Show HN: We created the most comprehensive global sales tax/VAT/GST index

23 points by meowiecfe 3 days ago

Hey all, global sales tax compliance is one of those things that's not top of mind but can be an annoyance because sometimes you just can't get away with it when selling internationally.

We've been really frustrated with how sales tax tools out there usually only focus on one particular region (i.e. US states, Canada, and maybe Europe), even though there are like 260+ jurisdictions around the world each with their own sales tax, VAT, or GST rules pertaining to digital products.

So we made our own global sales tax index that covers virtually every jurisdiction you can think of, with updated information on B2B reverse charge mechanisms, general tax rates, as well as registration thresholds.

There is even a self-assessment feature where you can get a tailored assessment on where and when you need to charge and remit sales tax.

And of course, this is completely free - so feel free to play around!

Hope this is of use to at least some in the forum. Don't hesitate to comment with questions, and we'd appreciate any feedback!

tobeagram 2 days ago

Nice work collating all the tax data, how do you ensure that the tax data stays up to date? And is there any way you could add a filter for countries that are part of the VAT OSS scheme? As Europe doesn't necessarily mean part of VAT OSS.

  • meowiecfe 2 days ago

    Thanks! We keep track of changes on a monthly basis and update relevant information accordingly.

    Just to clarify, do you want a filter specifically to toggle between countries that are a part of the VAT OSS scheme and countries NOT in VAT OSS scheme?

    • tobeagram a day ago

      Oh nice, super helpful. For me being able to filter by countries that are part of the VAT OSS scheme, since many of us running SME’s submit the tax manually, and it’s helpful to have a SSOT for the VAT OSS rates.

      • meowiecfe a day ago

        That's good feedback! Can certainly add this filter as we have this data internally

  • kdeldycke a day ago

    They can scrap my CSV at:

    • meowiecfe a day ago

      Just took a look - this is a good csv no doubt, but looks like you're focused on countries with VAT and not those with GST, sales tax, and consumption tax right?

      • kdeldycke a day ago

        Yes you're right. It is not complete and had plan to fix all that a couple of years ago but put it on the back-burner. I'm still happy to merge PRs upstream from motivated contributors! :)