BobbyTables2 2 days ago

A Write up on the modding of the BIOS would have been a lot more interesting.

justinclift a day ago

This article is very much:

    How to draw an owl:

    1.  Draw a big oval on your paper.  The owl will go inside this.

    2.  Draw the rest of the owl.
This article is not only useless, it's encouraging people with that same motherboard to potentially compromise their system by installing a completely unknown binary blob into their motherboard firmware. :(
  • falkensmaze66 a day ago

    I do understand your point, it might have been better to include the actual process of doing it, but what is done is done.

    I did add the article link that I used to modify the blob itself at the bottom, so anyone more technical should be able to accomplish the same thing I did by modifying it them themselves.

    • justinclift a day ago

      > ... but what is done is done.

      Ahhh. So the article is finished and can't be changed. No worries.

      > I did add ...

      Huh? You just indicated you couldn't change it... but then you did?


      • falkensmaze66 19 hours ago

        What I mean is I haven't documented the process and meanwhile I was cleaning my Downloads folder which meant I've deleted the files I've used to modify the BIOS. The link for the guide was there from the start.

        There is no need for passive aggressiveness.

        Thanks :)

yakbone81 2 days ago

I've done similar on a Supermicro X10SLL-F, though there is one hiccup. After the mod if the motherboard has anything connected to the PCIE slots, the motherboard will boot itself up. So shutting down the machine in an emergency requires me to be there in person as it will just restart itself. Doh!

  • falkensmaze66 a day ago

    Doesn't Supermicro X10SLL-F have an IPMI interface to do it remotely? I didn't encounter the issue you had.

RCitronsBroker 2 days ago

that reminds me of re-flashing a modded BIOS on my x230 thinkpad to remove their stupid battery and expansion card lock. Spent hours on semi-Russian speaking message boards and fiddling with Pomona clips to get that one working.