modeless 7 days ago

Coqui's XTTSv2 is good for this because it has a streaming mode. I have my own version of this where I got ~500ms end-to-end response latency, which is much faster than any other open source project I've seen.

These are easy to make and fun to play with and it's awesome to have everything local. But it will take more to build something truly useable. A truly natural conversational AI needs to understand the nuances of conversation, most importantly when to speak and when to wait. It also needs to know subtleties of the user's voice that no speech recognizer can output, and it needs control over the output voice more precise than any TTS provides. Audio-to-audio models in the style of GPT-4o are clearly the way forward. (And someday soon, video-to-video models for video calling with a virtual avatar. And the step after that is robotics for physical avatars).

There aren't any open source audio-to-audio models yet but there are some promising approaches. has the input half at least. has a cool approach too.

  • zkstefan 6 days ago

    > There aren't any open source audio-to-audio models yet

    I think that's not true. See this for example: It's not general purpose like GPT4o but translation still seems pretty useful

    • modeless 6 days ago

      I don't think SeamlessM4T qualifies as an end-to-end audio-to-audio model. The paper states "the task of speech-to-speech translation in SeamlessM4T v2 is broken down into speech-to-text translation (S2TT) and then text-to-unit conversion (T2U)". And while language translation is an important application as you mention, it's strictly limited to that. It wouldn't understand or produce non-speech audio (e.g. singing, music, environmental sounds, etc) and you can't have a conversation with it.

replete 7 days ago

I tried a similar project out last week, which uses Ollama, FastWhisperAPI, and MeloTTS:

Docker is a great option if you want lots of people to try out your project, but not many apps in this space come with a dockerfile

sleight42 7 days ago

Ok, I need this but cloning Majel Barrett as the voice of the Enterprise computer.

  • gavmor 7 days ago

    Trivially done with a minute-long wav file. Simply specify the source sample in your june-va config.json

xan_ps007 7 days ago

we have made an open source orchestration which enables you to plug in your own TTS/ASR/LLM for end-to-end voice conversations at ->

We are also working on a complete open source stack for ASR+TTS+LLM and will be releasing it shortly.

underlines 7 days ago

Honestly, there are so many Project on Github doing STT - LLM - TTS that I lost count. The only revolutionary thing that feels like magic is if the STT supports Voice Activity Detection and low latency LLM inference on Groq, so conversations feel natural.

  • xan_ps007 7 days ago

    What we have learnt is that big enterprises do not really want to use close source models due to the random bursts in usage which might drain their bills.

wkat4242 7 days ago

I currently use Ollama + Openwebui for this. It also has a really serviceable voice mode. And it has many options like RAG integrations, custom models, memories to know you better, vision, a great web interface etc. But I'll have a look at this thing.

aftbit 7 days ago

Looks interesting! Is the latency low enough for it to feel natural? How's the Coqui speech quality?

  • lelag 7 days ago

    It supports XTTSv2 which is currently the open-weight state of the art. So, pretty damn good (

    Too bad that the project is in limbo after Coqui (the company) folded. The license limits the use of the weights to non-commercial usage unless you buy a commercial license, and there's nobody left to sell you one now.

    • qup 7 days ago

      is there anyone to sue you? (how does that work?)

      • nmstoker 7 days ago

        I don't know the details in this case, but it seems plausible that someone still owns the IP and thus might be in a position to initiate legal proceedings.

        • qup 7 days ago

          That same person could update the license, no?

    • NikkiA 6 days ago

      Honestly, I don't think that sounds as human as piper does, but that's probably a function of the voice model files more than anything, fe, en_US 'amy' sounds artificial, but hfc_female sounds more realistic on the Piper samples.

  • jsemrau 7 days ago

    When I gave "Matt", my loyal local assistant[1], a voice xTTSv2 performed better for long form text. While in longform emotions seemed well balanced in the text, in short replies the emotion patterns frequently felt off and therefore unnatural. What I liked about xTTsv2 though is that voice cloning is fairly easy by just providing a .wav file with the intended voice pattern.


    • pclmulqdq 7 days ago

      xTTS is notoriously bad at generating short samples. It will also hallucinate if you give it something short enough.

replete 7 days ago

How does the STT compare to Fastwhisper?

Gryph0n77 7 days ago

How many RAM GB the model requires?

skenderbeu 7 days ago

My very first Multimodal AI star on Github. Hope we see more of these in the future.

m3kw9 7 days ago

How long till a stand alone OS that makes AI usage its first class citizen?