illuminant 2 days ago

Those are your flagged entries. Some of my best are flagged. Someone who has responded at or under the flagged part can see it.

This strangely allows threads to go on which only a reducing number of viewers can see.

  • chippyty 2 days ago

    But it was just posted, and it never showed up on my phone. I suspect there is more to this and I'm having very bad feelings about HN Now.

chippyty 2 days ago

I believe this was my last interaction with this service. Thanks for hiding my contributions, i'm done.

chippyty 2 days ago
  • jgrahamc 2 days ago

    Doesn't surprise me that this was flagged. It's a video that doesn't have much content. I suspect it would not have been flagged if you'd captured the list of domains Firefox is connecting to and done some analysis on it. Otherwise it's just showing that Firefox connects to a bunch of stuff. Hard to know if that stuff is bad or not.

chippyty 2 days ago

I'm gonna comment next with the url i was trying to promote and see if others can see it too

chippyty 2 days ago

Please help me out here, otherwise i will have to think that HN is against free speech

  • illuminant 2 days ago

    Apparently it's a link aggregator and not a free speech micro blogging platform :/

    • chippyty 2 days ago

      A link aggregator that can decide which links to show. It wasn't anything controversial just a video showing unsolicited connections made by firefox, to support my theory that browsers developers contribute to mass surveillance.

  • pvg 2 days ago

    Just do what the faq suggests and email You're much more likely to get an answer there than here.

  • taylodl 2 days ago

    HN is a moderated discussion group that's intended to promote curious discourse. As such, community members may flag submissions and comments (if they have enough karma, and no, I don't remember how much karma you need for each). It's not perfect, but that's the intent. AFAIK, everybody has the ability to downvote. That's how moderation is done.

    You can learn more here:

  • krapp 2 days ago

    Hacker News is aggressively moderated, it's very much "quality over freedom" as far as speech goes. I don't know why people keep expecting it to be like 4chan, just because it has "hacker" in the title.

    • chippyty a day ago

      One thing is flagging (just like this), another thing is showing a different version of the site based on the user, the latter is scammy and is meant to give users the felling that their post is there (while it's not) but no one is looking at it.

      Showing a different website to users is something really nasty.