Show HN: I made an AI-digested news to help you survive information overload

6 points by galilez 2 days ago

Hi HN,

I made an AI-digested news platform called Tailored News to help people efficiently consume content in today’s information-overloaded world. Our platform uses AI to curate and summarize the most important stories, providing concise insights and weekly audio briefings. This approach ensures that you stay informed without feeling overwhelmed.

Key Features:

- AI-Digested Content: We use AI to summarize news, highlight key points, and generate an audio version

- Full Context in a Nutshell: I created the Minimum Context Understanding (MCU) concept to provide brief context summaries for each piece of content, delivering a complete or most important understanding of long texts in just a few sentences.

- Comprehensive Summaries: More detailed summaries to give you in-depth understanding.

- Q&A Section: Questions and answers to help clarify key aspects of the news.

- Weekly Audio Briefings: Listen to concise summaries of the week’s top stories.

I’m looking forward to your feedback and any suggestions you might have!

animeshz916 21 hours ago

By any chance can you alter the news sources? Or you have the code public?

  • galilez 18 hours ago

    Hi animeshz916,

    Thank you for your message! Yes, it is definitely possible to alter the news sources. In fact, I'm considering adding a feature that allows readers to add their preferred sources. As for making the code public, it's not in the plans at the moment.

    Would you like to suggest any specific sources you'd like to see included?

    Thanks again for your input!