birdiesanders 14 hours ago

I have been using the Quest 3 for work for a month and a half now, daily driving it as a trio of monitors for 6-10 hours a day. So far, no major complaints, but maybe we should start wanting for focus distance adjustment, 4 foot may not be ideal all day. I’d like to be able to bring focus in a few inches and out a foot, so that I can at least vary where my eyes are sitting all day, but outside of that I am very excited for whatever the quest 4 will be, because that will likely be a big enough leap from where we are now to be compelling for even more general usage as a computer instead of an “interface” device like they are now.

kridsdale1 15 hours ago

If OP were willing to drop $3500, they’d see another phase change. The Vision Pro does pass though and SLAM nearly perfectly and the resolution and brightness of native content are better than I can see with my 20:12 LASIK-ed eyes.

  • benwad 15 hours ago

    Does the Vision Pro support SteamVR or OpenXR or anything for games? Because if not then it's not really competing with the Quest 3. I only use my Quest 3 for games, and the Vision Pro's selling point seems to be as a way of looking at really big spreadsheets. The passthrough does look impressive though.

    • kridsdale1 14 hours ago

      Games need to be recompiled for it, but several such as Beat Saber have been.

      If they’re on Unity or Unreal Engine, etc, I hear it’s trivial.

      And the killer app is video, not spreadsheets, though I’m sure it’s the best headset for that if that is your jam.

      The movie watching on it is better than my 65 inch OLED tv.

    • Saris 10 hours ago

      Yeah I think this is probably part of the reason it's not doing well, the price being the other side of things. There was no effort done to integrate with SteamVR at all that I've read about.