SPascareli13 3 days ago

That's 402Tbps. I don't know why the title uses this weird "402M Mbps".

  • ubutler 3 days ago

    Probably because the title of the article uses 402,000,000 Mbps and I think there’s a rule(?) on HN about not misrepresenting titles or rewording them too much, though I’d wager 402 Tbps is fair alteration.

  • coin 3 days ago

    It’s like those USB battery packs that advertise “20k mAh”. They clearly do not understand SI prefixes.

    • diath 3 days ago

      I'd wager it's the average person not understanding and the marketing team just appealing to them to make it less confusing, kind of like that third pounder story.

  • crmd 3 days ago

    It’s like how we still specify power plants in ‘thousands of megawatts’ instead of gigawatts, I assume because of the back to the future reference

mads 3 days ago

So 201 trillion baud with 4-QAM modulation..