wkat4242 2 days ago

Hopefully this update also comes to ollama soon <3

So far I have to say I prefer llama3 for general interaction. It feels more natural. And this really is from all the big tech ones: llama3, phi3, gemma2, mistral, aya..

I really miss a bigger version of llama3 though. 8b is not using my gpu effectively. I could easily fit a 14b version but there isn't one. The next step up 70b is way too big.

  • marcyb5st 2 days ago

    Weird, I feel Gemma2 is overall better even if it doesn't follow instructions a bit more often than llama3.

    Luckily filtering out preambles like "Sure, let me help you with that" from primarily JSON/YAML answers is easy enough IMHO.

    • Filligree 2 days ago

      You can use a grammar to enforce the output being valid JSON.

      • luke-stanley 2 days ago

        Do you know any tools that enforce grammar or structure, that allow the use of general instructions (e.g., use 5 positive English words)? I believe I saw such a tool mentioned by Abetlen, although it wasn't their tool, but I can't seem to find it now. I've already checked LMQL, SGLang, Guidance, and Outlines. Thanks.

Havoc 2 days ago

Would be helpful if they label it meaningfully. V2 or whatever. Else it’s very hard to tell what is updated especial in quants

asabla 2 days ago

Huh, I wonder if the large improvement in understanding Java is heavily connected with understanding C# better?

I'm just guessing based on language similarities between the two

  • NicoJuicy 2 days ago

    I first learned Java at the time. C# after, but c# always felt way better regarding syntax ( I found it to be less bloated)

    • jiggawatts 2 days ago

      C# is basically a "Microsoft Java". They tried this already with J# and their own runtime, but then got sued and decided to make their own JVM but this time with blackjack... and hookers.

      • wongarsu 2 days ago

        Microsoft Java makes it sound likes it's an inferior clone. Rather C# is Java reinvented with the benefit of hindsight, and improved with new concepts and sound language design from there.

        Both languages have a too enterprisey ecosystem for my taste, but when given the choice between Java and C# I would take C# every time. Though modern Java certainly made efforts to catch up again.

      • seritools 2 days ago

        Blackjack, hookers, and reified generics!

      • baq 2 days ago

        C# for the first three or so major versions was more Microsoft Object Pascal With Braces than anything.

  • mitjam 2 days ago

    A prediction: Great LLM support will become a competitive advantage for programming languages in the future.

vessenes 2 days ago

Big improvements in coding support there; JSON generation and long code benchmarks look like big wins. Anyone here using Phi-3 for local code support right now?