TheAceOfHearts 5 days ago

It would be interesting to read how they decided on these specific symbols, or if that knowledge is lost to time. I feel like sometimes standards would benefit from including a non-normative section explaining a bit more of the reasoning behind specific design decisions.

ggm 6 days ago

Didn't catch on. ^C did, mapping to ascii equivalent just worked. "Hat" for control key was a winner.

  • 9dev 5 days ago

    That confused me a lot when I started using Linux as a teenager. There wasn’t really an explanation anywhere, some commands would just show ^Something and assume you’d know what to do. When I finally figured out, the terminal made a lot more sense.

tuukkah 5 days ago

Interesting how they didn't use hexadecimal the same way as we do today, instead writing e.g. the code position 0x7F as 7/15.

seoulbigchris 3 days ago

If anyone is old enough to remember Joe Campbell's "C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications", there was an excellent ASCII wall chart, which used these symbols for the control characters.

hetman 5 days ago

Apparently this later became ISO 2047 and most of these characters are mapped into Unicode (with the exception of a few which have reasonable substitutes).

I was wishing for something like this recently so I'm genuinely pleased to know this exists.

  • rbanffy 5 days ago

    Which ones aren't? I think I've seen them all in during my work with adding legacy characters to Unicode 13 and now 16.

zeitgeistcowboy 5 days ago

Character 7 is still a bell! I always loved that when you printed ASCII character 7 on old machines it made a sound instead of printing a character.

  • qsort 5 days ago

    Old machines? Type "print(chr(7))" into the latest Python REPL and see what happens :)

    • teddyh 5 days ago

dusted 3 days ago

It's amazingly interesting to me that these exist and yet, do not seem to be commonly available in ascii fonts

proneb1rd 4 days ago

TIL. The burger icon (LF) was invented in 1968

nikeee 5 days ago

I'm curious: Is there still a free copy available from ECMA in switzerland? I mean, besides this scanned one. I just love printed stuff.

  • rbanffy 5 days ago

    Not sure if free, but they should be able to provide any current standard.

dartos 5 days ago

Why have symbolic and alphabetic, I wonder

  • dusted 3 days ago

    I think the idea was to be able to communicate them on devices that did not have the symbols (which turned out to be pretty much all of them)