the meaning I intended and suceeded in conveying and that you understood, you are taking the meaning literally when you know that isn't the meaning conveyed here - "mockable" here means, having something juicy and rich to milk for material, the results of which are relateable and appreciated by the intended audience. Not everything meets that definition, certainly not everything and everyone.

                        > while there are indeed some multilateral treaties about the recognition of foreign judgments such as can happen for unpaid GDPR fines,

                        Can you name one non EU country that has a treaty that specifically covers the GDPR?

                        > However, US state laws do allow recognition of foreign judgments, with the details varying widely.

                        They sure do, and the details as to why can be interesting, but usually it's going to be a case of there being an equivalent US law. There isn't in this case, and several judges would be repulsed by the suggestion that the law should apply in the US at all.

                        > I would be quite surprised if all US states would never enforce a court judgment from an EU country resulting from a GDPR violation. Said differently, I expect that at least some US states would enforce it in some scenarios, dependent on the relevant facts and circumstances.

                        I don't really see that ever happening, to be honest. Well, to be fair, maybe states with data privacy legislation like CA might, as long as only parts that map to CA's own legislation were being enforced. Although even then they would have to be present in the state. I can make a site in the US, target it as much as I can to EU citizens, blatantly violate the GDPR as much as I can, and the EU can't touch me if I didn't break any US laws. I can do what I like with that EU citizen data I collected, sell it to whoever I want, etc - as long as I don't break any US laws.

                        > Even when the company has no assets in a jurisdiction that allows recognition of EU judgments resulting from GDPR fines, they can also seize movements of money or goods into or out of the EU which belong to the company that isn't paying the judgment.

                        Sure, like I said, they have power within their borders and that's it. If the entity never goes through EU borders, then they can't really be touched.

                        > Anyway, "police and punish its own citizens" isn't the scenario being discussed here

                        I mentioned it because it's one of only 3 things the EU can do to try and deal with a website violating the GDPR outside their borders. The other is dealing with it any way they can if anything physical, or any money goes through their borders, and the final is what I suggested - to police and punish its own citizens. This nonsense of claiming global jurisdiction is nothing but theater.

                        > The violation is the website's alone.

                        And when that website is firmly out of EU jurisdiction, they can't do a damn thing about it. Sometimes, they might get a country to enforce a fine, but that has yet to happen despite fines being issued.

                        • jkaplowitz 3 months ago

                          I can’t force you to see parallels you are very firmly convinced don’t exist, nor can I force you to provide new evidence or arguments instead of rehashing conclusions I’ve already refuted as best I can.

                          This is especially true when you’ve declined my open-ended request to provide one of the “plenty of” peer-reviewed legal journal citations you say exist and don’t engage substantively with the evidence I do share, even while making ever more specific legal citation requests to me and asking me to do all the legwork of substantively explaining “some [interpretation of my evidence] that [you] can actually refute.”

                          These asymmetries are beyond the scope of what’s warranted here: we are two people having a casual unpaid Hacker News discussion, not you as a judge or juror and me as a lawyer trying to prove my client’s case in court. Similarly, if the point of me doing interpretive legwork is just to give you something to refute, that’s not worth my time.

                          I don’t think we have anything productive left to say to each other in this subthread, so don’t be surprised if this turns out to be my last reply to you here.

                          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                            > I can’t force you to see parallels you are very firmly convinced don’t exist, nor can I force you to provide new evidence or arguments instead of rehashing conclusions I’ve already refuted as best I can

                            Oh. OK. So you're not actually providing any of the proof I asked you to, you're just wanting me to trust your arguments as correct in spite of all the evidence I've seen to the contrary. Yeah, that sure is reasonable. The 'trust me bro' defense.

                            > This is especially true when you’ve declined my open-ended request to provide one of the “plenty of” peer-reviewed legal journal citations you say exist and don’t engage substantively with the evidence I do share

                            Because I'm not particularly interested in doing research for you. That would actually take me maybe 10 0or 15 minutes, to find something you wouldn't just dismiss because it was cited by students and whatever reason you found convenient.

                            You're making a claim which against common knowledge and understanding, so the onus is on you to support it. Not just say 'read X section of the GDPR' and treat that as though you've provided proof.

                            > asking me to do all the legwork of substantively explaining “some [interpretation of my evidence] that [you] can actually refute.”

                            No. I'm just first asking you to support your point directly and not with vague handwaving. That's more than reasonable.

                            > These asymmetries are beyond the scope of what’s warranted here: we are two people having a casual unpaid Hacker News discussion, not you as a judge or juror and me as a lawyer trying to prove my client’s case in court.

                            Sure. I'm not trying to make it that. But clearly one of us is incorrect. You've been confident from the start it's me, but instead of actually showing how, you're just saying read section X of the GDPR and wanting me to trust your interpretation as correct. How is that reasonable?

                            There's plenty of peer reviewed legal articles talking about EU overreach. There really are not many saying "whoah, hold up guys, there's been a huge misunderstanding!" - you didn't even provide so much as a blog post claiming that.

                            The way I see it, EU tribalism can be just as bad as US tribalism, and EU citizens often try to defend EU laws even when it doesn't necessary make sense to do so. Likek how many EU citizens will try and say cookie banners are not the fault of the EU and try to shift blame to the websites, which is nonsense.

                            > Similarly, if the point of me doing interpretive legwork is just to give you something to refute, that’s not worth my time.

                            WHy do you think that stance wouldn't apply to me?

                            > I don’t think we have anything productive left to say to each other in this subthread, so don’t be surprised if this turns out to be my last reply to you here.

                            Fair enough. Take care.

    • michaelcampbell 3 months ago

      Same here. I country-block I think 4 countries and my "not-me" ssh login attempts dropped 90+%. As I run funzies sites, I couldn't care less about the reduced legit traffic.

    • Dah00n 3 months ago

      I'd do this too except by far the most scam traffic I see are US in origin. I'm in the EU.

    • normie3000 3 months ago

      > so many african countries who's only traffic is from scammers

      Which countries specifically? Asking from Africa, and not sure I've encountered this.

    • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

      Personal page.. sure.

      Business? You're a pain to many people and don't care.

      I live in EU and many US pages just block the whole EU due to GDPR laws... then someone (by mistake) subscribes me to their newsletter, and the "unsubscribe" links leads to "this page is unavalable in EU"? I'll goddamn make sure your domain ends up on every goddamn possible antispam filter I can find.

      • cdelsolar 3 months ago

        Why? Are they spam pages?

        • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

          For me? Sure. I never subscribed to them. Ans the unsubscribe links doesn't work, probably illegal, although not sure if they can spam an EU citizen from usa, and which/whose/what law are they breaking.

      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

        > I'll goddamn make sure your domain ends up on every goddamn possible antispam filter I can find.

        Honestly, individuals can't really do much to change the reputation of a domain.

        Maybe petition your representative to adjust the GDPR so they don't claim it applies globally?

        • account42 3 months ago

          > Honestly, individuals can't really do much to change the reputation of a domain.

          Your hosting provider and ISP will see this differently. So will the FTC.

          > Maybe petition your representative to adjust the GDPR so they don't claim it applies globally?

          Your butthurt about the GDPR doesn't absolve you from your obligations under the CAN SPAM act.

          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

            > Your hosting provider and ISP will see this differently. So will the FTC.

            No. They absolutely won't. Not if I'm not breaking any US laws. The EU bitching would have as much impact as a government official from say Narau doing the same. None.

            > Your butthurt about the GDPR doesn't absolve you from your obligations under the CAN SPAM act.

            No. You are misunderstanding and conflating things. My point is I can do whatever I want so long as I am in compliance with US law including CAN-SPAM, and even if I violate GDPR as much as I want (again, as long as it doesn't violate US law).

            • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

              It's a greyzone situation, but if you started sending (for me) spam emails to me, and your unsubscribe link doesn't work, because you decided to block the whole eu from all of your services, including the unsubscribe feature, you probably are breaking the US spam laws too.

              • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

                I agree that's likely. Then I guess it would matter what recourse the EU citizen would have. They would have to file suit in the US I would think.

    • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

      That's very computationally inefficient.

      • TacticalCoder 3 months ago

        > That's very computationally inefficient.

        It's O(1) with iptables/nftables ipsets. Moreover as I blocklist entire CIDR blocks, there aren't that many entries in those ipsets.

      • aforwardslash 3 months ago

        You can trivially maintain a list of the size of the whole ipv4 space by using bitmaps

    • tiahura 3 months ago

      The Biden administration needs to explain why they allow ISPs to import data from these countries.

      • hahajk 3 months ago

        I'm not sure I understand what you're suggesting. Are you saying that the US govt should make it illegal for people in its borders to communicate with people in those countries?

  • tomxor 3 months ago

    > and block those IP addresses from the service ports since the traffic source isn't to be trusted

    Don't get me wrong, I want to do the same, I run a lot of servers and see all the automated nonsense aimed at public servers. However, you should consider the fact that today blocking an IP is akin to blocking a street, a village or sometimes even a town. For ~better or~ worse we now live in the age of CGNAT.

    If your threat model and use case means you only care about a known subset of users with static IPs who are lucky enough to not share IPs then fair enough; but if you are running services intended for wide spread consumption you are likely blocking legitimate users without even knowing it.

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      I have thought about that and, as you say, my use-case is entirely "hobby" so there's nothing I host that's of much interest to others (if things break, which they have, it inconveniences me rather than other people).

      Having said that, the websites I host are behind Cloudflare and so port 443 allows Cloudflare's ASN, but blocks everything else. This way, any of the IP addresses that are blocked from direct access to port 443 can still access the websites, just through Cloudflare's added layer of protection.

  • nilsherzig 3 months ago

    Try running some of your blocked ips through greynoise, they usually have some interesting information about them

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      Thanks for the tip. Looks like greynoise use for IP metadata.

      I use for any manual IP address checks, and for finding what ASN an IP address (range) is a member of. I'll check out greynoise and see what extra info may be provided.

      • reincoder 3 months ago

        I (DevRel of IPinfo) run Fail2Ban on a VM as well. Protip use the CLI.

        - The CLI has the `grepip` command that extracts all the IP addresses from a text. You do not have to parse your logs.

        - Analyze your data. After you have extracted your IP addresses from your logs, pipe them to the `summarize`, `map`, and `bulk` commands on the CLI.

        - If you are doing bulk enrichment with the `bulk` command, you can use some kind of CSV query tool like CSVtoolkit, DuckDB, or Python-Pandas.

        - Look into the ASN data. ASN data is always going to be the more interesting IP metadata for honeypots IPs. Summarize the IP addresses with the `summarize` command; it will give you a high-level report. If you want a web-shareable report, make a POST call to that endpoint. Docs:

        You can always send your logs to me and ask what I think of them, and if I can find common patterns based on IP metadata. I am running our API and database services 24/7 and enjoy looking at logs. I can suggest firewall configurations based on country and ASN information provided by our free data.

  • shaky-carrousel 3 months ago

    Good idea. What I do is, I disallowed password login in my ssh server, and I permanently ban whichever address that tries to log in using a password.

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      I use a bastion host on a VPS as the only source IP address allowed to ssh into my systems, so any attempts to connect to ssh (from any IP address other than the bastion) are both blocked and logged into "the list" to be blocked from connecting to any other service ports.

    • PokestarFan 3 months ago

      I did this but added an "escape hatch" that allowed password logins from the local network only.

  • pgraf 3 months ago

    Just be aware that with your strategy “blocking 50% of unwanted traffic” means blocking non-attack traffic, as these Internet security companies are mostly legitimate. The automated attack traffic that you actually want to block is in the other half and will frequently change IPs.

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      > these Internet security companies are mostly legitimate

      This is both subjective and highly dependent upon the scope of services being run. My setup would probably progressively create more hassle than it saves as on a scale from small business to large business. For the setup I have, I quite specifically want to block their traffic.

      I'm possibly overly militant about this, but they keep databases of the results of their scans, and their business is selling this information to ... whoever's buying. I don't want my IP addresses, open ports, services or any other details they're able to gather to be in these databases over which I have no control and didn't authorise.

      To steal an oft-used analogy, they're taking snapshots of all the houses on all the streets and identifying the doors, windows, gates, and having a peek inside, and recording all the results in a database.

      I believe all of them are illegitimate. They 'do' because they can, and it's profitable. "Making the internet safer" is not their raison d'être.

      Happy for any else to form their own opinion, but this is my current stance.

      • drpixie 3 months ago

        Yes - Anyone who's FAQ answer to "How to avoid being scanned" is "We don't have an opt-out, you must block all these addresses" isn't behaving like a legit business.

        "Nice network you've got there."

        "We noticed something might be open. We're not telling you what it is."

        "It would be a pity if something happened to your business."

        "Give us lots of money."

        Sounds like a movie strong-arm thug.

      • appstorelottery 3 months ago

        Would be cool to have a "don't scan me bro" list of IP's that engage in this that we could share - is there such a thing?

        • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

          The problem is that becomes a concentrator of IPs behind which privacy conscious individuals exist, which probably has higher value to "whoever's buying". It's a conundrum.

          • yesbabyyes 3 months ago

            It sounds like what GP is suggesting is to collect ips of all the scanners, and share the list of ips among ourselves, so we can collectively route their traffic to /dev/null.

            • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

              aaaaah, that makes sense. See the links in my original post.

            • kjkjadksj 3 months ago

              Why not also sell the scans of scanners to the scanners customers and make a little pocket change?

        • dataflow 3 months ago

          You're being sarcastic, right? We did this for telephone numbers and saw how it turned out...

    • nubinetwork 3 months ago

      > these Internet security companies are mostly legitimate

      Act like a bot, get treated like a bot.

      > Just be aware that with your strategy “blocking 50% of unwanted traffic” means blocking non-attack traffic

      You don't block them forever, just enough for them to move on to someone else.

      • slt2021 3 months ago

        they dont move on to someone else, they scan entire internet on a regular basis, just like gogle crawls web pages

    • wl 3 months ago

      My experience is that after blocking Censys, unwanted traffic on non-standard ports from other IP blocks has basically gone to zero. It appears to me that some bad actors are using Censys scans for targeting.

      • rolph 3 months ago

        i get similar results

    • chipdart 3 months ago

      > (...) as these Internet security companies are mostly legitimate.

      Note that you're basing your assertion on the motivation of random third parties exclusively on the fact that they exist and they are behind active searches for vulnerabilities.

    • moffkalast 3 months ago

      Lol legitimate. As legitimate as door to door salesmen. OP just put up a proverbial "no soliciting" sign.

  • k8sToGo 3 months ago

    Have you considered using crowdsec?

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      I set it up in a fairly superficial way, and there are only a handful (two or three) rules that can be applied on the free tier, and I'm a tight-ass.

      It's still running, but it doesn't seem to block much - but that might be because I didn't put enough time into "doing it properly".

    • teruakohatu 3 months ago

      Are there any downsides to crowdsec?

      • snorremd 3 months ago

        You end up sharing signals (IPs) to their crowd-sourced bad IP databases, but only get 3 free IP lists on the free plan. To get some of the bigger IP lists you need an enterprise plan at $2500 a month.

        Essentially they use the free customers to build the lists that drive their enterprise sales, which is fair enough as you get to use their free dashboard and open source software. But to me it seems they're really only targeting enterprise customers as a business.

        • Philippe_H 3 months ago

          Hi all and @snorremd, (Philippe from the CrowdSec team)

          The $2.5K / month was for enterprise, but we didn't correctly understand the need and converted it to 2 optional prices: $1K for LTS and $1K for support. This will be reflected in an update on our pricing page this week; thanks, everyone, for your patience in this matter.

          It took us time to segment our four products properly. We wanted to avoid pivoting later, as it happened to so many other open-source tools recently.

          * The Security Engine (IDS+WAF+IPS) is for everyone. (Free / MIT license, three free blocklists)

          * Its SaaS companion is made for anyone with a security engine. (Generous free tier, $31/engine/month for pro industrialization features, 3 premium blocklists + all free ones. Volume discounts avail. We'll soon merge SecOPS and enterprise plans, all features at the price of the SecOPS plan)

          * Blocklists are made for M/L entities to use. (In the range of a few ten of K$ yearly, all blocklists, unlimited)

          * The Full CTI database is intended to be used by L/XL Corps. (It contains 32 fields about ~25M IP, with industry targeted, country targeted, tech stack targeted, AS and range reputation, etc. Local replication at your place, several updates/day. 10 to 20K$ / month, depending on some parameters)

          PS: As we did for the Olympic Games 2024, we'll also give away a blocklist for the US presidential election of the most aggressive IP against US assets. With a quarter of a million machines running CS, we have a fairly good overview of this, in real-time.

          Safer together.

  • Bengalilol 3 months ago

    I was about to say out loud that it was a (kind of) relief not finding Google in your lists, then I found

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      I need to check my exact configuration, but whilst I've got 1e100 in a list, I think I've got an exception for it elsewhere.

      Ie. Whilst it's been detected as uninvited activity, it causes issues when blocked, so it's excluded from the blocking.

  • cranberryturkey 3 months ago

    Just install fail2ban.

    • WhackyIdeas 3 months ago

      For SSH, changing to a random port number resulted in zero connection attempts from bots for months on end. It seems bots just never bother scanning the full 65535 port range.

      • dizhn 3 months ago

        For most of my VMs there's no ssh running. I use wireguard to connect to a private IP. I haven't done this on the bare metal yet but I might. Though barring exploits like we had recently nobody is getting into a server with either strong passwords or certificates. Fail2ban in my eyes is a log cleaner. It's not useful for much else.

        • cranberryturkey 3 months ago

          it bans the bad ips, isn't that worth running?

          • thfuran 3 months ago

            But what does that actually accomplish?

            • cranberryturkey 3 months ago

              stops the attack from happening from those ips?

      • account42 3 months ago

        > the full 65535 port range

        Note that putting SSH on a high port has security implications.

    • speleding 3 months ago

      A server with fail2ban can be DOSed by sending traffic with spoofed IP addresses, making it unavailable to the spoofed IP addresses (which could be your IP, or the IP of legitimate users).

      That is typically a bigger problem than polluting your logs with failed login attempts.

      • CreatedAccount 3 months ago

        What would spoofing the IP of a packet when the underlying protocol requires a two-way handshake accomplish?

        • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

          With CGNAT, a prepaid sim card and some effort, you can make them block a whole legit ISP in a few days without spoofing anything.

          • tiberious726 3 months ago

            But the SIM card would need to from the particular ISP you are trying to block, otherwise you would be coming out of a different isps cgnat range, no?

            • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

              Yeah, but many ISPs, especially smaller, have a same pool of ip addresses for all of their users in that 'region' (for whatever size and definition of a "region").

              So with some effort, reconnections from/to a mobile network and many tcp/ip connectons, you can achieve that your device is connecting to the attacked site with many different (if not all) IP addresses from the ISPs pool, and if each of those is blocked, none of the legit users (using the same IP address pool) can access those services anymore.

              Look at services like digitalocen with cheap virtual machines... even amazon... so many of their IP addresses were used for something "bad" and got blocked, that running a legit service on any of them can mean that a portion of your potential users won't be able to access them, because they'll be on some block list somewhere.

      • tiberious726 3 months ago

        Don't most isps check the source address before relaying traffic nowadays? I know at least one of mine started a few years ago (and we had no idea we were asymmetrically routing our traffic till then...)

    • hypeatei 3 months ago

      fail2ban is another layer which is susceptible to abuse and vulnerabilities. It might keep noise out of your logs but at a huge cost. I'd rather just change the SSH port to something non-standard and write it down.

      • gnuser 3 months ago

        Add it port knocking and this is how I do it. nftables ftw

  • tredigi 3 months ago

    > and block those IP addresses from the service ports since the traffic source isn't to be trusted.

    This means that you are locking out anybody using a paid VPN service, if any other customer of that same VPN service does any kind of scan.

    • BLKNSLVR 3 months ago

      Something I didn't mention in my original comment, but have mentioned in another reply somewhere, is that I have the websites running behind Cloudflare, and I allow Cloudflare's ASN into port 443 but block everything else.

      Essentially outsourcing the security of port 443 to Cloudflare.

      My use-case is "hobby / enthusiast", so I believe I'm losing nothing and the "world at large" is losing nothing from this setup. Having said that, all policies on this kind of thing need to be strongly thought about in terms of their applicability to the use-case.

      Were I running a small or even medium business, I'd probably do it exactly the same with maybe a bit more of an eye on what's being blocked and the ownership of the IP addresses, and I'd have some stats to point to on the range of sources of legitimate traffic. It'd have to be a pretty big, international business for it to cause much of an effect (although I'm talking well out of school here because I don't have anything at stake).

      Flipside, though, I have my outgoing traffic routed through a couple of different exits, and I've had to make specific rules for some websites that block traffic from VPNs and VPSs, which is annoying, so I'm not completely dismissing your point.

      Lastly, however, at all scales I'd still block the Internet Scanners for reasons I've given elsewhere. Blocking them massively cut down on the uninvited activity - again, it's not about making clean logs, but it really helped clear a lot of the noise.

noduerme 3 months ago

Good grief. A couple days ago I re-enabled password logins on a server that normally only accepts private keys, just to check something from a third location, and then forgot to turn it off. Two days later the server's logs were full of thousands of failed login attempts that started a few hours after I enabled passwords and then ramped up to dozens per minute.

Just because it didn't instantly say "Goodbye".

I checked ip locations on the biggest offensing addresses; all were in China.

I don't know what to call the idiocy and amorality that leads people to scan port 22 for a living (or the stupidity that leads them to guess random passwords for random usernames that don't exist), but I suppose that for every gardener there are a billion ants.

  • p_l 3 months ago

    There's a cottage industry of shitty mass-scanning attacks that continue onto getting root on badly setup fresh installs of various linux distros and drop a rootkit on them.

    Some other common targets are websites to be reused for spam (hello, Wordpress!) or to hijack things like gitlab (again to drop a rootkit.

    The rootkits are then usually used either for DDoS extortion rackets (usually against game servers, including online gambling), spam (might be less big today than it used to be), and cryptocurrency mining (from my experience mainly monero).

    One time it happened in a network I set up due to miscommunication and misunderstanding of how vendor's install scripts worked (by vendor technicians!). During investigation, we found out that this particular "kit" was sold cheaply on a chinese forum (used to be russian forums back in the day, eh), as complete package to run on Windows to attack linux hosts for DDoS botnet purposes.

  • jimbobthrowawy 3 months ago

    I always install fail2ban or something like it on servers I want to have SSH on. Really cuts down on the log volume, even if I have locked myself out occasionally. The thing about port scanning is that it's cheap as hell. There's less than 4 billion IP4 addresses and zmap can hit them all within an hour on a decent network connection.

  • mmcnl 3 months ago

    I have SSH access to my server behind a VPN. Not opening port 22 makes life a lot easier.

  • beastman82 3 months ago

    The name for it is "authoritarian government"

simonmysun 3 months ago

Coincidently, I recently visualized the scanners for fun by plotting them on a globe[1]. It gives a more comprehensive view of the locations and ASNs of the scanners. The demo data is generated from 1 day of logs.


Amazingly there's no request from same ASN. I believe this is because the VPS provider has a quite strict validation process, e.g. you have to upload a photo of yourself with your ID and your handwritten username, etc. I would suggest we consider the reputation or credibility of the data centers so that the data centers have the motivation of banning such users. In my case, a lot of the requests were sent from Tencent or Alibaba data centers.

jsiepkes 3 months ago

If you have only public key authentication enabled with SSH I honestly don't understand why people bother with things like fail2ban. It just adds more moving parts with very little security gain.

The real risk is a zero-day in OpenSSH and fail2ban probably isn't going to protect you from that. In that case you are better served by putting another layer of defense in front of SSH like a VPN.

  • BrandoElFollito 3 months ago

    fail2ban is the kind of pseudo-security applied just because someone's cousin mentioned that in his blog.

    It provides zero security. If your endpoint uses default usernames you will be shot anyway because of IP spread. If your security is good you add something that will block your legitimate connection when you are in the middle of nowhere and, shit, cannot access your <some service>.

    • d-z-m 3 months ago

      "security" is a term that has to be defined in relation to a threat model. If your threat model is an attacker with a static IP hammering your server, fail2ban does provide some security against that sort of attacker.

      • BrandoElFollito 3 months ago

        No it does not. If the packet is at your door it is too late already. Then either it does not matter in which case you do nothing, or it matters (DoS) and then you have other problems.

        You are right that security works in the context of a threat model. There are however useless tools that give a false sense of "security" that do not fit in any reasonable model.

        I have cases where I block whole ranges of IPs for "legal" reasons - it does not make sense but there you are, the ones who write the rules are not the ones who actually know the stuff.

        • d-z-m 3 months ago

          > No it does not. If the packet is at your door it is too late already.

          Too late for what? Again, it only makes sense to talk about "security" in the context of a threat model. You can debate the reasonableness of that threat model, but that's another discussion.

          My threat model(for the sake of argument :^)) is an attacker with a static public IP address trying to bruteforce access to my service via repeated login attempts.

          I'll maintain(for now) that fail2ban can be an effective tool that does provide some security against an attacker of this kind.

          • BrandoElFollito 3 months ago

            You wrote that someone is hammering your IP. This was for me the definition of a DoS. Nothing on your side will mitigate that.

            But it does not really matter anyway. Your threat model is a single IP attacking you. What are you concerned about? That they will find services that are exposed and attack them? You should be securing these.

            You will never be attacked by one IP. The exact same attack will be done from many, many IPs and you do not want to defend against IPs attacking you, but against them exploiting a vulnerability on your side.

            Of course there is the "why not an extra layer of protection". This is great when you want to obscure something (moving a port for instance) because this does not have an effect on your system. Just imagine what happens when fail2ban goes south and blocks all addresses, or half of them, or yours because you tried too many times. This is a moving part that is actually dangerous.

      • SahAssar 3 months ago

        If your server is on the internet with a public ssh server then it is probably providing some sort of internet service. That internet service is almost always easier to DoS than your openSSH server. If you are not providing a internet service then why is your SSH open to the internet?

        • kloop 3 months ago

          > If you are not providing a internet service then why is your SSH open to the internet?

          So that I can ssh into it from various places and do stuff on my home server from elsewhere

          • SahAssar 3 months ago

            So you are accessing that server's services from some network, why are you not only allowing SSH over that network?

            Or, if your service is open to the internet then why does not what I said above hold true?

            • kloop 3 months ago

              I guess I am technically, but only for myself

              • SahAssar 3 months ago

                What is the networking difference between a service for yourself that you want to access from "various places" and a public service with auth checks for your key?

        • jszymborski 3 months ago

          Maybe the service is provided over SSH via e.g. port-forwarding (or is simply "SSH access to a server").

          • SahAssar 3 months ago

            Sure, but are L7 attacks easier than L4 against those servers? Adding more layers/software has a cost in configuration, maintenance, attack-surface, etc.

    • zbentley 3 months ago

      You're not wrong, but I'd say fail2ban still has value for junior operators seeking to reduce load and increase stability. If you don't know how to harden SSH, fail2ban is offers a much friendlier way to reduce the volume of logspam, CPU burn, and network traffic. It's just a pity that it's understood/documented/pitched as something that substantially increases security.

      • BrandoElFollito 3 months ago

        > If you don't know how to harden SSH

        then you do not open it to Internet. Otherwise you patch aggressively, you use ssh keys and not passwords and you move it to some random port to hide it a bit (it actually helps)

        > logspam

        you can filter this out in your log management tool

        > CPU burn

        if this is your concern, then you have a hep of issues you need to address. I have never seen a CPU perf hit because of such behaviour (there are cases where it happens, butthis is due to a vulnerability of the service)

        > network traffic

        the packet is here already, there is nothing to reduce

        • Karunamon 3 months ago

          Moving ssh off of port 22 makes it a pain in the ass to work with. Ports are standardized for a reason.

          Authentication attempts are a useful security signal; I don't want to filter them out. I want hosts running dictionary attacks to not be able to connect to my services in the first place. If you are running an SSH bot, then I don't want you on my website or anything else.

          • BrandoElFollito 3 months ago

            > Moving ssh off of port 22 makes it a pain in the ass to work with. Ports are standardized for a reason.

            yes, they were standardized in the ol' good times :) If you have a limited amount of people/services connecting then it is manageable. But of course YMMV.

            > Authentication attempts are a useful security signal; I don't want to filter them out. I want hosts running dictionary attacks to not be able to connect to my services in the first place. If you are running an SSH bot, then I don't want you on my website or anything else.

            enumeration and brute force on SSH fail by design when using keys.

            As for other services I do not see how this helps - you will block random IPs hoping that a vulnerable site is not taken over if they happen to get back. It is not common (at least in my monitoring of several honeypots in various locations) to have the same IP being particularly visible. Sure they are back sometimes but this is quite exceptional. Anyway - it is not worth the hassle, better have proper hardening.

            • throwitaway1123 3 months ago

              > yes, they were standardized in the ol' good times :) If you have a limited amount of people/services connecting then it is manageable. But of course YMMV.

              Agreed. I've never found it difficult to manage this. I already tend to configure SSH hosts in my ~/.ssh/config file anyway so that I don't have to remember every IP and port combination for every host I have access to when I want to use SSH (or something that relies on the SSH protocol like rsync or scp).

    • ars 3 months ago

      fail2ban increases your server performance. It cuts down on enormous amounts of logging from failed attempts, and reduces the CPU used to deal with the failures.

      Some sites get a mind boggling amount of attempts. For example I sysadmin some Jewish sites, and they get exponentially more hacking attempts than the sites not mainly used by Jews. (This was before the current war mind you, I'm sure it's worse now.)

    • mmsc 3 months ago

      People don't believe it's possible for software to be secure, and need a secondary defense to "protect them".

      • catalypso 3 months ago

        > People don't believe it's possible for software to be secure

        Rightfully so. You'd statistically be almost always right considering a software unsecure given enough time (for the vulnerabilities to be introduced then found).

        > need a secondary defense to "protect them"

        Nothing wrong with that. It's called Defense in Depth and is rather advised. Once you understand that security measures are not bulletproof, stacking them proves to be an easy way to increase protection.

        The case of fail2ban is not trivial: reducing log noise is a great perk, and can indirectly help with monitoring (you'd more easily notice suspicious behaviour if it's the only thing on your logs), but it comes at the small cost of setting it up, and accepting the risk of having a shared IP unwillingly blocked.

      • marcosdumay 3 months ago

        Except that it explicitly doesn't protect against security bugs.

    • eikenberry 3 months ago

      I always read the main use case had nothing to do with security, but was to reduce log spam.

  • mekster 3 months ago

    Repetitive log is something you appreciate by reducing and you don't have to give it unnecessary CPU cycles too.

  • jcynix 3 months ago

    Fully agree. Limiting the networks which can access your server will help, e.g. limit access to just your local provider or your workplace and you'll see no attempts from Brazil, China, ... unless you are located there, of course ;-)

    • ajsnigrutin 3 months ago

      It's all fun and games, until you travel outside of your country, and try to access stuff at home.

      • jcynix 3 months ago

        That's manageable with a bit of preparation: when I'm travelling, I allow access from other networks, e.g. those from phone providers. Or add a web form where I activate the IP address with a cryptographically signed "token" which the server can verify and then add the IP address to the set of allowed ones.

        Used one or the other every now and then in the last 10+ years and still have my attackable footprint small the rest of the time.

  • Too 3 months ago

    How do you protect your vpn?

    • d-z-m 3 months ago

      use a vpn that does not advertise its presence, like wireguard.

danielovichdk 3 months ago

I am not sure why this should keep anyone from hosting their own servers and services.

I find it positive to know that whatever and whomever expose anything on the Internet someone will try to exploit it.

For 443 and 80, why the concern ? Outsiders can try all they want bit if you are certain the software you use is secure, there will be no cigar.

I'd much rather have these things out in the open than hiding things away with some obscure thought about that should help anything.

If something is difficult do more of it. The same goes for understanding security.

  • dotancohen 3 months ago

      > if you are certain the software you use is secure
    This is the problem right here. You can be certain that the software you use has security issues.
    • lofaszvanitt 3 months ago

      And who will fire a 10k+ exploit on your server? So you could record it and resell? In the early days, surfing shady sites with Internet Explorer, you could net a lot of interesting js that exploited the browser.

      • dotancohen 3 months ago

        My server is an attack vector for my 10k+ users, and all their contacts. A 1% ransomware infection rate could net them $1 million USD worst case, and potentially an order of magnitude more if one of my users is browsing from a work machine in their network.

        Don't underestimate the security value of people hitting your servers, even if all you think you're serving is emojis.

        • lofaszvanitt 3 months ago

          I'm not underestimating. All I'm saying if someone pays 10k or more for an exploit against ssh/nginx/whatever, nobody is gonna pepper your server with it. They will sell it to a broker and pocket the money, end of story.

          You will be targeted if your server seems to be the lowest hanging fruit or most easily exploitable or the target is most easily reachable through your site. Otherwise noone will bother with your setup.

          • tiberious726 3 months ago

            This is very much so sticking your head in the sand. Some attacks are sold to highest bidder, others are deployed wide and fast. Some of us are responsible for securing high-sensitivity systems where such a shoot from the hip and trust everything will be okay attitude isn't acceptable.

          • elintknower 3 months ago

            Yeah, this is also a huge concern of mine. There's also nearly no standardization / information as to how to harden just a bit more than is commonly suggested by web devs / bad tutorial sites.

            • dotancohen 3 months ago

              Seriously. When you find something, please let me know too!

    • input_sh 3 months ago

      The question isn't does the software I run have some sort of yet-undetected security issues, but am I a valuable enough of a target for someone to waste their yet-undetected exploits specifically targeting me?

      If the answer's no, then your only job is to keep up with software updates.

      • lazide 3 months ago

        If you’re exposing your software to the external internet, you’re potentially valuable enough to get a drive by.

        • input_sh 3 months ago

          Assuming your software is fairly up to date and/or you haven't badly misconfigured it, they're not gonna do anything. There are a ton of routers and IoT devices that are a much easier catch than a machine run by someone that actually gave a thought or two about securing their server.

    • danielovichdk 3 months ago

      Sure. And so what ? Should I stop using it ?

  • tjoff 3 months ago

    > if you are certain the software you use is secure

    The entirety of the problem is that you can't be certain the software you use is secure.

    • danielovichdk 3 months ago

      Exactly. And to overcome this you as a user of that software has to be aware of that specific software.

      Most people doesn't give a shit, they pull down or introduce dependencies and think "wauw that was easy and fast".

      Of course there is secure software, otherwise we wouldn't be able to live as we do.

      • lazide 3 months ago

        As history has shown repeatedly, there is no secure software - just software that folks have not yet discovered how to exploit widely and effectively yet.

        • oopsallmagic 3 months ago

          Then why bother? I'm sorry, but where did this meek, defeatist attitude come from? It pervades software now. Sure, you're right, I guess I could get hit by a bus today, but that won't stop me from crossing the street, because there are a lot of things I can do to minimize my risk, like looking both ways, listening, and crossing at a signal. Software is similar. "Nothing means anything, all is chaos" might poll well on Reddit, but it's not good engineering.

          • lazide 3 months ago

            Who says it’s defeatist? It’s realism. You might as well say noting mild steel only has a 60-80kpsi yield strength ‘defeatist’.

            That attitude allows practical risk management and effective engineering. Pretending software can be secure or mild steel has infinite yield strength cannot.

            There is no lock that can’t be picked either, which is why no one leaves millions in cash protected just by a lock without guards and a surveillance system. And why they insure large amounts of cash.

            At this point it should be pretty obvious - don’t put important secrets on computers without a way to expire/revoke them. If it’s a secret that can’t be expired/revoked, think long and hard about if you need it on a computer - and if you do, use a SCIF.

            Monitor any connected computer systems for compromise. Use encryption extensively, preferably with hardware protection, because software is insecure, etc.

            Same with controlling dangerous equipment - don’t rely on pure software or someone will get killed. Use hardware interlocks. Use multiple systems with cross checking. Don’t connect it to the internet. Etc.

            This is all industry best practice for decades now.

            • wruza 3 months ago

              But the initial dialog was more like

                Q: this is good steel still, why not use it?
                A: steel is never ideal, that's the problem.
              Oh really.

              Risk manage us nginx please. At least write out the steps, you must have a checklist or something, right?

              Let's be honest, we just apt install it and read vulnerability reports when they hit /news.

              • oopsallmagic 3 months ago

                Exactly. I don't believe that the argument that some software somewhere at some point could have some vague security flaw in it is usually good enough to justify not running the kinds of software most of us here work on. It's solipsistic, and honestly seems a little in bad faith.

                But it's also moot: if you're that afraid of vague security threats, then just don't expose your software to the internet. It's not difficult.

                • lazide 3 months ago

                  Literally never said that. Speaking of bad faith.

                  the whole point in context was that exposing software to the internet is high risk, no matter how secure you think it is, because no software is truly ever secure given enough exposure.

                  Talk about exhausting bullshit. But then what to expect from a green throw away?

            • oopsallmagic 3 months ago

              > Who said it's defeatist?

              Uh, me, I did. I thought I was pretty clear. Please refer to my previous comment.

              > It's realism.

              Okay. How are you going to change your behavior?

              I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. If you want to put your recipe website behind a SCIF, be my guest. Some of us aren't quite so afraid.

              • lazide 3 months ago

                Haha, pot calling kettle black. I don’t need to do a damn thing different. Cars are still dangerous 100 years after they were invented, and the world still turns.

                You’re the one trying to turn this into some kind of existential emergency. What are you going to do differently?

                • oopsallmagic 3 months ago

                  Nothing! That's my entire point! Because I'm not afraid of the internet, and I trust in my ability to secure the software I host. You're the one struggling with the fact that no software is a platonic ideal, while the rest of us still have jobs to do.

                  • lazide 3 months ago

                    Then you may want to look into defense in depth - or at least not store any valuable secrets on the same machine, or accessible to that machine.

                    Which is my point.

                    Or yolo it because you don’t care about a compromise. It’s your life, not mine.

                    Hopefully you aren’t storing any medical records, financial records, etc. for me or anyone I care about if that is the case though.

          • kloop 3 months ago

            > Then why bother?

            Because software is fun, and I get to work with cool things. There is a joy in programming in and of itself.

            I guess your question doesn't make sense to me. Just because it will eventually be broken, does that automatically mean there's no value in software? I don't think that's true, it just probably means you should have an analog backup process if possible, especially for critical things like government services.

          • tiberious726 3 months ago

            It's not defeatist, it's called defense in depth

        • hollerith 3 months ago

          That gives the misleading impression that it is impossible to create and maintain a truly secure software system.

          • lazide 3 months ago

            I have yet to find any such system - given enough time and exposure.

            What makes you think such a thing is possible? In reality, not theoretically.

            I also have yet to find an unpickable lock, given the same constraint. Locks still have utility.

            But only fools protect something very valuable with just a lock.

            • hollerith 3 months ago

              >What makes you think such a thing is possible?

              The main source of my confidence is extrapolation from the results of successful initiatives to improve security. Rust is one such initiative: at relatively low cost, it drastically improves the security of "systems software" (defined for our purposes as software in which the programmer needs more control over resources such as compute time and latency than is possible using automatic memory management). Another data point is how much Google managed to improve the security of desktop Linux with ChromeOS.

              There's also the fact that even though Russia has enough money to employ many crackers, Starlink's web site continued operating as usual after Musk angered Russia by giving Starlink terminals to Ukraine -- and how little damage Russia has managed to do to Ukraine's computing infrastructure. (It is not credible to think that Russia has the ability to inflict devastating damage via cracking, but is reserving the capability for a more serious crisis: Russia considers the Ukrainian war to be extremely serious.)

              Sufficiently well-funded organizations with sufficiently competent security experts can create and maintain a software-based system that is central to the organization's process for delivering on the organization's mission such that not even well-funded expert adversaries can use vulnerabilities in that system to prevent the organization from delivering on its mission.

              • lazide 3 months ago

                ‘Secure’ == unable to be compromised.

                You seem to be saying ‘secure’ == ‘compromises are able to be fixed’.

                Which doesn’t fit any definition of secure I’m aware of.

                Every one of those things you mention has been compromised, and then fixed, at various times. Depending on specific definitions of course.

                And that is what we see publicly. Typically figure on an order of magnitude more ‘stealth’ compromises.

                For a compromise to be fixed, someone has to notice it. Exposing machines to the Internet increases attack surface dramatically. Allowing machines to talk to the Internet unmonitored and unrestricted increases their value to attackers dramatically.

                Without careful monitoring, many of the resulting compromises will go undetected. And hence unfixed.





                • hollerith 3 months ago

                  You made a universal statement, namely, "there is no secure software".

                  If you had written, "99% of software used in anger is insecure," or, "most leaders of most organizations don't realize how insecure the software is that their organizations depend on," or, "most exploits go undetected", I would not have objected.

                  • lazide 3 months ago

                    That is quite explicitly not what I wrote. You might want to re-read my comment.

                    My point not only stands, but is reinforced by your comments.

                    If software is eventually compromised, it was not secure. I have yet to see any software that does not eventually get compromised when it gets enough exposure.

                    That those compromises can get fixed after the fact doesn’t change that.

                    And ignoring the explicit cases where your examples were disproven doesn’t help your case either.

                    • hollerith 3 months ago

                      I find it obnoxious to correspond with you.

                      • lazide 3 months ago

                        The feeling is mutual, apparently.

          • kjkjadksj 3 months ago

            Is that impression not accurate? Everything is possible to exploit imo. Its why the us government spends a mountain on cyber defense and offense.

    • moffkalast 3 months ago

      Haveibeenpwned paints a pretty good picture. Breaches, breaches everywhere. The average piece of software cannot be trusted with keeping any data secure for any notable amount of time.

      It's funny that password managers and random generated single use passwords are so popular now, because the greatest risk to one's credentials isn't direct attacks, but having them leaked by someone's half assed backend. It gets even funnier when the service that gets breached has some arcane password security rules with two symbols or whatever, the ultimate hypocrisy.

      • otherme123 3 months ago

        Almost all stories you read about data leaks are some variation of "I installed XXX database and forgot to limit access" or even "and I wrongly supposed it wasn't listening to an internet exposed port". Breaches are just queries.

      • oopsallmagic 3 months ago

        To be blunt, those breaches are the result of software written by people I wouldn't trust to bag my groceries. I've never had a database get leaked, because I'm not a hack, and I know how to do the bare minimum above professional negligence to secure internet-facing services. I wish I could say the same about most of the industry.

      • withinboredom 3 months ago

        A “breach” usually means they got access to the database, which is much different to access to the underlying server. We aren’t talking about databases, we are talking about servers.

        • moffkalast 3 months ago

          It really depends on the architecture. At least I think it's fairly common for people to have some sort of database proxy running beside the static serve, so there isn't any direct public access and to do some caching, but once you're there it should be pretty wide open.

          • withinboredom 3 months ago

            In my experience, it is much more likely someone forgets to escape some input and opens the database up (via SQL injection) than it is for someone to break in via ssh or gain access to the shell.

    • quaintdev 3 months ago

      Common the web servers like Nginx, Caddy are not secure? If they found a zero day in these application whole Internet will go up in flames.

      • robertlagrant 3 months ago

        The whole internet keeps patching those flaws as they are found. The problem with self-hosting is patching.

        • wruza 3 months ago

          This is a non-problem since the invention of unattended updates. This whole subthread spreads uncertainty and doubt over simple things like nginx or ssh. Service providers don’t patch their software by hand either.

          20 years ago, when I was still young and naive, I took these concerns way too serious, remapped ports, believed in pwn, set up fail2ban and knocking, rotated logs. Later I realized it was all just FUD, even back then. You run on 22, 80 and 443 like a chad, use pw-based auth if you’re lazy, ignore login attempts and logs in general and never visit a server until it needs reconfiguration. Just say f* it. And nothing happens. They just work for years, the only difference is you not having tremors about it.

          The only time a couple of my vpses were pwned in decades was a week after I gave a sudoer ssh key to some “specialist” that my company decided to offload some maintenance to.

          What changed from back then is that software became easier to set up and config and less likely to do something stupid. Even your dog can run a vps with a bunch of services now.

          • denton-scratch 3 months ago

            > And nothing happens.

            Good luck. Some people have different experiences.

            • wruza 3 months ago

              Some people install every php plugin they can find. Recently I gave my coworker an access to a gui server and next day he complained he can't install some chinese malbloatadware on it. People have different experiences due to different paradigms. My message is about not being anxious, not about being clueless.

              With opensource and how code works in general, we are all in the same boat with bigcorps and megacorps. And they receive the same updates at the same rate (maybe minutes faster cause they host repos).

              This quote, "you can't be certain the software you use is secure", is technically true but is similar to the "you can't be certain you won't die buying groceries". Perfectly useless fearoid for your daily life.

              • tjoff 3 months ago

                I get what you are saying, and if anything all the "attacks" in the logs should build you some confidence. Oh, so 98% of all attacks assume I haven't changed the root password? I must be ahead in the game then.

                But the way you phrase it isn't really convincing, and for singling out 443 and 80 ports. As the subthread of breaches hint towards. You might not need to be worried about nginx, but whatever you host on nginx might be a problem and being "certain the software you use is secure" is also pretty darn useless as guidance.

                • wruza 3 months ago

                  How do you run software? Or if you are using managed hosting or a platform for running software, how exactly they solve this “security strictly < 1, have to run somehow” dilemma?

                  • tjoff 3 months ago

                    For systems exposed on the internet?

                      * Try to avoid it in the first place.
                      * Do research, minimize risk and make whatever compromises you are willing/able to make
                      * Isolate it
                      * Maintain, update and monitor it
                    At no point am I certain the software is secure.
                    • wruza 3 months ago

                      You seem to include some absolute security, which is obviously nonexistent in this world (p!=0 for any event according to some models), into your internet exposure formula, when "minimize risk, make whatever compromises, update" is sufficient (to me) and everything above that is just worrying too much without having control. I think that's where we fundamentally disagree.

                      • tjoff 3 months ago

                        I really don't.

                        Be aware of your threat model and the risks associated.

          • ricardo81 3 months ago

            >pw-based auth

            better off using key only logins and forgetting IMO

      • mr_mitm 3 months ago

        Even OpenSSH almost got a fatal backdoor recently.

      • tiberious726 3 months ago

        What planet are you on? Nginx had a 0 day as recently as April 2022

        This happens _all_ _the_ _time_

        • account42 3 months ago

          A very specific one that doesn't affect 99.99% of nginx servers.

          • tiberious726 3 months ago

            "If they found a zero day in these application whole Internet will go up in flames."

            Don't move the goalposts. I'm certainly not saying that nginx is insecure. I'm saying that if you think any piece of software written after the 80s has reached the point where it won't have 0 days anymore you just haven't been paying attention

kristopolous 3 months ago

in the early 2000s I kept an anonymous ftp server open and would routinely get the latest cracked software delivered right to my hard drive. It was very convenient.

  • sattoshi 3 months ago

    Cracked software can contain extra features. Especially when delivered in this way.

    • seanthemon 3 months ago

      Ooo like that awesome techno music on startup, or maybe bee movie during install

      • Etheryte 3 months ago

        I like the idea that someone embedded an entire movie as a malicious payload in an installer.

        • account42 3 months ago

          Well not a hollywood movie, but cracktros are a thing.

        • seanthemon 3 months ago

          I'm sold, send me the link

    • input_sh 3 months ago

      In the early 2000s it was pretty much expected that each and every computer you encounter is full of viruses. That is, viruses on top of viruses that come by default from everyone running a cracked version of Windows XP.

      • welder 3 months ago

        Most people on here didn't use Windows in the early 2000s, or ever.

        • PHGamer 3 months ago

          I remember a very popular windows xp key that always circulated on the net. it was funny as hell doing some contract work and a client giving me this code his former IT used to install windows.

          Im like is this what I think it is.. anyways he ended up buying a legit license since you know lawyer but still funny that I saw it in a business environment.

        • account42 3 months ago

          A very optimistic estimate of this websites demographic.

  • lofaszvanitt 3 months ago

    Oh, when you needed specific ftp clients, because most of them couldn't handle special characters needed to access the directory containing the LOOT :D.

  • qingcharles 3 months ago

    Back in the early 90s my first "job" on the Internet was for a pirate group -- I had to scan and find open FTP directories where the group could upload and store their output. There was a specific job title for this position, but I no longer remember it.

mianos 3 months ago

Over 90% of the ssh logins come from just a few China Telecom addresses. They just keep trying random ssh accounts over and over all day. I just geoblock China now. Maybe occasionally unblock it for a few minutes if the kids want to buy something from Shien. Then I honeypot the rest with the continuous ssh banner script.

mtekman 3 months ago

I have a utility that parses ssh failed attempts and creates iptables blocklists:

For those just wanting the blocklist, here is a table of malicious IP addresses, with columns of: address, number of ports tried, number of usernames tried.

  • securethrowaway 3 months ago

    I simply run fail2ban with a whole bunch of customer filters that will ban people very quickly. There's no need to request php or malformed urls when php is not used for example.

    • mtekman 3 months ago

      I used to run fail2ban, but I found it (or at least its defaults) ineffective against discouraging further requests. With iptables, you can specify the connection to hang for a period and then drop

      • justsomehnguy 3 months ago

        Defaults are set to reject. Just configure the jails or a global config.

  • miah_ 3 months ago

    A iptables hashlimit rule can do the same. Your firewall rules get to be more readable and you don't end up relying on the security of a log parser.

    The biggest win comes from just disabling password authentication in sshd though.

  • Phelinofist 3 months ago

    I run endlessh, I always giggle when I see some connection that last for 2d

  • sambazi 3 months ago

    a lot of ppl thought this would be a good idea at some point

  • eps 3 months ago

    upaste link is 404

frankohn 3 months ago

Some time ago I set up a server for a website and I was appalled, like many others, by the number of SSH connection attempts. I decided to open SSH only in a randomly chosen port number above 1024 and now I have essentially zero probing attempt. It is trivial but for me is a satisfying configuration.

  • usr1106 3 months ago

    This was true in 2018. In recent years I get 100s, sometimes 1000s of login attempts a day on high addresses.

    My servers are on AWS addresses. If someone searches for servers (as opposed to routers, phones etc.) AWS might be a preferred address range. No experience whether scan rates depend on the address used.

    • eps 3 months ago

      It appears to be two-stage process.

      There are open port scanners that just check what ports are open on which IPs, and there are separate ssh login brute-forcers. Once your machine gets picked up by the former, the latter will pile up.

      I have two servers on adjacent IPs, both with ssh listening on a high port. One gets hammered with login attempts and the other does not.

      • nonamesleft 3 months ago

        A lot of these seem to use zmap ( or masscan ( for the initial scan.

        Often with default parameters such as zmap setting ip id to 54321, having tcp initial window at 65535, having no SACK bit set and masscan with no SACK bit either, tcp initial window at 1024, tcp maximum segment size 1460 (which is strange to put below initial window size!), (older versions having fixed src port 61000 or 60000 from documentation examples and no MSS set), all of which are extremly uncommon in legitimate traffic and thus easily identified.

        Even those so called "legitimate" scanners (emphasis on the "") seem to use these tools with little or no extra configuration.

        With this setup the last time my high-port ssh (key-only) has got an attempt on it was 2023-07-26 (previous intruders get permanently firewalled).

      • gradschool 3 months ago

        This might not matter for your setup, but I would have thought it's bad in general to have sshd listening on a high port because then any non-root user who finds a way to crash it can replace it with his own malicious ssh server on the same port.

        • usr1106 3 months ago

          You mean non-root local user? We don't have non-trusted users on the system.

          Well, unless the http server or our dns resolver has a remote code execution vulnerability.

          So directly I don't see the risk you describe. Of course considering maximum defense in depth you might have point.

        • 20after4 3 months ago

          That's a good point, though you could use some firewall rules to rewrite the port number so that the local daemon is listening on the normal port but accessible via an alternate high numbered port.

      • usr1106 3 months ago

        Maybe that's the case. The machines where I am seeing a lot of ssh login attempts on high ports have been on the same IPv4 address for years. Some since 2018.

      • frankohn 3 months ago

        Interesting to know. For the moment, several months, I still have no login attempts but so that means my server didn't get picked up by any port scanner.

    • gsich 3 months ago

      addresses == ports in your view?

      • usr1106 3 months ago

        Yeah, sorry about the mistake. Too late to edit the comment :(

josephcsible 3 months ago

  > 1016 cd ~; chattr -ia .ssh; lockr -ia .ssh
Does anyone know what the "lockr" command is? I can't find any references to it besides people saying they observed malware trying to run it, usually (as is the case here) right after a chattr command with the same arguments.
eps 3 months ago

> 8181 root

In 30 days? That's tad unrealistic.

Just checked and there are dozens root login attempts per minute on my colo'ed server in the EU. Virtually all from the Chinese and post-Soviet IP space. But mostly Chinese.

  • nubinetwork 3 months ago

    I see ~1000 unique IP addresses hitting SSH every day.

gunapologist99 3 months ago

> In conclusion, these commands represent a clear strategy to infiltrate, assess, and establish control over targeted systems.

Oh hello, ChatGPT. You seem to be everywhere these days.

hugocbp 3 months ago

Amazing article!

It is actually amazing how fast and thorough the connection attempts happen as soon as you put anything online.

I've been playing around Hetzner and Coolify recently, and notice that, as soon as port 22 is opened, it is bombarded by those attempts. Several per second. It might be due to Hetzner IPs being reused, but happened to me every single time. Same with Postgres default port (those were the ones I've seen).

I have defaulted to use Terraform and bash to only open those ports in the Hetzner firewall (and more common ones like 3000 or 8000) to my own current ip. It does mean I'll get drift and need to reapply the Terraform code if I change ips, but seems to be at least one way to defend.

I fear that a lot of devs jumping into the "you only need a VPS" crowd on Twitter will end up with a huge attack surface on their apps and machines and most won't even know they are being targeted like that most of the time.

To this day I still find it hard to find a comprehensive security guide for those newer Linux fresh boxes (and the ones you find are all so very different with different suggestions). If anyone knows of a good one, please share with me!

  • fsmv 3 months ago

    You just need to turn off password authentication so it's keys only. They can attempt logins all they want and never get in.

    Also if you run ssh on a nonstandard port you get many fewer attempts. There are several groups that constantly scan all of ipv4 for open ports, if you use ipv6 they cannot scan that space anymore.

    Optionally you can set up fail2ban but I find it's not a big deal.

    • ogud2025 3 months ago

      I changed my SSH configuration to only listen on an IPv6 address 6 months ago and since then the number of SSH attacks has fallen from 1000+/day to less than 10/week.

    • hugocbp 3 months ago


      That is usually what I already do. Good to know I'm on the right path.

      When possible I disable root login as well (though Coolify seems to need it on, even if without password).

  • e12e 3 months ago

    I would recommend just using a VPN, like tailscale, for all non-public resources - rather than IP whitelisting.

    Ed: including private web services like self-hosted gitlab not used for publishing public projects.

    • hugocbp 3 months ago

      It's on my list to try. Haven't sat down to actually try using Tailscale with servers yet but seems like a good option. Thanks!

bobbob1921 3 months ago

Not sure if op will see this, but with regard to his comments on MikroTik routers and frequently seeing in his honeypot logs, the command: /ip cloud print

he is correct, This is a MikroTik command- although mikrotik has this feature, disabled/ off by default, a lot of users make use of it, and running that command will (if cloud dns enabled), will show the dynamic DNS entry of the device he is connected to. Ie if the cloud DNS is enabled, the output from that command will be something like: Detected public ip: DynDns: (which will always be updated to the detected public IP address of the router)

So I assume the attackers run this command so that they can still reach the router in case it’s public IP address changes at some point. (And assuming that the device will still be accessible after any public IP address changes).

(or perhaps they run that command to see if the cloud DNS service is disabled, which is the default, in which case they will then enable it so that they will have a dynamic DNS entry for the device).

laktak 3 months ago

What does `echo -e "\x6F\x6B"` do?

  • ggambetta 3 months ago

    If you say it 3 times in front of a mirror, it summons Stallman

  • raverbashing 3 months ago

    Maybe I should create a honeypot where cat, echo, sed, and curl/wget all drop random bytes in all commands they execute

    Would be fun

    • thesnide 3 months ago

      Better would be to just subtly change the output...

      Like do a +1 on the byte every 7 bytes. Bonus to do it only on every 7 printable chars.

      And you can even do A/B testing on the constant 7.

  • gpvos 3 months ago

    Tests whether `echo` supports the `-e` option.

  • zh3 3 months ago

    It prints "ok" and shows they got in (it relies just on a shell, nothing else).

    • lucianbr 3 months ago

      Why not do 'echo "ok"'?

      • kynetic 3 months ago

        As shown by someone having to ask what it does, it obscures what it does.

        • lucianbr 3 months ago

          Doesn't seem terribly useful. I mean it only obscures that it prints "ok". If you're looking at the logs, you probably already figured out someone is attacking you, and if you didn't, seeing "echo ok" will not help you figure it out.

          If the only thing the command does is "obscure what it does", then the only thing it obscures is "obscure what it does". I guess there's no requirement that whoever writes these scripts is a genuis.

          • Retr0id 3 months ago

            People writing malware generally don't want to deploy it on honeypots, because then they're handing their payload (and other tradecraft) directly to analysts.

            So often the first stage is an attempt at honeypot detection, or more broadly, device fingerprinting.

            A bad honeypot might not even run a real /bin/sh, and this detects that right off the bat.

            • lucianbr 3 months ago

              That makes a lot more sense than "it obscures the obscure thing it does to obscure itself".

  • ynoxinul 3 months ago

    This look like a simple test to see if remote command execution works.

  • spc476 3 months ago

    It echos "ok".

  • Mxrtxn 3 months ago

    Prints out `ok`

pingec 3 months ago

A bit tangential but is there a service or self hosted solution that would take a list of IPs and then keep scanning them periodically and alert me if any new ports have suddenly open?

  • cranberryturkey 3 months ago could do that with nmap script and a cronjob.

    • cranberryturkey 3 months ago

      I just scanned my domain for all 65k ports and it took 20 seconds with a 10gbit pipe. i could scan yours for you and shoot you an email if a new port is discovered. Would charge you Like $100/year or something.

FredPret 3 months ago

I simply block traffic from countries where I do not do business in.

I used to see constant attempts to mess with Wordpress URLs, which I know is not legitimate because I don't run Wordpress.

Cutting out Russia & China basically removed this problem. I really hate locking up my tiny corner of the internet but I don't see another way.

willfiveash 3 months ago

This story reminds me of the time I accidentally/naively set up a ssh honeypot when I configured the router I was using at the time (this was a long time ago) to forward incoming SSH connections to a ReadyNAS (which was using a Sun SPARC processor) in my house. I did that so I could log into it while I was away from my house. One day, I ssh'ed in and notice that the ReadyNAS was running very slow which surprised me because I thought it was idle. I checked the CPU usage and the sshd was using 100%. First, I thought it was a bug but it occurred to me I should check my incoming ssh connection attempts in my router log. Turns out there were a ton of ssh connection attempts coming from an IP address assigned to China. In response I changed the router port forwarding for incoming ssh connections to use a non-standard port number, like 55,243, and after that my ReadyNAS was no longer bombarded with ssh connection attempts. Lesson: try to avoid forwarding standard port numbers.

agilob 3 months ago

There's a project for running Honeypot as a Service: The data is public and you can register your router too

ciebie 3 months ago

What is a `lockr` command? Is it file system specific or something? Never seen anything like this. It probably should lock permissions on .ssh, but how?

nisa 3 months ago

Somewhat related due to a weak password a mail server from a community I'm involved in send out lot's of spam mail, after analysing the log files I've had over 1500 different IP addresses that logged in to send spam, about 10 mails for each address. ASN and subnets where spread across over the whole world. It seems like these attacks are coordinated using vast botnets and the use of single ssh public key here seems to confirm this. I had similar experiences going after attacks on WordPress instances and there I've also found attacks spread out across lots of hosts.

I'm wondering if it's possible to pin down those behind these attacks, there must be mistakes.

Tiberium 3 months ago

Interesting article, sadly due to my exposure to LLMs I couldn't help but notice that the parts about "oinasf" and are AI-edited at least. Kind of a weird choice considering that a lot of the article was clearly human-written.

ricktdotorg 3 months ago

3 simple sshd config lines remove a gigantic amount of worries if you run open ssh servers:

   Port NN
   PasswordAuthentication no
   AllowUsers user1 user2 user3
change those, sleep at night.
ibbtown 3 months ago

Had a own server in university during mY PhD. Most request were trying to download scientific papers from large journals using absolute and not relative URLs after request.

poikroequ 3 months ago

I once tried hosting a web server at home by exposing ports 80 and 443 to the Internet. Hours later I reviewed the logs, thousands of attempts to hack into my lil Linux server. It spooked me to say the least, so I switched to using cloudflare tunnels instead.

Exposing ports on the Internet is dangerous, especially SSH. You're much safer using a proxy or gateway of some sort, or better yet a VPN if it doesn't need to be publicly accessible.

  • waingake 3 months ago

    Is it? If you've got `PasswordAuthentication` disabled, only allow public key logins and keep your system up to date. Honest question.

    I self host my email ( docker-mailserver ) and host my personal website on an old laptop with a static IP. Have done for years now without issue.

    • pkrotich 3 months ago

      The keyword is diligently keeping your system up to date! That said you’ll still have exposure to zero day vulnerabilities and DOS attacks.

      • Fabricio20 3 months ago

        But an attacker with one of the biggest vulnerabilities on earth (hell, ssh noauth 0day) would very likely use it against big cloud providers and infrastructure (isps and others) and not burn it on your home server! Keeping it reasonably up to date with your distro's cycle is probably enough for most people doing this home server thing.

        So of course, as things always are with security this is a matter of risk assessment and understanding your attack surface, a server with only public key and maybe on a special port goes a very long way, add fail2ban on top and i'd say it's probably fine for quite a while.

        But that does make me think... what if... a wormable noauth 0day like that on ssh or some other popular system... how fast could it replicate itself to form the biggest botnet.. how long would it take, to take over all visible linux servers on the internet (so that your little home box ends up being a target)?

        I guess at that point you are limited by bandwidth, but since you can scale that with every compromised server... hope someone does the math on that one day!

        • rcxdude 3 months ago

          Ipv4 is only 4 billion addresses. It doesn't actually take very long to just try all of them. If you're running a service exposed to the internet and it has a published exploitable vulnerability, it's just a matter of time before it gets exploited. (that said, that time does give a little buffer for patching)

    • Beijinger 3 months ago

      "PasswordAuthentication disabled" not sure I can even do this on my shared BSD server. I have ssh access via pw and need it. Is this really dangerous?

      • Scramblejams 3 months ago

        Yes, it's risky to accept password auth if someone sharing the box with you has a poor password. They could do things like:

        . Install a spam or brute force password bot, which could get the machine kicked off its internet connection (in addition to whatever havoc it causes first)

        . DoS the server by filling up the disk or using too much RAM (are quotas enforced?)

        . Exploit a local vuln to get root, if such exists on that box. (Is the kernel promptly patched and the box rebooted?)

        . Explore other users' directories (are permissions locked down correctly across users?)

        …and more thrilling possibilities!

        Embrace key auth. Future you will thank you.

      • johnklos 3 months ago

        It is, if for no other reason than you never know when some other user has a guessable password. You should switch everyone to ssh keys. It's a good excuse to learn :)

      • sneak 3 months ago

        Yes. Authenticating with passwords is obsolete and dangerous. Use keys and disable password auth.

        • tpoacher 3 months ago

          And if you really like passwords, you could always enable both, too!

      • fragmede 3 months ago

        How good is your password? If it's long, with special characters, it's fine. Install fail2ban. The problem with auth keys is you can't get into the server if you don't have your laptop/phone/NFC device because you got pickpocketed/mugged?

    • Beijinger 3 months ago

      "I self host my email "

      Is this still possible? Are your emails getting delivered?

      Downvoted. I don't know when the downvoter tried the last time to "host their own email". Yes, DMARC, DKIM und SPF. Good luck trying to get your email deliverd to t-online or something.

      They may even check if your domain has an "imprint". I kid you not. I use my own domains too, but I piggyback with

      • pja 3 months ago

        > Is this still possible? Are your emails getting delivered?

        Mine are. Although it probably helps to have a static IP with a 25 year long clean history.

        Are there very occasional glitches? Sure. But I've seen ISPs drop everything from GMail on the floor for no obvious reason. I've seen GMail drop GMail email before. Same for every other large email provider.

        To date I haven't seen any reason strong enough to push me to switch to a centralised email host. That day may yet come of course.

      • A1kmm 3 months ago

        I self-host my email, and have not really had problems delivering normal quantities of personal email (except a bit of pain for Microsoft to accept mail in the first place, but it can be sorted quickly) - as long as you do DMARC / DKIM / SPF.

        I've never heard of t-online before or tried to send an email there to my knowledge... if one provider I've never heard of would refuse to accept my mail if I ever sent something to them, that's more of a them problem than a me problem - but it certainly isn't the norm for other providers.

      • hggh 3 months ago

        > Is this still possible? Are your emails getting delivered?

        Yes and yes (if DMARC/DKIM/SPF configured correctly).

      • johnklos 3 months ago

        > Good luck trying to get your email deliverd to t-online or something.

        People who say it cannot (or should not) be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.

        The dismissiveness is likely why you are downvoted, I'm guessing. The suggestion that because it's hard for you and therefore you're surprised others are doing it isn't a good look.

        Self hosting email isn't that hard, and there are many solutions for all sorts of self hosting issues. That's a topic for another discussion, though.

        • Beijinger 3 months ago

          "Self hosting email isn't that hard". Self hosting is super easy. Getting your emails delivered is hard. And I am not even talking SPAM folder here (see t-online example).

          Smart comment from reddit:

          "The problem with selfhosting email, unlike selfhosting services like Jellyfin or Nextcloud, is that you rely on other people's servers to play ball with you, but they often don't. Or they play for a while and then suddenly decide not to without telling you. It's unpredictable and we selfhosters don't have enough control over that."

          This describes it pretty well.

      • cherryteastain 3 months ago

        I fo it too and can deliver to gmail/office365 etc addresses no problem.

      • gsich 3 months ago

        yes and yes.

        Selfhost does not imply residential IP.

  • nurettin 3 months ago

    Don't worry, they are usually Russian/Chinese ips scanning for 5 year old php exploits. I've been exposing ports to the internet for decades with no issues. Always block ssh password and keep software relatively up to date. If you are very paranoid, make a vps beacon and remotely tunnel ports from your lab to it. That way you only expose the beacon.

    • zelphirkalt 3 months ago

      I wonder, what is the issue with authenticating by password. If you choose a password of lets say 64 random chars, shouldn't it be pretty safe? Or is there something in the password method itself, that is inherently weak?

      • denton-scratch 3 months ago

        > Or is there something in the password method itself, that is inherently weak?

        Your 64-character high-entropy password might be safe; other users on your system might baulk at memorising/typing in 64 random chars, and choose a less-secure password instead. With SSH keys, that can't happen.

      • cess11 3 months ago

        Sure, they probably won't crack that, but there are other things to consider as well. A sshd on IPv4 port 22 that accepts password auth attracts attention, and you'll spend CPU cycles constantly checking credentials from very large database dumps that float around. In my experience it leads to more log noise too, it seems many bots will discard your IP and stop pestering it if passwords aren't accepted.

        So in practice you'll probably also use something like fail2ban, firewall rules that only allow connections from certain IP blocks, things like that.

      • a_dabbler 3 months ago

        The first benefit is some bots won't bother testing passwords as the SSH error message tells them the server doesn't use password auth. The second benefit is if your server is compromised it's quite easy for a rootkit to hijack SSH and steal your password when you login (and then abuse that on other servers you use it), the same is not true with a key and it is much harder for a rootkit to abuse as long as you only use the key on your local machine (there are strong protections against SSH handshake MITM attacks afaik)

      • Hendrikto 3 months ago

        > Or is there something in the password method itself, that is inherently weak?

        You have to send your password/hash. With PKC, your private key never leaves your device. It can even live on a separate security key. All you ever send are signed messages, never your key.

      • KAMSPioneer 3 months ago

        There are still advantages to public key auth. Sibling comment mentioned resource use, but also consider ease of use: are you setting a random 64-character password on every machine that has SSH server installed? Would it not be easier to generate one ed25519 keypair, apply a reasonable passphrase (and/or use disk encryption), and then you have secure auth on all your machines without a password manager?

        If you're _not_ setting unique 64-character passwords per server, then you should consider what happens if your super strong password is discovered -- an attacker would have access to all your boxes. Compromising a key is harder than compromising a password.

  • kristopolous 3 months ago

    I've been doing it for 25 years. It's fine.

    • Hendrikto 3 months ago

      ”Works for me.“ does not really answer the question.

      Having a 25 year history might be why your mail gets delivered, while many people trying to self-host have constant and unpredictable deliverability issues.

      • kristopolous 3 months ago

        It's more an advocacy against security paranoia.

        You will always get automated attacks, constantly. But they're almost all doing stuff like trying to exploit a 12 year old bug in Wordpress or IIS.

        They're about as sophisticated as any other scammer on the net.

  • spc476 3 months ago

    I checked the logs for May for one website I run---65% of failed requests were for PHP scripts (mostly Wordpress). I don't run PHP so I don't worry. The rest of the requests were bots that can't parse HTML [1] and other weird requests. I've been running a webserver, SMTP, SSH and DNS for over 25 years and only once had an issue due to an inside job [2] twenty years ago (hard to protect against those).



  • aadhavans 3 months ago

    Out of curiosity, what are the ramifications of exposing ports 80 and 443? Can these ports even be 'hacked'?

    It doesn't seem terribly unsafe to me, especially if you're serving static pages.

    • koito17 3 months ago

      In my experience, most of the noise on my web server are bots with spoofed iPhone or Google Chrome user-agents. I see three kinds of traffic patterns.

      1. bogus /wp-login.php requests, or endpoints of presumably insecure wordpress plugins. These bots are pretty dumb and do it non-stop, even if the server constantly responds with a 404

      2. testing recent Apache vulnerabilities by POST-ing to something like /cgi-bin/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh . Even if your web server clearly communicates that it's not Apache, the bots still insist on testing Apache vulnerabilities. They also occasionally test vulnerabilities that exist in ancient Nginx versions.

      3. less common, but bots that exist to scrape something from the internet. I remember two years ago seeing a bot whose sole purpose was to document as many registered, valid domain names as possible (I found out about this since they linked a website explaining who they were in their user-agent string)

      Overall, I would say the background noise of HTTP servers is tame compared to what you see for SMTP servers and, to some extent, SSH servers. I happen to also self-host e-mail; logs record failed login attempts about every second. They always pick a username like "admin" or "adm". There's also people who try using your SMTP server as a relay for spam.

      • fpoling 3 months ago

        For me the biggest source of noise in logs for a small site is the referrer spam. At some point like 12 years ago I enabled webalizer stats with a public link to the stats page. Soon I had to deal with massive amount of bot requests with http referrer pointing to porn and farmacy ads. That has not stopped after the public link was removed and the stats has started to use a public spam database. And the spam is still there after 12 years.

      • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

        > testing recent Apache vulnerabilities by POST-ing to something like /cgi-bin/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/.%2e/bin/sh .

        Are they really recent vulns though?

      • aadhavans 3 months ago

        Gotcha, thanks for the detailed response. I've seen the WordPress login attempts in my own web server logs, and that seems to be corroborated in your comment.

      • hyperman1 3 months ago

        I've added a /wp-login.php and friends that firewall-blocks the IP of the requester for a week. It greatly cuts down the bot noise.

        • immibis 3 months ago

          My competing site can have <img src="https://yourdomain/wp-login.php"> and customers won't be able to view your site after that. Thanks for the free customers!

          • sweetjuly 3 months ago

            Yep :) The real trick is to not be vulnerable to known issues, and then mitigate post-compromise like crazy on the off chance you get patch gapped or (very unlikely) zero dayed.

            Blocking IP addresses is extremely silly, especially in an IPv6 world where attacker can easily get access to gigantic numbers of addresses in hard to identify ways (there's no source of truth for what IPv6 range corresponds to one blockable "customer". Some get /56s, others get /48s, etc.). It's security theater which may well just break your service for real users.

        • Beijinger 3 months ago

          Can you post the script?

          Obviously I assume you don't run wp. I think wordfence does something similiar.

          • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

            It's probably just an nginx fail2ban jail or something that looks for the wp pattern.

    • ozim 3 months ago

      99.9999% of issues on 80/443 are apps run on the server not webserver itself.

      It is applications that you run on web server that are exploited.

      So serving static pages is safest thing you can do.

    • chipdart 3 months ago

      > Out of curiosity, what are the ramifications of exposing ports 80 and 443? Can these ports even be 'hacked'?

      These are the ports usually employed to serve HTTP and HTTPS traffic, which mean public-facing servers.

      Having a server listening to those ports is the precondition to have web servers running specific types of services, some of which have known vulnerabilities that can be and are exploited.

    • ValtteriL 3 months ago

      Ports can't be hacked but the application listening on them can ;)

      You can have vulnerabilities on the server software and its configuration even if you are serving only static content. This should be unlikely if you use up-to-date battle-tested software like nginx without making crazy config changes.

      If you serve dynamic content, that may also have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit.

  • chipdart 3 months ago

    > I once tried hosting a web server at home by exposing ports 80 and 443 to the Internet. Hours later I reviewed the logs, thousands of attempts to hack into my lil Linux server. It spooked me to say the least, so I switched to using cloudflare tunnels instead.

    Isn't this hypothetical risk mitigated or outright eliminated by using stateless apps and periodically redeploying them in the spirit of cattle?

    • metadat 3 months ago

      Depends, If they get into the stateless app and hoist that to penetrate into other stuff in your network, they might be able to install an APT.

      • chipdart 3 months ago

        > (...) they might be able to install an APT.

        As you're periodically doing clean redeployments, that's not a concern isn't it?

        • immibis 3 months ago

          Clean deployments of your entire home network?

  • INTPenis 3 months ago

    I noticed earlier this year while deploying a CoreOS VPS with terraform that sometimes you'd get an interesting IP that would receive incoming HTTP requests for interesting domains such as I of course destroyed and re-deployed the VPS several times so the interesting IPs are lost to me, but it might be worth running a HTTP honeypot as well as an SSH one.

  • DEADMINCE 3 months ago

    The traffic doesn't matter if you are sure your setup is secure. Key auth only for SSH, reverse proxy in front of your actual web server and use secured containers or VMs for each service. Throw in fail2an or crowdsec and that's more than enough for a little home linux server.

  • JackSlateur 3 months ago

    Every things on the internet is doing exactly this "dangerous things", with the exact same means you have at your disposal.

    Exposing a service is not dangerous.

    It is the same thing when you go to the sub and many people ask you for money : they keep asking, but that will not lead you to your bank account.

    So you have log, this is not an issue, this is not something to be scared of or even cared of.

    Just ignore them, as they are worthless and part of the v4 internet.

  • mikhmha 3 months ago

    Yeah this is what keeps me away from self-hosting public facing stuff. To me its like opening a new pipe into your home that is open to the whole world. And I'm too carefree to get the settings down right. So I avoid it all with complete process isolation. Don't shit where you sleep!

    • sureglymop 3 months ago

      But couldn't, you, within your home, separate it from everything else? I don't see how it's any more dangerous really.

      • mikhmha 3 months ago

        I should clarify. When I mean self host it’s for public facing applications that generate revenue. It involves some transaction in currency?value? between the user. Once money is involved you become a target. I don’t want anything that could be traced to my physical address. I told you I’m careless, I’ll eventually slip up on installing the patches or configuring something right.

        Public facing like serving some static webpages or blog, text content. Yeah do it.

      • Nux 3 months ago

        Obviously you need to know how and if you don't then it's always going to look very daunting.

tanepiper 3 months ago

We run internal sites that are on the public facing web - the logs from Akamai are a daily list of mostly the same requests to find unsecured Wordpress and MySQL installs, .cgi and php files and paths like "..%C0%AF../..%C0%AF../..%C0%AF../..%C0%AF../..%C0%AF../..%C0%AF../etc/profile"

In 24 hours theres anywhere from 7000-9000 log events just from the CDN

JZL003 3 months ago

How do people feel about using docker as a way of avoiding 0 day vulnerability

It's all for personal use and maybe I'm just cosplaying as a sysadmin but I have apache proxy-pass ing to sets of docker containers. So as long as apache and ssh are kept up to date (on nixos), even if all my services are 0 day'd, they have to also escape the docker containment

reincoder 3 months ago

If anyone is looking to run IP metadata based reports on their honeypot, I can suggest IPinfo's CLI ( Here is my summary report from Fail2Ban:

``` Summary - Total 1490 - Unique 153 - Anycast 0 - Bogon 0 - Mobile 52 - VPN 91 - Proxy 12 - Hosting 1003 - Tor 0 - Relay 0

Top ASNs - AS132203 Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue 409 (27.4%) - AS14061 DigitalOcean, LLC 148 (9.9%) - AS135377 UCLOUD INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (HK) LIMITED 72 (4.8%) - AS16276 OVH SAS 72 (4.8%) - AS206264 Amarutu Technology Ltd 44 (3.0%)

Top Usage Types - Hosting 955 (64.1%) - ISP 418 (28.1%) - Business 49 (3.3%)

Top Routes - (AS132203) 48 (3.2%) - (AS206264) 44 (3.0%) - (AS132203) 36 (2.4%) - (AS132203) 36 (2.4%) - (AS132203) 36 (2.4%)

Top Countries - United States 276 (18.5%) - Singapore 221 (14.8%) - China 141 (9.5%) - France 88 (5.9%) - Japan 86 (5.8%)

Top Cities - Singapore, Singapore, SG 221 (14.8%) - Santa Clara, California, US 100 (6.7%) - Hong Kong, Hong Kong, HK 80 (5.4%) - Tokyo, Tokyo, JP 61 (4.1%) - Amsterdam, North Holland, NL 50 (3.4%)

Top Regions - Singapore, SG 221 (14.8%) - California, US 134 (9.0%) - Tokyo, JP 86 (5.8%) - Hong Kong, HK 80 (5.4%) - New Jersey, US 70 (4.7%)

Top Carriers - Africell 12 (0.8%) - Claro 12 (0.8%) - Vivo 12 (0.8%) - WINDTRE 12 (0.8%) - Telekom 4 (0.3%)

Top Privacy Services - TunnelBear 36 (2.4%) - Best Proxy Switcher 12 (0.8%)

Top Domains - 60 (4.0%) - 24 (1.6%) - 16 (1.1%) - 12 (0.8%) ```

Here is the command I used:

``` cat /var/log/fail2ban.log | ipinfo grepip -o | ipinfo summarize ```

The CLI is free to use. You can also do `bulk` enrichment.

``` cat /var/log/fail2ban.log | ipinfo grepip -o | ipinfo bulk -c > fail2ban_ips.csv ```

Disclaimer: I work for IPinfo. However, the CLI is free to use, and the bulk feature will usually work within your free tier limits. Ping me if you have any questions

ProllyInfamous 3 months ago

I somehow found myself in charge of a computer lab two decades ago... and idiotically set up admin controls via SSH.

The entire lab was down for almost a week [immediately hacked], and then I suddenly moved a few states away.

simple10 3 months ago

Why is 345gs5662d34 the 2nd most tried username after root? Bizarre.

charles_f 3 months ago

I opened my personal server's 22 to the world because I screwed up my vpn config a couple weeks ago. I just had a look at the auth log and closed it again. It is non-stop.

microbass 3 months ago

A perfect example of why one should use SSH over a mesh network like Tailscale, and don't expose over the public internet. No attack surface means no attack.

  • stanac 3 months ago

    I love TS just for this reason. All ports are locked and ssh-ing is possible only via TS. And for public facing web apps I open only 80 and 443.

    Does anyone have any experience with CF tunnels on free account? Is it actually free for smaller apps with less than 1TB of traffic per month? I was wondering about switching to CF tunnel which would mean I could also close 80 and 443 ports and block China (because I read somewhere that most of DDOS attacks come from Chinese locale botnets).

    • microbass 3 months ago

      For some additional peace of mind, you could also use something like Authentik in front of your web apps, so you don't expose the apps themselves, only Authentik. You can then use the IDP of your choice within Authentik for authentication.

      • stanac 3 months ago

        Thanks, I was thinking about small but public project.

    • andylynch 3 months ago

      Yes, CF tunnels are $0 for very small users. I have this, as do many others, as a reverse proxy for stuff like Home Assistant and it works great.

      • stanac 3 months ago

        Thank you, I'll have to try them

efilife 3 months ago

I was always wondering, how do you guys geoblock entire countries/ip ranges? Do you just use free ip lists you find on the internet?

lithiumii 3 months ago

My new VPS got an SSH attempt in 5 minutes after I purchased it. I'm now in the progress of running a similar honeypot experiment.

  • cess11 3 months ago

    If you push it you can scan the entirety of IPv4 in about five minutes.

jcynix 3 months ago

I've been running self-hosted servers for the last 25+ years without an incident and its less complicated than it might seem if you learn a bit about securing unix-based systems (ok, I already had 10+ years of server admin knowhow for various systems, but anyway, it's not rocket science ;-). Yes, an hour or so after you connect any machine to the Internet, you'll see attempts to "talk" to your server. So don't wait to set up basic security. But it actually has never been so easy to "just give it a try" (see below), with all the virtual offerings today. So here's a short/raw sketch of basic things you'd need to do:

1. 25+ years ago I used to generate an iptables based local firewall. Still works fine (then and now tweaking some things) and allows only certain ports too be accessed at all. I just open email, ssh and a web server.

The generator is well documented and still works, although it would be nice to see an updated version to newer firewall software like pf.

2. server configs:

edit /etc/hosts.deny --> restrict all by default

edit /etc/hosts.allow --> allow your service providers networks, e.g.

So you can connect to your machine for further setup, but not the whole world.

3. set up sshd:

edit /etc/ssh/sshd.config

  # allow key-based access only
  PasswordAuthentication no
Maybe change sshd's port (reduces log file entries) but don't forget to allow this port in your iptables setup and your /etc/hosts.allow

People have opinions an key-based access, I know. But my private and public key is stored in various secure locations, including my phone (password safe) and I can access my server even from my Android phone or tables via Termux.

4. set up email (I suggest postfix as an MTA):

configure restrictions in /etc/postfix/, e.g.

  # restrictions in the context of the RCPT TO command
  smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
        check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/sender_access,

  # restrictions for clients connecting
  smtpd_client_restrictions =
        check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/access_client,
This heavily reduces the amount of spam you'll see. I add greylisting too, as this even nowadays reduces even more unwanted traffic. Combine that with spamassassin if you like. This setup gives me maybe one spam per day reaching my inbox (actually the spam subfolder).

5. Learn by doing (not just reading stuff on the Internets ;-), that is, set up a machine, e.g.

If you'd like to experiment a bit, take a look at Hetzner's unexpensive cloud servers, these are easy to set up (incl. a virtual firewall in front of it) and take down after some experiments of a failure. You can do this in Hetzner's web interface, even if you misconfigure your server to be unaccessible. Cf.

Tip: Hetzner's web interface allows you to pre-define an ssh key which they'll install automatically on your new machine (but they leave password login enabled, so change that asap).

Disclaimer: I'm just a happy customer, no other relation. And it might be as easy to do this with Digital Ocean, which have some nice tutorials too, for example on the set up of a web server:

Last but not least No Starch Press overs some nice books like "How Linux Works" or "The Linux Command Line" (if you're not sure about that) or even "Linux Firewalls: Attack Detection and Response" ...

You learn most by trying.

I'm now heading for the beach to enjoy some offline adventures and will answer questions later if needed.

chickenfish 3 months ago

I guess may the compromised host was probably also use same weak password as it's Brute force other host.

throw156754228 3 months ago

My website backend APIs get repeated attempts at javascript prototype injection, all day, every day.

braza 3 months ago

(Long shot) I really would like to USA a spare machine for web serving a Jupyter Notebook server, but I did not found a single resource that blocks everyone except a single IP or something like this. Supper annoying to pay some cloud providers to have a resource that I already have.

e40 3 months ago

We use port knocking and haven’t had a single hack attempt in many years.

pompompurin 3 months ago

How did he expose his honeypots and make the bots aware of his existence?

  • themoonisachees 3 months ago

    If your server has something that listens on port 22, you just have to wait for like 5 minutes

msephton 3 months ago

I wanted to read more about the interesting part!

slt2021 3 months ago

dont ever run publicly exposed production SSH. If there is vulnerability in your version of ssh, you risk getting pwned.

figassis 3 months ago

Most of this nonsense disappeared when I adopted wireguard and later Tailscale.

RecycledEle 3 months ago

I am amazed we have not yet said "Hands off!" and coordinated physical interventions against the scum who attack our electronic brains.

Is it so hard to kick in the doors of those whose IP addresses are used to try to hack honeypots?

This lack of action is why I oppose all law enforcement. Until they do their jobs, they do not need to be paid.