fabian2k 11 hours ago

It's a self-selected group of people that have already shown to believe all kinds of outrageous lies. So of course they're an ideal target for scams.

  • tjpnz 11 hours ago

    QAnon and alike has made some fantastically wealthy.

  • blackeyeblitzar 11 hours ago


    • electrondood 11 hours ago

      "They're eating the dogs. They're eating the cats."

      Please don't try to equivocate.

      • 23B1 11 hours ago

        "This side lies more than that side" is the biggest lie both 'sides' tell you

        • rsynnott 2 hours ago

          I mean, even if it were true that both sides lie exactly as much as each other (and, well, why should it be? That’d be rather surprising), certainly one side has the more _obvious_ lies, and will thus appeal to more gullible people. Anyone who thinks that cat on toast is a thing is an extremely ripe target for scammers.

      • blackeyeblitzar 11 hours ago

        You don’t need to look that far to find outrageous lies that people believe on the other side. There are numerous examples from COVID, BLM, illegal immigration, etc. Painting one side as gullible with this recent history is just a self serving elitist narrative.

rsynnott 2 hours ago

Well, yeah, I mean, what would you expect? It’s, well, it tends to select for the stupider section of the population. And on top of that, the _older_ section of the population. And, y’know, it’s probably about as well run as his other ventures (the CEO is the guy who’s best-known for suing an imaginary cow), so will struggle to control this sort of thing. More or less a perfect storm, really, scam-wise.

electrondood 11 hours ago

> Truth Social seems to be a target-rich environment for people who are easy to con.

Yes, yes indeed.

yunohn 7 hours ago

Honestly, some of these stories are so saddening to read - because I am certain that such scammers are looting anyone they can, regardless of their political affiliation. This article is about Truth Social, but I’ve read similar ones about Facebook, Whatsapp, and Telegram.

We can scoff at the victims’ actions despite “obvious” red flags, but with the quality of AI faking we have now, it’ll only get worse. Could be your grand/parents any day now throwing away your potential inheritance to a scammer…