
...joined 15 years ago, and has 430 karma

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Now at Daily, Co.

Former CEO of callstats.io, acquired by 8x8. Used to be at Nokia, stmicroelectronics, LG electronics.

Community building at aaltoes, slush.

Ph.D. in Multimedia Networks and Economics. Mainly, congestion control for interactive multimedia communication.

Author of WebRTC Statistics API. And several internet RFCs.

Author and developer of Multipath RTP and RTP Overlays.

Google Scholar: http://bit.ly/vr000m_scholar IETF stuff: http://www.arkko.com/tools/allstats/varunsingh.html

[my public key: https://keybase.io/vr000m; my proof: https://keybase.io/vr000m/sigs/4gtzSDNnax2YYLeuCZ3I8Ck9dy-HE6NRn3ePYetW6OM ]