skybrian 3 months ago

For every sufficiently successful single-language ecosystem, there will be people trying to use a different language, turning it into a multi-language ecosystem.

Also, for every sufficiently successful multi-language ecosystem, there will be people trying to get it to support one more language.

j-r-d 3 months ago

Why though? Flutter was built for Dart and, while not my favourite language, it does that job very well. When the major drawback of all multi-platform frameworks tends to be performance, how does using a much slower, non-compiled language improve things?

  • skybrian 3 months ago

    There are lots of Python libraries out there. There might be some with no Dart equivalent?

    But if you don’t care about using them, maybe it’s not that compelling.

hgyjnbdet 3 months ago

I have some confusion how a dynamically typed interpreted language that allows nulls interfaces with something that expects types, null safety, and ultimately is compiled.

bozhark 3 months ago

“View via iOS Flet app” is not “enables developers to easily build realtime web, _mobile_ and desktop apps in Python.”

  • wffurr 3 months ago

    I think that is poorly worded. Reading the docs (, much like Flutter, this compiles to an IPA for your own app that you can deploy.

    I think they are referring to the Flet app shell that is the native shim for Flutter and Python.

jdthedisciple 3 months ago


  • PrivateButts 3 months ago

    Probs less of a don't use dart motivation and more of a "here's another option if you're a python dev". Especially since nobody seems in love with the current state of desktop UI frameworks for Python.

    Also potentially a move to make Flutter more of a cross language standard for interfaces to oppose electron?

  • croes 3 months ago

    It doesn't matter if it's any easy language, a new language to learn is a new language to learn.

    Same reason why NodeJs exists, you can use what you already know.

    • jwells89 3 months ago

      Not just new language to learn, but also new toolchain to become familiar with and library ecosystem to get a grip on. Longtime devs of any language have a grab bag of go-to tools and libraries for a variety of situations and it’s not fun to have to give that all up.

      It’s really in the best interest for any UI toolkit project with goals of mass adoption to be as language agnostic as is reasonably possible, or at minimum reasonable to write C bindings for so the community can then build their own bindings to other languages without too much fuss. A lot of devs aren’t going to switch languages for a UI toolkit unless it checks every box imaginable — think something as capable as AppKit/UIKit or Qt Widgets — and most newer UI toolkits (including Flutter) don’t come anywhere close to that.

  • zem 3 months ago

    you have a large app using a bunch of python libraries and now you want to add a GUI to it and you like flutter. what, e.g., is the dart equivalent of networkx?

vouaobrasil 3 months ago

All these multi-platform kits are getting fatiguing. Electron, sciter, neutralino, proton native...there are hundreds of others, and now Flet. Reminds me of the Google/Apple app stores, where there are 100+ solutions for the same problem, and all of them suck.

I wonder if we really did a good thing by building this "app culture" where everything needs a little "app" as a way of extracting a little more money from people. Although "app" means application, the word "app" is apt because it signifies the commercialization of applications into advertisements-as-a-program, in the same way that YouTube transformed videos into advertisements-as-a-video.

What a mess.

  • brigadier132 3 months ago

    All of the good things you know came from a sea of bad things. There does not exist a world where only "perfectly designed" products and tools exist.

    • vouaobrasil 3 months ago

      But your statement is presupposing a world where the "sea of bad things to good things" has no flexibility in how it works. I am proposing that the current method where software is developed to go after microprofits through advertising and trivial functionality, and on a closed, corporation run platform, IS A BAD THING.

      • brigadier132 3 months ago

        Your comment has gone on a complete tangent that makes 0 sense. This is open source software. People decided to build this and give it away for free.

        • vouaobrasil 3 months ago

          I disagree. Every time someone contributes to something, it evolves the ecosystem that in turn molds the social atmosphere around it. And I was more referring to our support of Apple and Google that in turn created the system that supports so many app frameworks.

  • exe34 3 months ago

    my issue with these hacks is that the moment you want to do something not already implemented, you have to now learn not only how to do it on the original platform but also figure out how to hack it into the hack. e.g. keep screen on, Bluetooth, gps, etc.