nickcw 4 days ago

I'm not a big fan of auto generated commit logs - they just have too much noise in. You might as well look at the git history. Changelogs should be for users to read.

I have a program which generates the first draft of the rclone changelog from the first line of each git commit. I try to encourage all contributors to make the first line of their commit message be something a user would like to read in the changelog. Instead of `fixed nil pointer error` have `fixed crash when copying file to xyz backend`.

I also spend maybe an hour each release editing the auto generated changelog, removing the noise (refactored X, fixed docs for Y, made tests for Z work), condensing multiple entries, reorganizing, moving things to the correct section, linking stuff etc. Where the committer didn't write a sensible first line commit message I go back look at the diff and rewrite it.

I try to put the important things first in the changelog and keep it brief. The changelog is a heads-up for users that things have changed or been fixed and users don't want to spend hours reading it.

I think for an open source project like rclone where I review commits from all different levels of developer, and from all different levels of English mastery I'd have too much difficulty getting every commit message written in style to use a tool like git-cliff to generate the changelog without editing it.

Would I like not to spend an hour or more of my time editing the changelog for each release - most definitely! However I owe it to the users to make something nice and I don't think I can delegate that to a program.

  • stusmall 4 days ago

    I've been recently working on the process to improve this at my day job. A coworker made a point to make very clear distinction between change logs and release notes, and its made a huge difference in how I approach and think about the problem.

    A changelog is a raw, engineering driven manifest of everything that has changed. This log sometimes needs more context. Okay the wizbang had a hoozit added, what the hell does this mean and why do I care? Or it needs less and a lot of the engineer rambling needs to be stripped out.

    The changelog is an input to a release notes process. This is where refine the wording and fix it up for end user consumption. Having a clear changelog pointing back to individual PRs and engineers lets us go back and talk to folks and clean things up and have final wording checked. There is no amount of automation that can every replace this process. It's part of the finishing touches and craftsmanship our customers expect.

    Nothing I'm saying here is any different than what you are saying. My changelogs are the same as your drafts. I just found having those clear definitions and separate terms made it easier to sell the process and have people understand the big picture.

    • OJFord 4 days ago

      > A changelog is a raw, engineering driven manifest of everything that has changed. This log sometimes needs more context. Okay the wizbang had a hoozit added, what the hell does this mean and why do I care? Or it needs less and a lot of the engineer rambling needs to be stripped out.

      With that definition it literally is just the git log though isn't it, which was GP's point?

      I know you're writing in agreement, but it sounds like your changelog is an intermediary step, and I don't understand why it's needed? To fill in the gaps from lazy commit messages?

      • gregmac 4 days ago

        > With that definition it literally is just the git log though isn't it

        I think you're right if you go by that definition ("changelog is a raw, engineering driven manifest of everything that has changed"), but there I think there is an intermediate step between git log and the user-facing release notes, whether or not it's formalized, which is to basically squash the messages into the list of effective changes since another point-in-time (eg: last release).

        Let's say you add a feature, then refactor it a bit, then fix a bug in that new code. The only thing that needs to be there is the "Added a feature" part, because the rest is meaningless noise when you compare it to the prior release.

        Likewise, if you add then revert something, both can be removed.

        Or if you bump a dependency to version 2.0.5, then a couple days later go to 2.0.6, you don't need to mention the 2.0.5 one at all.

        For me personally, this is just part of the process of how I go from git history and PRs to actual user-facing release notes (that have "why", context, and are sorted by added vs fixed, and have callouts of deprecations or breaking changes). But there's a case for it being its own output, or even the only output.

      • stusmall 4 days ago

        >I know you're writing in agreement, but it sounds like your changelog is an intermediary step, and I don't understand why it's needed? To fill in the gaps from lazy commit messages?

        It's about the audience.

        * Commit Messages - These are comments that last for the life of the project. The audience in for engineers far in the future and it should explain what changed, why and the context

        * Pull Request Message - These are comments that live for a short time and are targeted for reviewers. Things you might cover here that aren't covered in a commit message is what kind of manual tests were done, releases you want to target, or reference other PRs that might be related

        * Changelog entry - These audience here is internal. It is SREs, release managers and the authors of the release notes

        * Release notes - This is for the customers

        For many changes, all of these can be the exact same thing. It's one reason why I like conventional commits. In those cases you can write it once and it shows up everywhere with very little friction. You add it to the commit message, then when you open the PR the title and body are populated from the commit. When you generate changelogs, it is pulled from git history. Engineering isn't always the happy path, for special situations in each one of those steps you can edit it and add or remove context for the particular audience.

        Not all orgs need this or need to care about it. It's completely okay if they don't. I've just found it useful in mine.

      • Sayrus 4 days ago

        When using open source tools, I love having a change log with direct links to merge requests and issues, and potentially across several repositories. It makes the process of reviewing and searching for changes so much easier than pulling the log.

        It's also great to ship that changelog with the artifacts so they are readable on third-parties (Helm Charts on Artifacthub, GitLab and GitHub releases, ...).

      • R0flcopt3r 4 days ago

        We give support a change log, the customer a release note. Developers use the git log.

  • campbel 4 days ago

    Our company has several repos with enforced conventions on PR titles (much like this tool demonstrates) which does create some pretty decent automatic change-logs. At the very least its easy to get a summary from the list of PRs included in a release. Definitely better than just a git diff. That said, there is no panacea, and there is definitely annoyance in edge cases that don't quite fit.

  • lloydatkinson 4 days ago

    Did you look at the example changelogs git-cliff creates?

    > I try to put the important things first in the changelog and keep it brief. The changelog is a heads-up for users that things have changed or been fixed and users don't want to spend hours reading it.

    Provided the commits use conventional commit format such as "feat(thing): fixed crash when copying file to xyz backend" or "fix(database): generate migrations correctly" not only do you get the type of commit but also the category or area.

    git-cliff and others then use that to automatically add sections for each category of commit. This wouls surely needing to spend hours on writing changelogs, which seems an insane amount of time to me.

    > I also spend maybe an hour each release editing the auto generated changelog, removing the noise (refactored X, fixed docs for Y, made tests for Z work), condensing multiple entries, reorganizing, moving things to the correct section, linking stuff etc.

    • mathstuf 4 days ago

      I find that conventional commit wastes space in the summary for little gain. Categories are subjective and just not worth discussing much of the time. Even with it, how do you deal with things like reverts to commits that shouldn't be mentioned in the changelog anymore? Updating text or copy is also annoying.

      I've found that storing changelog snippets in the repository is far more scalable (one file per note in a directory). This allows future changes to update changelog entries and reverts to just remove them completely.

      There's also enough trouble getting Github and GitLab to support commenting on commit messages (something they should do anyways!) that feedback on release notes stuffed into commit messages is then a third-class process. They can still be collated and gathered just like from the commit messages, but they're actually tracked by git and there's no confusion when backporting changes: the release note comes with it without having to merge with conflict notes, `cherry-pick -x` notes, etc. You're also not limited to a measly single line for describing your change.

      • teeray 4 days ago

        > I find that conventional commit wastes space in the summary for little gain

        The things that conventional commits adds to commits were intended to be accomplished by commit trailers (Co-authored-by, Signed-off-by, etc.). Nobody is stopping anyone from having a “Change-type” trailer and a “Product-area” one too. You can have these in a template on your machine so it’s the same amount of typing involved. You can even tack on `--trailer` to `git commit` if you insist on using `-m` for everything and never filling out the commit body (commits devoid of detail are another plague on repositories).

        • keybored 4 days ago

          Yes, trailers are built-in and serve the metadata purpose in a fair amount of projects already.

          There’s also more freedom to be verbose (“Change-For-Downstream-X”) since they are at the very bottom of the commit message. You can even filter out certain trailers with git log.

          The Conventional Commits people were apparently not aware of this capability when they started (understandable since the tooling is niche). You can see they had some back and forths about trying to get their “footers” in line with trailers and how they had to stumble across misunderstandings about how they work.

      • parasti 4 days ago

        > I've found that storing changelog snippets in the repository is far more scalable (one file per note in a directory).

        Do you have an example repo that you can share? This sounds really ideal but wondering how this is managed and organized between releases.

    • martypitt 4 days ago

      > Did you look at the example changelogs git-cliff creates?

      This isn't easily discoverable from the landing page -- I think the site could benefit from an "examples" sections. Given the focus on customizability, it'd be good to get a sense of what's possible, rather than diving straight into Get Started, before I've decided that I want to use the tool.

  • madeofpalk 4 days ago

    Automated changelog generation tools usually have a mechanism to allow you to opt commits in or out of the changelog.

    So you still get authorial control over the changelog, but when it comes to actually creating the document it’s automated because you wrote the individual lines when you wrote the code.

    It’s basically the same as what you’re doing, but in a different order.

    • remram 3 days ago

      That works if commits can be looked at in isolation to build the changelog. What if a commit introduces a feature, and a subsequent one changes it? Is there a syntax for your commit to replace an earlier changelog entry?

      Cue the Kubernetes release notes, which contain 20 separate "update to Go x.y.z" for each release.

      • madeofpalk 3 days ago

        The way I've always done it is that it's controlled via labels on PRs. If you want to remove a PR (and by swashing merges). If you want to remove a PR from the changelog, remove the label.

  • whoomp12342 4 days ago

    if you start your work under a branch to match a card issued by product (through your sprint/kanban ticket system), then rebase all your commits into that branch, which is what becomes part of that then it CAN be user digestable.

  • 0x457 4 days ago

    I mean, if you treat commits as a line in changelog and write them that way, then the difference in outputs between autogenerated changelog and what you're talking pretty much goes away.

    CC style can easily be enforced automatically, I often just rewrite commit messages when merging PRs from contributors, so it looks nice when I run git-cliff on it. You can always add a pre-face by hand to what was generated for every release.

fphilipe 4 days ago

I am definitely more in the changelog-as-a-file camp. From

> Using commit log diffs as changelogs is a bad idea: they're full of noise. Things like merge commits, commits with obscure titles, documentation changes, etc.

> The purpose of a commit is to document a step in the evolution of the source code. Some projects clean up commits, some don't.

> The purpose of a changelog entry is to document the noteworthy difference, often across multiple commits, to communicate them clearly to end users.

  • WorldMaker 4 days ago

    > they're full of noise. Things like merge commits

    From another angle, merge commits can also be a solution to the problem. `git merge --no-ff --edit` can be a great way to summarize an entire branch of commits. Most PR tools will give you an easy way to create those kind of merge commits. Don't settle for the default "merge branch x into y", create a meaningful title and fill in details/summary of what happened in the branch. With traversal tools like git log --first-parent you can see a high level of just your merge commits with the gnarly details of whatever steps led up to the merge commit itself.

    I've certainly seen good projects where `git log --first-parent` was always a useful first pass changelog (no matter how "clean" the rest of commits were or were not). Probably still not a changelog you should send as a document to end users (because still written from a development standpoint rather than a user standpoint), but a good place to start writing the end user documentation.

  • pydry 4 days ago

    Noise can be excluded.

  • airtonix 4 days ago

    spent 3 years on a team hoping they would step up a write meaningful changeset titles...

    however. ended up just getting:

    - fixed things. - creates new feature x - fixed broken thing.

    instead of something that's appreciable by non technical people:

    - when navigating to the nuclear launch code dashboard, a user is no longer mocked for having a likeness to <current unpopular person>.

    point here is. if your team didn't write good squash merged PR titles before, they won't magically start doing so because you're using changesets.

joshka 4 days ago

Here's an example of a changelog that is generated using git-cliff:

The things that make this work well for us are

- We make sure we document every PR with user facing language and conventional commits.

- We generally use GitHub's squash merge, which means the noisy development commits are not part of the changelog.

- We create a highlights doc when we release that summarizes the main points of the changelog (this is the distinction between a changelog and release notes). E.g.

  • keybored 4 days ago

    It looks like the commits are lightly processed (scanning “type”, removing it, moving it to the correct section/heading), put in bullet points, adding a hyperlink to the commit hash, using section breaks for something (maybe per PR or something).

    It looks nice. And verbose. Like a lot of refactoring bullet points.

    The “squashed” commits don’t look good but that’s the fault of squash commits (as usual).

    In the end this is a very light shim on top of git log. (Light in terms of data, not light in terms of the discipline and visual overhead the so-called Conventional Commits standard demands).

    • joshka 2 days ago

      > It looks like the commits are lightly processed (scanning “type”, removing it, moving it to the correct section/heading), put in bullet points, adding a hyperlink to the commit hash, using section breaks for something (maybe per PR or something).

      Yeah pretty much. The config is at

      > It looks nice. And verbose. Like a lot of refactoring bullet points.

      Most of the bullet points are single features / changes to the library that are delivered to the users of the library.

      > The “squashed” commits don’t look good but that’s the fault of squash commits (as usual).

      Can you give an example of this? Everything you're seeing in the changelog is a commit that has been pushed to the repo with a title message and a manually crafted body - we generally avoid letting the body be the github squash commit PR message junk.

      > In the end this is a very light shim on top of git log. (Light in terms of data, not light in terms of the discipline and visual overhead the so-called Conventional Commits standard demands).

      Yeah, and that's generally useful from the perspective that it's available online, searchable in a single doc (which makes it easy to answer questions like "when was blah implemented"

      There's probably a bunch of things that would make this even better, but there's diminishing returns on the effort involved in doing so.

  • weinzierl 4 days ago

    The changelog is completely generated with no manual editing afterwords, right? In the same vein, is the highlights doc written by a human?

    • joshka 2 days ago

      yes and yes

herewulf 4 days ago

I've seen quite a few projects lately that are generating their release notes from commit history. This is quite *bad* because it's frequently full of things that are inconsequential for users. I really don't care that you refactored your foo-baz into a qux-quz. Please at least summarize the major points between releases.

Hopefully this software is better but this seems like an opportune place to lodge this complaint.

  • weinzierl 4 days ago

    I don't disagree in general, but I think "because it's frequently full of things that are inconsequential for users" should not be a good reason.

    The idea behind auto-generating the changelog with a tool like git-cliff is to use it in conjunction with conventions on your commit messages like Conventional Commits [1]. This gives you fine grained control about what will appear in the changelog.

    What you do, is to move the decision whether some information ought to appear in the changelog from the time of release to the time of the commit. You also shift the responsibility from the release manager to the individual developers. The big advantage of this process is that it is much harder to forget to include things.

    If that is a good idea depends on your project and team. For open source projects, where everything is public anyways, the generated changelog could act as a pretty-printed, filtered and limited view of the git history.

    For proprietary software I believe the commit messages should be a space where the developers can express themselves without having to worry about that anything they write could end up at the customer (which I presume is the ultimate consumer of the changelog).

    I also think there is a difference between a changelog and release notes with the former not being a replacement for the latter. For a good example how in my opinion useful release notes could look like see [2].

    Apart from all of that git-cliff is an excellent implementation.



    • keybored 4 days ago

      > I also think there is a difference between a changelog and release notes with the former not being a replacement for the latter. For a good example how in my opinion useful release notes could look like see [2].

      My knee-jerk reaction is that now we’re just inventing something to sandwich in-between two already existing and useful things: the git log and the curated end-user change documentation.

    • tjoff 4 days ago

      >What you do, is to move the decision whether some information ought to appear in the changelog from the time of release to the time of the commit.

      Which doesn't make any sense.

      20 commits/PRs might fit together in as one line in the changelog. There is nothing that one can write in any one of those commits that make any sense at the time of commiting.

      • weinzierl 4 days ago

        Some projects make it work, see the example in another comment.

        • tjoff 4 days ago

 is a library, whoever reads that changelog are potentially interested in the nitty gritty details. But I'd say it is the exception rather than rule, and even in that case it is only sensible for projects of a certain size with a certain release cadence.

          Still, stuff like:

            7a48c5b (cell) Add EMPTY and 
            (const) new method by @EdJoPaTo in #1143
            This simplifies calls to 
            `Buffer::filled` in tests.
          feels questionable to have in the changelog either way. Unless that for some reason has a great impact for users (could be, didn't read into it).

          A better example, in my eyes, is teamcity.

          A curated overview that actually explains the change rather than just states a difference.

          They also have a similar view of fixed tickets:

          Doing what teamcity does takes some effort. And I guess my gripe is the belief that these conventional commits will save the majority of work of the release notes. It can be a convenience but it needs curation and work to be presentable. And most projects seem to pick them to avoid that work.

  • Aeolun 4 days ago

    I disagree. I find it quite useful to see that a refactor happened in the foobar, when my foobar has suddenly stopped working from one release to the next.

    • j16sdiz 4 days ago

      This is quite useful to narrow down the problem when it occur.

      This is not useful to decide if I should upgrade now, or what should I try out after upgrade --- and this is what a release note should be doing.

  • shiroiushi 4 days ago

    >I've seen quite a few projects lately that are generating their release notes from commit history. This is quite bad because it's frequently full of things that are inconsequential for users. I really don't care that you refactored your foo-baz into a qux-quz.

    I disagree: I think it's extremely helpful for users to read dozens or even hundreds of commit messages saying "fixed typo".


    • Jochim 4 days ago

      This feels like a fairly disingenuous interpretation of how this gets implemented.

      Normally, commits must match a particular pattern to be included. Those that start with "feat:" might appear in the features section, while those starting with "bug:" show up in fixes.

      A few simple rules are enough to ensure that an intelligible changelog is generated. Minimal cleanup can then focus on making it presentable.

      You could even set up your pull request rules to handle this for you. On approval it could look at the linked issue and include the title and appropriate pattern for that issue as the message for any merge/squash commits it creates.

      • shiroiushi 4 days ago

        This is peak HN: getting accused of being "disingenuous" for making a glib comment complaining about too many "fixed typo" and other trivial commits in a git log.

        >On approval it could look at the linked issue and include the title and appropriate pattern for that issue as the message for any merge/squash commits it creates.

        Squashing is great IMO, but the problem is that many organizations prohibit it, because it erases a developer's commit history, because apparently it's really, really interesting to pore through dozens of commits where a developer fixed some whitespace, fixed some typos, etc. (Before you say something about rebasing, these same organizations also frequently prohibit that too.)

        • Jochim 4 days ago

          > This is peak HN: getting accused of being "disingenuous" for making a glib comment complaining about too many "fixed typo" and other trivial commits in a git log.

          Making snarky comments isn't particularly interesting, nor does it offer much opportunity for discussing the actual benefits/drawbacks of the topic.

          > Squashing is great IMO, but the problem is that many organizations prohibit it, because it erases a developer's commit history, because apparently it's really, really interesting to pore through dozens of commits where a developer fixed some whitespace, fixed some typos, etc. (Before you say something about rebasing, these same organizations also frequently prohibit that too.)

          That's an issue with the policies of those specific organisations rather than with the idea of generating a changelog from commit messages.

          Squashing/Rebasing isn't necessary to generate a clean changelog. You don't need to include every commit by default.

Pawamoy 4 days ago

I maintain git-changelog, which is a similar implementation in Python (started two years before git-cliff). When I discovered git-cliff a few months ago, I was very impressed by the number of things they support. Also, being written in Rust, it must be much more performant than my Python implementation (which indeed has trouble with huge Git histories). I have started recommending git-cliff to some of my users who request features I don't yet support :)

Great work, git-cliff devs!

onion2k 4 days ago

I don't quite understand the use case for this sort of app (generating a nice changelog from a well structured commit history.) In my experience if your team is disciplined enough to use something like Conventional Commit rigorously you don't actually need an app. The history of the merge commits or pull request descriptions is usually enough, unless you're passing the changelog to particularly non-technical users, in which case you need a human to write the changelog regardless.

For an app to be useful you need to have a case where you want the data from the commit history to be useful in the context of a doc, where you retain technical descriptions written by devs. Just copying the commit descriptions into a doc, even in a nicer format, feels like theatre to me. You aren't gaining anything. Non-technical users won't benefit from it and everyone else can learn 'git log'.

There is an arguement that using this would push a dev team to improve their commits, but in my experience if the team lack enough discipline to write them well a time saving tool isn't enough to push them to get better. They're probably not writing a useful changelog yet, so this doesn't save any time at all.

I really hope I'm missing something.

  • CGamesPlay 4 days ago

    > Just copying the commit descriptions into a doc, even in a nicer format, feels like theatre to me. You aren't gaining anything. Non-technical users won't benefit from it and everyone else can learn 'git log'.

    I disagree. As a technical user who consumes many external repositories, I much prefer reading a changelog to reading a list of commits. First, I'm not reading this in a git client; I'm reading it in a web browser (likely on Github). In this interface, being able to see via headings the changes since my current version and the new version is extremely useful. Second, the change log is distributed with the application, even in cases where the source code isn't (this is especially useful when thinking about things like GUI auto-update checks, where I want to see the change log before I decide to upgrade). Third, the one-line summaries typically link back to commits or PRs, so when I see something I do want more information about, I can easily find the technical discussion about it.

  • lloydatkinson 4 days ago

    > I don't quite understand the use case for this sort of app (generating a nice changelog from a well structured commit history.) In my experience if your team is disciplined enough to use something like Conventional Commit rigorously you don't actually need an app.

    > Just copying the commit descriptions into a doc, even in a nicer format, feels like theatre to me. You aren't gaining anything. Non-technical users won't benefit from it and everyone else can learn 'git log'.

    > I really hope I'm missing something.

    Yes, this seems to be cynical for the sake of cynicism. The point of tools like this is that you do in fact want this document, because no one will be copy pasting messages from git log to put in the changlog files. And if they are, they would appreciate a tool to do it for them.

    Additionally, changelogs are part of releases and will show up in GitHub releases, package managers, etc.

  • Jochim 4 days ago

    I think it serves a few potential purposes:

    It provides a solid, accurate draft that can be expanded on when targeting non-technical users.

    I've often found that lack of visibility leads to messy commits. Surfacing these messages in the changelog introduces an incentive to take more care.

    With regards to the usefulness of the descriptions, the associated issue is often linked along with the commit message. This is often omitted in hand-written changelogs. In this case the auto-generated changelog acts as an index, allowing the reader to quickly parse what changed and jump to the associated code or ticket.

  • e12e 4 days ago

    Going through prs generated by GitHub dependabot - I very much appreciate projects that provide release notes/change logs that highlight breaking changes. It would require a lot of work to go through each individual project for actual commit history between foo v1.2.4 and v1.3.2.

    Now you could argue that one should look at all dep code changes... But it's a tall order to fully audit all dependencies.

the_duke 4 days ago

What other comments are missing is that git-cliff is based on the conventional commits [1] spec.

If you follow this properly the commits will already have important metadata for presentation in a changelog.

Also keep in mind that the auto-generated changelog should always be augmented and filtered manually before the final release.

But the combination of git-cliff and conventional commits can save a lot of time for the initial draft.

It does require discipline in using conventional commits properly.


  • mihaaly 4 days ago

    > If you follow this properly

    There it goes! One more thing to do precisely and not only at dedicated time but continuously on top of all other things to do precisely already inherently around completing a task. Everyone all the time think about the state of changelog communication in addition, and do it well, phrase it for changelog purposes, format it for that as well. While working on changelog on the end will need additional work still.

    In some simple situation it may have merit though, I admit. Seems like additional trouble (both workload and source of mistakes) in a medium to large team.

    Except if the developers are well programmed robots themselves, of course, those do not fail (or easy to throw out and replace if they do).

    • sloowm 4 days ago

      The other option is someone scouring through the mess of commits to find out what should be in the changelog or you have to update the changelog with each commit to the main branch. Which brings you back to the extra step on top of things you need to do.

      So this is a way to reduce overhead, you need to write a commit message anyway so why not reuse that effort.

      "Simple" projects like curl use their commit messages for the changelog.

    • lloydatkinson 4 days ago

      If a team of devs is incapable of writing good commits with simple prefixes then that's a strong case for adding git hooks that reject commits without the prefix.

      Before someone starts getting their pants in a twist at this idea, you can configure a solution such that commits to branches don't need a conventional commit format, but that the commit that merges a PR into master must have conventional commit format.

      • keybored 4 days ago

        > Before someone starts getting their pants in a twist at this idea, you can configure a solution such that commits to branches don't need a conventional commit format, but that the commit that merges a PR into master must have conventional commit format.

        Not can, must. You cannot enforce this for local development since git(1) doesn’t allow project-wide hooks for security reasons.

      • mihaaly 4 days ago

        In an idealized and simplistic (imaginary) world you are completely right, but here you missed the point quite a bit:

        People make mistakes! Everyone! Already.

        More things to watch for and take care of, with more people: more mistakes.

        Too much mistakes - that we already have without more aspects - negate the advantages of the idealized intended outcome.

        People working with other people in everyday situations could understand that.

        • Izkata 4 days ago

          Forget mistakes, such a commit hook would prevent me from making small iterative commits. I'd just disable that hook within the first few days.

  • lolinder 4 days ago

    > But the combination of git-cliff and conventional commits can save a lot of time for the initial draft.

    Does it though? What would happen if we instead directed our discipline into updating the changelog manually on each PR?

    Does having git cliff as the middleman provide much value if I have to enforce highly specific logging practices in the PR anyway?

ddulaney 4 days ago

We built an internal system that grabs our git history. For each commit you either enter a release note or mark it as not customer facing. It’s worked pretty well so far: each developer runs through their list writing down something, and a technical writer follows up checking style and grammar. We have confidence that every commit was at least looked at.

We do monthly releases, and the level of effort has been under an hour each month per dev, which has been super worth it for us.

  • Jochim 4 days ago

    I've seen the same thing done within the ticketing system. It's useful when you might want non-developers to contribute to the notes.

    Being able to dedicate a tag, field, or work item type is pretty handy.

    • weinzierl 4 days ago

      We considered generating the changelog from the git commits, the information contained in the PR and from the ticket.

      Ultimately we also decided to go with the tickets, but I am curious what your reasoning was to go that way?

      • Jochim 4 days ago

        Sadly, we didn't end up implementing it ourselves. Release notes were a "nice to have" so it became one of those things that gets kicked down the road.

        The primary advantage of the ticket-based approach is that it's much easier to involve non-dev stakeholders. I'd choose it whenever other people might want input in the process. Most ticketing systems also offer a lot of flexibility, you could incorporate the ticket name, group tickets by relation, block completion states, act on deployments, etc. The ability to edit the note without rebasing is a major bonus as well.

        The git-based approach potentially leads to a more readable commit history, and strongly associates any release notes with the actual code change. On the other hand, it's a pain to edit and can distract devs while they're problem solving if not setup well.

        • ddulaney 4 days ago

          The reason I didn’t go with a ticket-based approach is that we don’t have a perfect 1-to-1 mapping of commits to tickets. The worry was that we would miss commits because they weren’t well-associated. Because the tool we made is web-based, it’s a little less scary for non-devs.

  • keybored 4 days ago

    It grabs the history? So it is written after the fact (after the commit message)? Where is it stored?

    • ddulaney 4 days ago

      It stores it in a “branch” that’s totally separate from the main branch, kinda like git-notes. We push that branch to our git forge like normal, so there are copies of it all over the place, and we can make a CLI tool if we ever want to.

      It works really well so far.

      • keybored 4 days ago

        That’s cool that you make it separate from the commit message and yet linked to it.

        We also might need customer facing release notes at some point. But that shouldn’t be in the commit messages I think since it’s irrelevant in that technical context.

        • ddulaney 4 days ago

          Yeah, I pretty strongly agree that it shouldn't be in commit messages.

          A big consideration for us was that we didn't want to get in the way of normal development, and Git is a core part of that loop. By making the release note a thing that happens separately, we let devs batch that work before a release. But the tool displays the commit right as you're writing the note, so you can quickly see what internal-facing commit message you wrote at the time, and copy-paste if you think it's good enough.

          • keybored 3 days ago

            I love that approach. Everything is linked but nothing pollutes the wrong context.

nixpulvis 4 days ago

16 clicks to get to the examples in the documentation. I think you could do a much better job of organizing and showcasing how this tool works before so much about how to install it on every platform.

welpo 4 days ago

I use git-cliff for my personal projects. If you follow conventional commits and squash merges, you get a clear, user-friendly changelog—it's easy to "skip" commits that don't affect the end user.

I wrote a tool to validate commits, which helps ensure both the git history and changelog look clean:

  • doix 3 days ago

    You don't _need_ to squash, if you don't want too. You can merge and use conventional commits for the merges. Then git log --first-parent gives you the change log whilst also not not forcing you to squash.

  • pseudalopex 4 days ago

    Repeated items, items irrelevant to users, details irrelevant to users in each item, and poor organization in each section make the git-sumi release notes unclear and user unfriendly.

    • welpo 4 days ago

      You're right; there is a lot of noise in the git-sumi changelog. As it matures (and I tinker less with it), it should get better.

      Here's a better example on a more mature project:

      • pseudalopex 4 days ago

        The tabi release notes have items irrelevant to users, details irrelevant to users in each item, and poor organization in each section.

schneems 4 days ago

Here’s my solution: I have a github action that checks if the changelog was touched in the diff. It fails tests if not.

It’s impossible to rewind your brain to the time of when the change is made to consider the total impact to the end user. The best time to write a changelog is when the change happens.

For minor stuff that doesn’t need to be in the changelog, the action checks a label and passes if “skip changelog” is applied. But the default is “hey, you forgot to tell users what they should expect with your change”

keybored 4 days ago

I hope I don’t have to work in a project with Conventional Commits.

- The mandatory formatting takes up prime real estate in the subject line

- You don’t get much data out of it: one byte (rounded up) since it’s just “type” and “is breaking change or not”. Not a great trade considering how much it sticks out

- It subjectively looks bad: “feat”, “chore”, codey exclamation mark (punctuation) for breaking changes, and BREAKING CHANGE in all-caps (it’s supposed to be machine readable so why shout, your programs are supposed to pick up this for you)

- You have to care about this for every final commit that lands in the project

- Just to serve a changelog (which is supposed to just ape the git log?)

  • jasonpeacock 4 days ago

    > You have to care about this for every final commit that lands in the project

    Same as having a standard coding style, you should have a standard commit message style that you do care about for every commit in the project. A mish-mash of variable quality and variable formatted commits more than subjectively looks bad - it reduces the signal-to-noise of the commit messages.

    As for the `feat(scope):` in the subject line, it's a very succinct way to communicate the type of the change. Don't make me the read the whole commit to figure out if this was a feature or bug fix, or only affected the build.

    > Just serve a changelog

    Sure. But I want the changelog to list features first, then bug fixes, etc. How do I do that automatically with only the git log w/o some sort of standardized tagging of the commits?

    • keybored 4 days ago

      > Same as having a standard coding style, you should have a standard commit message style that you do care about for every commit in the project. A mish-mash of variable quality and variable formatted commits more than subjectively looks bad - it reduces the signal-to-noise of the commit messages.

      I already personally use a standard commit message style.[1] And that standard is about how to structure the prose, not about using any kind of structured markup (outside the trailers section).

      > As for the `feat(scope):` in the subject line, it's a very succinct way to communicate the type of the change. Don't make me the read the whole commit to figure out if this was a feature or bug fix, or only affected the build.

      Verbs already serve that purpose most of the time. Then you get redundant lines like `feat: add OAuth 2.0 login`.

      > Sure. But I want the changelog to list features first, then bug fixes, etc. How do I do that automatically with only the git log w/o some sort of standardized tagging of the commits?

      If you have such a high volume of commits (that users would care about) that you have have distribute tagging of all commits to all contributors,[2] you can use the trailers section.[3]

      [1] I don’t expect anyone else to at work. In one free-time project people use the same style, with one exception (against my personal taste).

      [2] And if you need such a detailed changelog, let alone a fully automatically written one


benrutter 4 days ago

This looks great! My team does something very similar with a key project but more home-spun because git-cliff either didn't exist or wasn't known about at the time.

For everyone saying "manually written changelogs are so much better" - well, yeah of course! But they also take up a lot more time and resource to curate. I'd hate to see a huge project like gnome or something do this, but I don't think that's the pitch.

As an alternative for either a badly maintained changelog, or no changelog at all, adopting commit or PR conventions is a great idea.

CGamesPlay 4 days ago

I'm pretty unclear on what the "bump" command does. Does this create a git tag? Make a new commit? Have hooks to update version constants in the source? Seems like the answer to all of these is "no", and so I'm not really sure how useful it is.

I'm also aware of related tool in this space: semantic-release <>. I haven't used it in my repositories, but it seems like a more comprehensive verison of git-cliff.

epage 4 days ago

For me, I find this approach better than nothing and would not shame or discourage someone from using it over hand written.

That said, I am wanting a Github action based release workflow and want it to scale to manual edits of changelogs, so this is insufficient for me. Instead, I've been taking notes on changelog fragments as I hope they can offer the best of both worlds, see

nerdright 3 days ago

I don't think using the verbatim git history as a change log is a good idea.

But if you insist on using the git history for change log, why not use an LLM? You could feed git history to chatgpt and get a nice user-friendly change log.

vzaliva 4 days ago

This may be a task where LLM (AI) could do a reasonable job. Of course the results need to be reviewed by a human.

esafak 4 days ago

This is the kind of thing LLMs are great at.

  • dewey 4 days ago

    That's what I thought when I read the headline but when I checked it looks like it's regex based.

kreetx 4 days ago

IMO, changelogs taylored by humans are often better (feel more "whole") than machine generated from commit logs. If anyone wants to see the commit logs, they are there for inspection, and when written well can give a good idea on what has been going on.

lloydatkinson 4 days ago

I'm not involved with this, but I did create the winget-pkgs issue to get git-cliff available for use on Windows.

Because of this Windows users can simply run "winget install git-cliff".

Small things like this help with adoption.

habosa 4 days ago

Just want to say that the animation on the home page is delightful and a lot more creative than you'd expect from a git tool.

whoomp12342 4 days ago

maybe I'm basic but I'd rather just use git to do this and not conform to a specific tooling / format

sigmonsays 4 days ago

this is a great tool, I dont think it replaces maintaining a proper changelog but it definitely helps track what is added to each release.

I think there should be both a generated changelog and an official changelog when a release is made.

gigatexal 4 days ago

Hah mgmt asked for something like this and boom HN provides!

gradientsrneat 4 days ago

git-shortlog, which is built in to git, can also write changelogs, with support for arbitrary grouping based on commit metadata.

egberts1 3 days ago

End user ≠ developer

Git log ≠ ChangeLog

dkga 4 days ago

... it's me, Cathy...

  • quesera 4 days ago

    I cannot justify upvoting this comment, but I will thank you for bringing a smile to my day.

amar-laksh 6 days ago

Not sure about anything else, but love the animation!

  • weinzierl 4 days ago

    Then you should check out (different project, same author) and maybe its presentations on yt for more awesomeness of that kind.

    • dkga 4 days ago

      Amazing animation (and idea) indeed, as someone who loves using the terminal and sometimes - only sometimes - like to see something new like this.