WalterBright 3 months ago

Back in the 1970s, I was told that somebody had written a FORTRAN compiler as a TECO macro just to prove it could be done.

(TECO means Text Editor Charactor Oriented, a line editor that had a macro capability. EDLIN was a line editor for MS-DOS.)

  • mhh__ 3 months ago

    Sometimes I worry that software, because you can do this, also let's you do similarly bizarre things obfuscated under a layer of complexity.

    Imagine a car company announcing they'd built a perfectly cuboidal car entirely out of (say) tungsten — it only does 3mph and is expensive but we value engineering time over performance!

timando 3 months ago

Can you use the ELVM backend to compile Emacs into Vim script?

  • zorrn 3 months ago

    An operating system inside a text editor inside an operating system maybe inside a vm inside another operating system. Wait I forgot nested virtualization.

INTPenis 3 months ago

It looks like they're just taking the entire eightcc compiler and stuffed into vim buffer memory.

  • rhysd 3 months ago

    No. It is a C compiler compiled to Vim script. So it is actually a C compiler written in Vim script.

    • munificent 3 months ago

      I think a more accurate way to describe it is that it's a C compiler written in C and then automatically transpiled to VimScript.

      No human hand-authored this giant pile of VimScript:

      • rhysd 3 months ago

        Yes. It is compiled to Vim script using ELVM[1]. Though the author of Vim script backend of ELVM is me :)


        • nequo 3 months ago

          That is very cool! So with ELVM one could put together a C compiler in TeX too? Or transpile Vim into Vim script to self-host it?

        • krick 3 months ago

          Cool. Why, though? I mean, it's not like this project has any practical value anyway, but wouldn't it be actually easier and more efficient to actually implement a C compiler in VimScript? Or is the vimscript ELVM backend the actual end-goal here, and C-compiler at question is basically just a proof that it works?

      • metadat 3 months ago

        Thanks, at first I thought someone had written it in vim script, then I inspected the README in detail and learned it's only transpiled from C to vim script, which is not particularly exciting or impressive compared to a human wielding such a degree of vim script fu.

      • gsuuon 3 months ago

        Ah - my impression went from 'this is pure masochism' to just 'this is slightly insane'.

    • flohofwoe 3 months ago

      I wonder how much faster a manually written C compiler in Vim script would be.

      The current code is essentially assembly instructions running as Vim script, this gotta be incredibly slow, probably not much faster than an x86 emulator written in Vim script:

      • actionfromafar 3 months ago

        Time for JIT-compiled vimscript, I guess? Why should Javascript have all the fun.

      • svlasov 3 months ago

        I wonder how much faster it would be if it was written in Vim9 script.

      • aghastnj 3 months ago

        There's only one way to find out, bubba! You're gonna have to write an x86 emulator in vimscript for us, and tell us how it compares...

flying_sheep 3 months ago

I'd love to use vim to compile vim lolz

  • queuebert 3 months ago

    I always suspected Emacs would achieve sentience before vim. Maybe I'll be wrong.

    • zelphirkalt 3 months ago

      The difference is, that with Vim script it will either happen unexpectedly or unexplicably, while in Elisp it will/might happen later, but will be in the realm of understandable things.

      • tambourine_man 3 months ago

        Just keep adding closing parenthesis to the end of the file. Eventually Emacs will greet you in HAL 9000 style.

riddley 3 months ago

Checkmate, athiests.