ChrisMarshallNY 3 months ago

I like this person's dedication to accessibility.

Sadly, the type of fraud that they are complaining about, is epidemic throughout the entire Internet. I'm glad to see light shined on one instance, but it's only a tiny drop in the ocean.

As long as behavior like this is incentivized, it will continue.

  • 01HNNWZ0MV43FF 3 months ago

    > As long as behavior like this is incentivized, it will continue

    Sometimes I wonder if cheating is always incentivized and the only interesting question for governments, economies, etc. is not "who is in charge?" or "who gets paid and how much?" but "how do we suppress corruption?"

    • ChrisMarshallNY 3 months ago

      I have a family member that used to work, at extremely high levels (My younger brother and I are the redneck engineers, in my family), fighting corruption.

      It's a really, really big problem.

      These days, she's working on addressing poverty, which she believes is probably the biggest problem in today's world.