fifticon 3 months ago

it's weird being 53 years old, click a random article on hackernews, notice the games discussed have something in common - why is that guy trying to recreate Braybrook's games? oh, he _is_ mr braybrook from my childhood.. But I cant remember where I put down my phone or glasses last time..

  • mobiuscog 3 months ago

    Am 53, can confirm exact same sentiment.

    Uridium, Paradroid... Some things are unforgettable.

egypturnash 3 months ago

Dear Mr Braybrook, I spent a lot of time on your games as a kid, and you can code up whatever the hell you want to, but I would like to respectfully suggest that you have a look at stuff like TileEd before going further down this particular rabbit hole. Use the results of someone else spending about twenty years writing a powerful, multi-use map editor.

yzydserd 3 months ago

50+ and spent many hours, days, weeks, months playing these as a kid. I'm very glad to learn Andrew Braybrook has a blog. Looking forward to slowly digesting each post.

grugagag 3 months ago

These have a sorcerer like quality in my mind. When I was a kid and playing these games, at some point I realized other people where the authors of these games. I tried to make my own but I didn’t know much programming at the time, all I had were the magazines I was typing out from and whatever was coming out was paling in comparsion with commercial games at the time. It was pure sorcery in my mind.

01HNNWZ0MV43FF 3 months ago

I don't remember the explanation but I know I asked before in another thread - didn't I read some of these comments yesterday?

kookamamie 3 months ago

Paradroid 90 was fantastic - thank you!