What are strategies for achieving consistent productivity?

3 points by athrow 3 months ago

I have fairly regular bouts of attention deficit filled with youtube, games, in-depth research of mostly useless things. These episodes could last a couple of weeks. After that I typically have a couple of weeks of productive work - working much longer hours that I should, researching useful things, pushing work project forward and over-delivering. For every two inattentive weeks I typically get a one week over attentive time. I work with smart people of challenging things but this hasn't impacted my career - I still get good reviews as my output during productive weeks compensates for the non-productive weeks. This isn't a question on how to survive my 9-5 but how to achieve top performance. I've been diagnosed with adhd and would like to try alternatives to drugs.

TheRealGL 3 months ago

Accept that you're human, accept the ebb and flow. Recognise when you're in your productive mode, use it. When you're not, don't beat yourself up, do the lighter side of what you need to do. Take your foot off the accelerator and just be. When you stop trying to control yourself like a machine, you'll start to win.