GPD Pocket 4, 8.8-inch Modular Full-featured Handheld AI PC 4 points by adamfaliq 14 hours ago
ganoushoreilly 14 hours ago I like the GPD devices but they are all over with questionable copy in this."Apple Unibody design" and using the actual apple logo.. not sure I get it. ClassyJacket 13 hours ago That screams cheap and nasty to me. They should definitely remove it. mouse_ 13 hours ago As someone who has owned one, I do not like the GPD devices. adamfaliq 13 hours ago Which device and why tho
mouse_ 13 hours ago As someone who has owned one, I do not like the GPD devices. adamfaliq 13 hours ago Which device and why tho
I like the GPD devices but they are all over with questionable copy in this.
"Apple Unibody design" and using the actual apple logo.. not sure I get it.
That screams cheap and nasty to me. They should definitely remove it.
As someone who has owned one, I do not like the GPD devices.
Which device and why tho