Ask HN: Books on strategic military operations and politics

1 points by dm03514 3 days ago

Hello everyone, this is a bit of a compound question, but I think related in some ways:

Does anyone have good resources to learn about strategic military operations?

For example, why does Ukraine choose the targets it chooses? Any good resources on strategic military operations?

Related to this: does anyone have good resources on politics?

Like I imagine that many nato Countries could launch direct attacks into main Russian cities, but something politically keeps this from happening,

Could anyone suggest good Introductory readings to get more familiar with the concerns of politics during war time?

Sorry if this is gibberish, it’s hard for me to even figure out how to phrase the question.

To me, it seems like top levels of government and military are playing 4D chess, and I’d love to learn more about it!

Thank you

oriettaxx 3 days ago

Il Principe, by Macchiavelli

protomolecule 2 days ago

"many nato Countries could launch direct attacks into main Russian cities, but something politically keeps this from happening"

Like fear of 6000 nukes? Nothing was stopping them from attacking Serbian cities.