zdw 4 days ago

Also used in the nVidia Shield, which was a better device until the Android TV got forcefed a bunch of ads everywhere by Google.

  • RDaneel0livaw a day ago

    Man I used to absolutely love that device, until as you said Google killed it to death in terms of usability. Everything google touches these days just turns to garbage.

  • zeagle 4 days ago

    Hopefully we get a successor one day, maybe with the next switch iteration. I use my tube shield 2019 with jellyfin/prime/Disney with 4k Atmos HDR10/DV but man it is showing it's age.

    • jsiepkes 4 days ago

      Does the shield still get security updates? The last update from NVidia seems to be older than a year of I'm not mistaken?

      • zeagle 4 days ago

        I don't believe I've seen anything since then. Although for my purpose I'm not sure it matters: I use a small set of fixed apps from the play store, no browser, and isolated on a lan. Silly they still sell them new if end of life tho.

      • mistyvales 2 days ago

        It's running an old version of Android TV which doesn't fully support framerate switching either.