jappgar 3 days ago

Unless you're putting money down today the model doesn't mean anything.

Predicting the past isn't the same thing as predicting the future. You can train a model or compose an algorithm that fits existing data but that doesn't necessarily mean it has predictive power far into the future.

clipsy 3 days ago

Wait, what were they basing the previous model on?!

  • defrost 3 days ago

    ENSO events are inherently chaotic, one of those pendulums that are known to swing back and forth but difficult to predict exactly when.

    In times well past there was a certain degree of divination that looked at accumulated patterns and made guesses that worked more often than not in the short term (less than a year in advance.

    Then came "black box" non physics based methods:

        Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have pushed these boundaries, achieving accurate predictions up to 16–18 months in advance. However, the "black box" nature of AI models has precluded attribution of this accuracy to specific physical processes.
        Not being able to explain the source of the predictability in the AI models results in low confidence that these predictions will be successful for future events as the Earth continues to warm, changing the currents in the oceans and atmosphere.
    and now:

        "Unlike the 'black box' nature of AI models, our XRO model offers a transparent view into the mechanisms of the equatorial Pacific recharge-discharge physics and its interactions with other climate patterns outside of tropical Pacific," explained Fei-Fei Jin, the corresponding author and professor of atmospheric sciences in SOEST.
       "The initial states of the extratropical Pacific, tropical Indian Ocean, and Atlantic enhance ENSO predictability in distinct seasons. For the first time, we are able to robustly quantify their impact on ENSO predictability, thus deepening our knowledge of ENSO physics and its sources of predictability."
    Still getting 18 month predictions, but now with a delicious senses of likely understanding why.
    • ummonk 3 days ago

      Yet another example of people blaming chaos when it’s not the relevant limiting factor. If chaotic behavior manifested at a sufficient level on the 18 month time scale to preclude forecasting El Niño, neither the back of AI models nor the new improved physics-based model would be capable of making such predictions.

      • defrost 3 days ago

        Chaos comes in degrees, people still catch tumbling tennis rackets despite the Dzhanibekov Effect | intermediate axis theorem.

        Not every horseshoe map is folded to infinity and beyond. Creeks flow predictably enough and yet still contain turbulent vortexes.

        Dynamic systems aren't an all or nothing proposition wrt chaos, there are often contained embeddings an portions that are difficult to predict but not impossible subject to error bounds.

      • zer00eyz 3 days ago

        > Yet another example of people blaming chaos

        This isn't how this works, at all.

        We are talking about large scale systems on long timelines that have massive momentum and energy. Predicting something 18 months out isn't hard (Florida will have a hurricane in the next 18 months).

        Predicting "will crops get enough water in the mid west in any given year" is impossible because of "chaos" because of complexity.

        This result is not surprising to any one who pays attention to how the math for these systems works.

        • ummonk 2 days ago

          Precisely the point. Chaos wasn't impactful on the relevant timescale for large scale dynamics like El Nino, and shouldn't be blamed for our previous inability to predict beyond 12 months.

  • counters 3 days ago

    We use a mixture of physical and statistical models to forecast ENSO, including physical models of varying degrees of complexity.

    A long-standing challenge has been for these models to exhibit reliable skill at lead-times beyond ~6-12 months, especially when forecasts are initialized in the early Spring. Data-driven models ("AI" or "machine learning") seemed to break through this barrier a bit, but what's notable about this paper is that a physical model with a new underlying mechanism seems to catch up a bit.

  • smittywerben 3 days ago

    It appears to be an arms race between physics based models vs machine learning models.

  • ummonk 3 days ago

    Current SOTA (which this is apparently matching) is AI based.

SoftTalker 3 days ago

Meanwhile it's still basically a coin flip if it's going to rain tomorrow.

  • mc32 3 days ago

    Better than a coin flip is tomorrow’s weather is going to be roughly like today’s weather.

  • AngryData 2 days ago

    That hasn't been my experience these days, however I do use meteograms which are far better at describing the weather conditions than the basic weather spiel stating highs and lows and whether it will rain or not.

  • xbmcuser 3 days ago

    That's not true anymore it depends on number crunching ability and willingness to spend money. Most countries are not willing to spend the money for granular details for a small towns or cities weather